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News and Comment Index 2016

Index: 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025

Click subject title to read relevant comment
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

December 2016

31 December - 2016 goes out with a bang

24 December - The inevitable response to a malicious allegation

22 December (Part 2) - Oh the irony!

22 December (Part 1)- Has BiB been harassing the Masseys? It’s an official “No”

19 December - Things are hotting up both at home and for Bexley police

16 December - Happy 2017? Probably not

13 December - Fortress Bexley

12 December - Behave yourself

11 December - Weekend ramble

10 December - Councillors are not fans of the Bexley Heritage Trust and no one at all likes Thames Water

9 December (Part 2) - From roses to horse manure

9 December (Part 1) - Everything’s coming up roses

7 December - More railway news. Crossrail’s quarterly report to residents

5 December - Absent without leave?

1 December - Abbey Wood. Struggling on in spite of Crossrail

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November 2016

30 November - Fatties

27 November - It’s quiet around here

24 November - It’s all rubbish

23 November - Lying again. Read all about it

22 November (Part 2) - Southwark bridge

22 November (Part 1) - Who’s the real tosser?

21 November (Part 2) - You read it here first

21 November (Part 1) - £2·5 million written off in ten minutes

20 November (Part 2) - Bexley Council. Blind and deaf. Definitely dumb

20 November (Part 1) - Welcome to Abbey Wood Village

19 November - Joined up thinking on rail and road

18 November (Part 2) - 19 parks reprieved. Eight face the bulldozers

18 November (Part 1) - Lights out in Bexley

17 November (Part 2) - Press Releases re-released

17 November (Part 1) - Splashing political mud around the Beach

16 November - Belvedere Beach is due to make a Splash. Four more parks sacrificed

15 November - Another opening. Probably not by the Mayor!

14 November - The gravy train returns to Bexley

13 November (Part 2) - Every picture tells a story

13 November (Part 1) - Keep your eyes on the road

12 November - This Website

10 November - Cray and cake. Bridges and biscuits

9 November - Councillors last in the queue - for cuts!

8 November - The Leader’s Report

7 November - Six little ones

6 November - Planning? You’d be better off with a crystal ball

5 November (Part 2) - Bexonomics

5 November (Part 1) - The charade that is Councillors’ questions

4 November (Part 2) - Be sure your sins will find you out

4 November (Part 1) - Bexley Tories are liars. No doubt about it

3 November (Part 2) - The day that democracy died

3 November (Part 1) - Bexley set to become the most expensive place to live in the country

2 November - Abbey Wood to connect to Heathrow and Luton but no way to Lewisham. Mad

1 November - No Trust in Bexley

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October 2016

31 October - Undeliverable. Nothing to see here

30 October (Part 2) - Bexley Council. Endemic lying keeps the cash tills ringing

30 October (Part 1) - The regular Crossrail update

29 October (Part 2) - Thamesmead South proposals. Some extra detail

29 October (Part 1) - Paranoia. Setting the record straight

28 October (Part 2) - Coralline, Sedgemere and Binsey

28 October (Part 1) - Two rogues. Only one of them punished

27 October (Part 2) - Southmere Village transforming Tavy Bridge by late 2019

27 October (Part 1) - Delays everywhere

26 October (Part 2) - Running out of Resources. Early

26 October (Part 1) - It was Danny wot dun it

25 October (Part 3) - It’s a cross party love fest. Everyone likes Peabody

25 October (Part 2) - Two questions are better than one

25 October (Part 1) - Comms cons - and pros

24 October (Part 2) - Bexley. Where Council promises are worth nothing

24 October (Part 1) - Any excuse will do

23 October - The Tossers can’t get anything right

22 October - He reaps what he sowed. And complains about it

21 October - Five on a Friday

20 October (Part 2) - A big Occasion. Fame at last

20 October (Part 1) - Bins, Bridges and Broadband

19 October (Part 2) - Wilton Road regeneration plans revealed at the 11th hour

19 October (Part 1) - Bexley Councillor wants a law against lying. You couldn’t make it up

18 October - Decision making in Bexley. Deplorable

17 October (Part 2) - The long and the short of it

17 October (Part 1) - It takes one to know one

16 October (Part 3) - Deaf as posts v thick as planks

16 October (Part 2) - Lesnes Abbey and Crossrail

16 October (Part 1) - Bexley Parking Services Report

15 October - Saturday Miscellany

14 October - Regeneration Update

13 October (Part 2) - The Misconduct Committee seeks a more compliant Independent Person

13 October (Part 1) - Cabinet. Some new numbers on an old story

12 October - Four Council meetings in a week but nothing much to report

11 October (Part 2) - Four park sales voted through, none debated

11 October (Part 1) - Gill Steward. Skilled in the art of trivia management

10 October (Part 2) - Utterly bonkers

10 October (Part 1) - Shifting the legal goalposts

9 October - Keep away from Welling. Bexley Council has turned it into a no-go area

8 October - Caught in the act - twice

7 October - Congratulations Jeff!

6 October - Behave yourself

5 October - Why did the bin man cross the road?

4 October - Khan do

3 October - The establishment fights dirty

2 October - Goodbye to Scabby Wood

1 October (Part 2) - Bah Steward

1 October (Part 1) - Greed and desecration (Repeated)

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September 2016

30 September - Greed and desecration

29 September - Sooner or later…

28 September - Deep into enemy territory

27 September - Building a Better Bexley. Ha ha!

26 September - Hypocrites all

25 September - Here we go round the Mulberry Bush

24 September (Part 2) - Bexley’s guidance on where you can sit and where you can’t

24 September (Part 1) - Here you can’t but there you can

23 September - Both as bad as each other

22 September - The meeting that nearly wasn’t

21 September - Another collection of the trivial and the not so trivial

20 September - The Bexley Buffoon has been struck dumb. Maybe she always was

19 September - Blog titles can be misleading. So let’s not have one

18 June (Part 3) - Blakedown breakdown

18 September - Cross with Crossrail? Yes, very!

17 September - Maxine Fothergill is innocent, OK?

16 September - Crossrail may mean fewer trains serve Bexley borough

15 September (Part 2) - Delayed traffic report

15 September (Part 1) - The Bexley Buffoon is lost for words

14 September (Part 2) - Crossrail likely to generate a Thamesmead Tax and a Lesnes Levy on residents

14 September (Part 1) - Let there be light

13 September (Part 3) - See you in Court

13 September (Part 2) - Crime doesn’t pay

13 September (Part 1) - Is it still the silly season?

12 September - Train troubles. Network Rail robs householders of their fences and doesn’t care

9 September - What did Sidcup do to deserve this?

8 September - Cross with Crossrail? Lots are

7 September - Forum or against ’em?

5 September (Part 2) - If you see YD65 OKO, steer well clear. Foul mouthed lunatic at the wheel

5 September (Part 1) - It’s not only Bexley Council that is Bonkers

4 September - Lesnes Abbey regeneration and Southeastern trains both going nowhere fast

3 September - Bexley Conservatives are foul mouthed bullies

2 September - The peanut brained Gill Steward is wasting more of your money

1 September - Have we not seen enough chaos on the trains already this week?

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August 2016

30 August - It’s bin tax time again

29 August (Part 2) - Old Farm Park won’t lie down and fade away

29 August (Part 1) - Lesnes at a standstill again

27 August - It’s gone very quiet

25 August - Another set of expenses in prospect for keeping dirty secrets

24 August (Part 3) - It turned around and bit them on the bum

24 August (Part 2) - Alison Griffin is dragged further into Bexley’s culture of crookedness

24 August (Part 1) - An accident waiting to happen

23 August (Part 3) - And that’s your Charlotte!

23 August (Part 2) - Bexley Council behaves like idiots. You pay

23 August (Part 1) - Bexley Council. A pyramid built on lies

22 August (Part 2) - Full speed ahead and dead stop

22 August (Part 1) - Round 2 of Desk Wars

21 August (Part 2) - New Lesnes Abbey Visitor Centre nears completion while Abbey Wood station gets a new Platform 2

21 August (Part 1) - Gill Steward. “Just a professional pain in the arse”

20 August (Part 3) - Fly tipping. Whatever Bexley Council might say, it’s getting worse

20 August (Part 2) - Sad, Bad and Mad

20 August (Part 1) - They wanted the pub to close, now they are not so sure

19 August (Part 2) - Bexley appoints another failure

19 August (Part 1) - She’d sell her Granny, so long as she lived in the north of the borough

18 August (Part 3) - Small minded Chief Executive withdraws the Press Desk. Gives no reason

18 August (Part 2) - Bexley Council hopes to make money from dog mess

18 August (Part 1) - £1·7 million won’t go far

17 August (Part 2) - A not so Happy Birthday

17 August (Part 1) - Catching up with correspondence

16 August - Transforming the face of Abbey Wood Village

15 August - Steward of all she surveys

14 August - War on motorists extended

13 August - Bexley Council sticks by its disrepute decision

12 August - Another collection of oddments

10 August - Rewriting history

9 August - What Mr. Belvedere asked Mr. Rochester

7 August - Bexley Council reaps the harvest it sowed

6 August - Missing a trick?

3 August - Playing catch up

2 August - Public Transport running two weeks late

1 August - Move along please, nothing to see here

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July 2016

30 July - Next move; The Man with No Name

29 July (Part 2) - Ms. Gill Steward. Fame at last!

29 July (Part 1) - Oh dear! This looks nasty

28 July - Two places featuring old walls are rejuvenated

27 July - They make up their own rules and then ignore them when it suits

26 July - Objection overruled. Five times

25 July (Part 2) - Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

25 July (Part 1) - Teresa O’Neill lectures on “Porky Pies”. She’s an expert in the field

24 July (Part 2) - Stagnation v Coordination

24 July (Part 1) - Stewardship of Bexley is clearly devoid of common sense

23 July (Part 2) - It looks like the crooks are at it again

23 July (Part 1) - Mayor wrong footed when everyone agrees. Meeting descends into farce

22 July - Turning a blind eye to crime

21 July (Part 2) - And she started so well…

21 July (Part 1) - A Declaration of War?

20 July (Part 2) - Setting the record straight

20 July (Part 1) - Audit Committee in the dark

19 July - Hanging baskets. It seems like a good idea

18 July (Part 2) - Heads in the Nitrogen Dioxide clouds

18 July (Part 1) - Cuts are cut

17 July (Part 2) - Keep Bexley spotless. And spitless?

17 July (Part 1) - Excuses, excuses

16 July (Part 2) - No more Clockwork Oranges

16 July (Part 1) - Poor little rich girl

15 July (Part 2) - It’s all balderdash

15 July (Part 1) - Councillor Craske is crazy. The proof

14 July - The peasants are revolting

13 July - The law is dragging its feet. Political interference again?

12 July (Part 2) - Bexley Council bows to the inevitable and accepts that Crossrail cannot be stopped

12 July (Part 1) - Council tax up by 12·5% by 2019

11 July (Part 2) - A taste of things to come

11 July (Part 1) - The really nasty party

10 July (Part 3) - It’s all kicking off

10 July (Part 2) - 18 months to build a simple glass box. 18 months to build a major transport hub

10 July (Part 1) - Spoilt for choice

8 July (Part 2) - Bexley Council is hiding something again

8 July (Part 1) - The Fatal Flaws

7 July (Part 2) - Hunting down the few interesting bits

7 July (Part 1) - Bee is for Bankrupt Bexley

6 July - How low can they go?

5 July - Another broken promise

4 July - Teflon Don

3 July - Tempers are running high

1 July (Part 2) - Bexley borough. Getting dimmer?

1 July (Part 1) - Conservatives win St. Michael’s with 37% of the votes cast

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June 2016

30 June - Don’t give Teresa O’Neill more power today

29 June (Part 2) - Yellow lines proliferate

29 June (Part 1) - And about time too

28 June - Advantage, Bexley Council. No love for residents

26 June (Part 2) - Land forgotten and land forfeited

26 June (Part 1) - Bexley the Black Bag Borough

25 June - Passions run high

24 June (Part 2) - No peace for the wicked

24 June (Part 1) - It was the blog wot dun it!

23 June (Part 5) - Crossrail. No longer a good news story

23 June (Part 4) - Postscripts and updates

23 June (Part 3) - Forty years of Bexley Council neglect

23 June (Part 2) - Abbey Wood Village. Open for business

23 June (Part 1) - One day of respite. Make the most of it

22 June (Part 3) - Bexley Vandals

22 June (Part 2) - Mrs. Marmite

22 June (Part 1) - Thanks Maxine

21 June (Part 4) - Jumping ship and the burning question

21 June (Part 3) - Up half the night

21 June (Part 2) - Hosing your money away

21 June (Part 1) - OUT in Belvedere. Not the best of puns Anna

20 June (Part 4) - It’s a jungle out there

20 June (Part 3) - Countdown to carnage

20 June (Part 2) - Snatching children out of Broadway

20 June (Part 1) - The Masseys. A little more of the truth emerges

19 June (Part 6) - Anna knocks the PM. Brave lady

19 June (Part 5) - In Bexley, don’t go out without a jam jar or bottle

19 June (Part 4) - Councillor Massey, festival terminator

19 June (Part 3) - Bexley Council, tormenting bus drivers every day

19 June (Part 2) - Running late again

19 June (Part 1) - Give with one hand, slap down with the other

18 June (Part 3) - Blakedown breakdown

18 June (Part 2) - Firth holds forth

18 June (Part 1) - Are the plans for Lesnes Abbey lying in ruins?

17 June (Part 2) - The School Board Man is back - and not before time

17 June (Part 1) - Toe the yellow line and bring Bexley to a halt

16 June (Part 2) - They are all made in the same mould

16 June (Part 1) - By not universally popular request

15 June (Part 2) - It’s not over until it is over

15 June (Part 1) - Farage’s Fishing Flotilla

14 June (Part 2) - Nigel Farage takes Bexleyheath by storm

14 June (Part 1) - A fine mess they’ve got themselves into

13 June (Part 4) - Brexitheath plays host to the Chief Brexiteer

13 June (Part 3) - Some fat behinds need a good kicking

13 June (Part 2) - Shutting the stable door far too late

13 June (Part 1) - Yellow Fever

12 June (Part 2) - While Crossrail battles the rain, Bexley takes a long break

12 June (Part 1) - They are after your money in Bexleyheath

11 June (Part 2) - Just what do they think they are playing at?

11 June (Part 1) - All at time and a half too!

10 June (Part 2) - I wouldn’t put it past the blighters

10 June (Part 1) - Cuts lead to no cutting

9 June (Part 3) - Curiouser and curiouser

9 June (Part 2) - Peace in our time?

9 June (Part 1) - People are starting to notice

8 June (Part 2) - One small step at a time, the Tories are closing Bexley down

8 June (Part 1) - Caught between a rock and a hard place

7 June (Part 2) - The Masseys complained. See how quickly the police jumped

7 June (Part 1) - The unacceptable meets the unavoidable at Abbey Wood

6 June (Part 3) - No one likes us, we don’t care. Make them

6 June (Part 2) - Crossrail closes Costcutter

6 June (Part 1) - Bexleyheath set to be a ghost town run by ghouls

5 June - The weekend waffle - again

4 June (Part 3) - Can you polish the absurd?

4 June (Part 2) - Crossrail continues to create chaos

4 June (Part 1) - Last orders

2 June - Another rushed job. The blog that is

1 June (Part 3) - Cabbie politics

1 June (Part 2) - Penny wise, pound foolish

1 June (Part 1) - Someone has to do it

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May 2016

31 May - The EU and the Masseys make things messy

30 May - Spot the difference

28 May - This is what you pay your taxes for

27 May - Getting away from it all

26 May - The signs of things to come

25 May (Part 3) - Murky goings on in Bexley. Who wrote what?

25 May (Part 2) - South East London grinds to a halt and Bexley Council grinds motorists down

25 May (Part 1) - NU61 YML and CP57 MKF

24 May (Part 2) - To Ward’s more parking madness

24 May (Part 1) - Another long winded quest for the truth

23 May (Part 2) - The Bexley villagers will be celebrating

23 May (Part 1) - The opening skirmishes

22 May (Part 2) - Ridiculous and silly abuse of the law says Society of Editors

22 May (Part 1) - Council meeting 18th May - the serious bits

21 May (Part 2) - A tribute to Olly Cromwell

21 May (Part 1) - Weekend miscellany

20 May (Part 2) - Here we go again

20 May (Part 1) - Friday filler

19 May (Part 2) - It’s Party time

19 May (Part 1) - Whatever was she thinking of?

18 May (Part 3) - Officially not listed

18 May (Part 2) - Officially gone

18 May (Part 1) - It’s chaotic by design

17 May - Dividing the spoils

16 May - To Bexley Council openness is an anathema

15 May - Another two weeks of Crossrail pictures

14 May - Typical Bexley

13 May (Part 2) - HMOs. Thanks to Bexley Council it could be your turn next

13 May (Part 1) - Apparently it is true

12 May - Is Bexley so badly run that even the Councillors run away?

11 May - No way in. Send for Noah!

10 May (Part 2) - It pays to be vague

10 May (Part 1) - Mind how you go

9 May - By special request…

8 May - No more CCTV

6 May (Part 2) - Road planning idiots running amok again

6 May (Part 1) - Crawling up the greasy pole sniffing out more truffles

4 May - Cray, Crooks, Cloisters and Crossrail

3 May - You simply cannot trust Bexley Tories

2 May (Part 2) - Painfully slow progress in Lesnes Abbey Park but should be worth the wait

2 May (Part 1) - Contrast and compare

1 May - It gets worse

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April 2016

30 April - The Nail Tax explained

29 April (Part 3) - Abbey Wood becomes a ghost town for another three days (†)

29 April (Part 2) - Sorely missed

29 April (Part 1) - A licence to print money

28 April - Another stealth tax by Bexley Council

27 April - Behind the portcullis

26 April - Bexley has a new ‘Comedian’ in the Village

25 April (Part 3) - I caught one at last

25 April (Part 2) - And for my next trick…

25 April (Part 1) - Bad news for Bexley

24 April (Part 2) - Lesnes Abbey. Coming along nicely

24 April (Part 1) - Selling the silver - Knock out Round 3

23 April (Part 2) - Teresa O’Neill’s plan hits the buffers

23 April (Part 1) - Selling the silver - Round 2

22 April (Part 3) - Wilde inconsistency

22 April (Part 2) - Why did they bother?

22 April (Part 1) - Fine by me

21 April (Part 3) - The proposer and seconder of park sales repeat their “exhausted” stories

21 April (Part 2) - Another privatisation in Bexley

21 April (Part 1) - Whittle jets in

20 April (Part 2) - Critics who go around with their eyes shut

20 April (Part 1) - History repeating itself?

19 April - Two northern eyesores

17 April (Part 3) - Abbey Wood station is changing fast

17 April (Part 2) - Open cast mining on Heron Hill

17 April (Part 1) - Selling assets doesn’t solve problems. © Don Massey

15 April (Part 2) - Red versus blue on the green

15 April (Part 1) - Bexley’s unfair refuse disposal services

14 April - It was “a done deal”

13 April - Bexley. Sold to the highest bidder

12 April - Slowly but surely, Bexley as you know it disappears

10 April (Part 2) - Uncivil engineering in Heron Hill

10 April (Part 1) - Lesnes Abbey. Still lots to do

8 April - All aboard the gravy train

7 April - Trading on past glories?

6 April (Part 2) - What use are Bexley Council webcasts?

6 April (Part 1) - The Lady of Charlotte

5 April (Part 3) - The one thousand four hundred days wait

5 April (Part 2) - Piling on

5 April (Part 1) - It’s nuts in La La Land

4 April - It’s them and us

3 April (Part 2) - It would appear that Bexley Police are still primarily agents of their Council masters

3 April (Part 1) - Bexley Council leaves the lights off for five months. Network Rail steps in

2 April - Some Councillors do not make good neighbours

1 April (Part 3) - Don’t forget. No entry to Abbey Wood station from the north

1 April (Part 2) - Be afraid. Bexley Council is interested only in money

1 April (Part 1) - They are Judge and Jury when dealing with the public

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March 2016

31 March (Part 2) - Bexley’s Council Tax. Nothing to be proud of

31 March (Part 1) - They’ve got a lot of Bottle

30 March (Part 2) - Cobbles in Bexleyheath and cobblers in Erith

30 March (Part 1) - £120 million? That’ll do nicely

29 March - The contents and the discontents

28 March - Another look at Lesnes Abbey

27 March - 54 weeks in the planning

26 March - South Thamesmead Regeneration

25 March - The Code of Conduct Committee. All over in nine minutes

24 March (Part 2) - Harrow Manorway to get cycle tracks and bus lanes - probably

24 March (Part 1) - Old Farm Park. The Ides of March re-enacted

23 March - Public meetings are not a place for questions suggests Councillor Massey

22 March - Good questions and sometimes poor answers

21 March - The Wilde West

20 March (Part 2) - The Lesnes Abbey update

20 March (Part 1) - The Crossrail update

19 March - Saying one thing, doing another. Another green space protest in prospect

18 March (Part 2) - Procedures. It’s not cricket

18 March (Part 1) - Brighter, cleaner, fairer and cheaper?

17 March - Listening to you working for you. Its author says it’s become a mockery (in this context)

16 March - Nothing but complaints

15 March (Part 2) - Old Farm Park is the biggest victim of Bexley’s cuts so far

15 March (Part 1) - 90% say Teresa O’Neill was wrong

14 March (Part 2) - General sell off

14 March (Part 1) - To the relief of parents everywhere - except Sunderland

13 March - A slow week in Belvedere and Abbey Wood

12 March (Part 2) - Bexley Village misery extended by four weeks

12 March (Part 1) - Erith. Suddenly there is loadsa money!

10 March - Live in Bexley Village for the quiet life

9 March - They are generous with other people’s money

8 March - Choose the simple option. Assume it’s a lie, it usually is

7 March - Bexley massively increases its Council Tax base

6 March (Part 2) - The metamorphosis of Lesnes Abbey park continues

6 March (Part 1) - The fortnightly Crossrail update

5 March - The Mayor complains about mudslinging but not often enough

4 March (Part 2) - The plan for less litter and fewer allowances is a non-starter in Bexley

4 March (Part 1) - Labour is “beggared” again

3 March (Part 2) - Sucking Wilton Road dry

3 March (Part 1) - Pay peanuts, get a monkey?

2 March (Part 2) - Vote UKIP get Tory

2 March (Part 1) - Drop Bexley Council in it if you can

1 March - Broadway it is not right now

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February 2016

29 February - Big boots may be filled. Almost literally

28 February (Part 2) - It will all come right in the end. Won’t it?

28 February (Part 1) - Enjoy the nine mile (return) detour

27 February - The view from inside

26 February - Vote for Councillor Rob Leitch

25 February (Part 4) - Another debate with an outcome fixed in advance

25 February (Part 3) - The money boomerang

25 February (Part 2) - Hazard by design

25 February (Part 1) - Chaos by design

24 February (Part 3) - Broadway cracking on

24 February (Part 2) - Where are they now?

24 February (Part 1) - Here we go again

23 February (Part 2) - Tax will be going up by 1·83%

23 February (Part 1) - Belvedere Splash Park evaporates

22 February - One for the train spotters

21 February (Part 2) - Open park surgery

21 February (Part 1) - One amazing job and a not so amazing ‘black hole’

20 February - Get rich quick. Set up a staff recruitment agency

19 February - Giving with one hand…

18 February (Part 3) - Cabinet Member says operating honestly will be very expensive and may not be useful

18 February (Part 2) - Councillor Fothergill. No progress

18 February (Part 1) - Resources. Bexley’s digital future

17 February (Part 2) - Bexley’s finances. Dishonest? Certainly, but by their standards it isn’t a breach of the law

17 February (Part 1) - Pots and kettles. The hostilities continue

16 February - Built on the foundations of low cunning (and deteriorating services)

15 February - Another playground for Belvedere. Totally water free

14 February - Mud, sand and York stone

13 February (Part 2) - Not another complaint!

13 February (Part 1) - Tales from “the Nut House”

12 February (Part 3) - No full weekend of trains from Abbey Wood until after Easter

12 February (Part 2) - Not held, held but exempt. It all gets too confusing

12 February (Part 1) - Places. Mainly good but some cracks appearing

11 February (Part 2) - People scrutinised by committee

11 February (Part 1) - Curiouser and curiouser

10 February (Part 3) - You’ve got to pick a pocket or two

10 February (Part 2) - Boundaries Commission. Their proposals for Bexley

10 February (Part 1) - Belvedere Splash Park. The plug is pulled

9 February - Bexley Council. Perceived to be self-serving liars

8 February - General Purpose report. Generally dull

7 February (Part 4) - Cheque checked

7 February (Part 3) - Any old iron?

7 February (Part 2) - The Wilton Wall

7 February (Part 1) - Chairman Cheryl can’t confirm comments. Complaint composed

6 February (Part 2) - Ignorance is bliss

6 February (Part 1) - Cabinet cuts go deeper

5 February (Part 4) - Girl power gone to their heads

5 February (Part 3) - Girl power

5 February (Part 2) - This website

5 February (Part 1) - A stay of execution

4 February - All legit

3 February (Part 2) - Remind you of anything?

3 February (Part 1) - Money before morality

2 February (Part 2) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 7

2 February (Part 1) - No ifs or buts. Tax up by 3·99%

1 February (Part 3) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 6

1 February (Part 2) - Council Tax up

1 February (Part 1) - Where is she now?

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January 2016

31 January (Part 2) - Mountains out of Molehills

31 January (Part 1) - The two weekly Crossrail photo album

30 January - Forget Old Farm, Bexley Council has closed Lesnes Abbey park

29 January (Part 4) - A stroke of luck

29 January (Part 3) - We’re saying nothing and we don’t like residents nosing into Council business

29 January (Part 2) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 5

29 January (Part 1) - Elsewhere it’s business as usual

28 January (Part 4) - I’m reviewing the situation

28 January (Part 3) - Where’s the crime?

28 January (Part 2) - Crime and misbehaviour pays

28 January (Part 1) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 4

27 January (Part 4) - Redesigning youth services

27 January (Part 3) - How the other half spends

27 January (Part 2) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 3

27 January (Part 1) - Where the other half lives

26 January - Fourteen FOIs

25 January (Part 3) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 2

25 January (Part 2) - The fence is too uncomfortable to be sat upon

25 January (Part 1) - Dragging Bexley through the mud

24 January (Part 4) - Child theft. Bexley Council doesn’t like the publicity

24 January (Part 3) - The ups and downs of supermarket shopping. Stannnarghh!

24 January (Part 2) - The no transport users’ weekend

24 January (Part 1) - The Transport Users’ Committee - Journey 1

23 January (Part 4) - Sleaze busted

23 January (Part 3) - An illegal erection

23 January (Part 2) - Take the scenic route

23 January (Part 1) - A crackpot hole

22 January (Part 3) - Commit fraud and few care but a power crazed Traffic Warden is a sensation

22 January (Part 2) - The power of one councillor

22 January (Part 1) - The power of the internet

21 January (Part 4) - This man is a complete and utter moron

21 January (Part 3) - All change please

21 January (Part 2) - Wilton Road. Caters for allcomers

21 January (Part 1) - Not a red light in sight

20 January (Part 2) - A transport of delight

20 January (Part 1) - Someone must know and could help secure justice

19 January (Part 4) - Not many hands to the pump as yet

19 January (Part 3) - Does this headline hold water?

19 January (Part 2) - Cracking on with Broadway Phase II

19 January (Part 1) - Trinity Square. Not what it was cracked up to be

18 January - Dodging the question, but was it dodgy dealing?

17 January - Abbey Wood station rises from the mud

16 January (Part 5) - Hiding their identities

16 January (Part 4) - Four councillors rolled out of a pub. Tipsy Tories

16 January (Part 3) - Well above average

16 January (Part 2) - Pricing themselves out of the market

16 January (Part 1) - Web Wars

15 January (Part 4) - Very fishy

15 January (Part 3) - Abandoning the poor to their fate

15 January (Part 2) - A new dual carriageway?

15 January (Part 1) - Heading for the buffers

14 January (Part 2) - An Englishman and an Irishman walked into a pub…

14 January (Part 1) - The future may not be bright

13 January (Part 2) - The more one hears the worse it looks

13 January (Part 1) - The wrong sort of advice

12 January (Part 2) - No priority for priors and monks

12 January (Part 1) - They will not know

11 January - A transparency request. Naive or not? Time will tell

9 January - Biggest fly tip ever!

8 January (Part 2) - When is a crime not a crime? When a councillor’s guilty

8 January (Part 1) - Bexley council’s greatest skill. Cover ups and censorship

7 January - A slow news day

6 January - Business interests

5 January - Bexley’s debtors were robbed. Everyone agrees on that but no general refund

4 January - Maximising personal gain?

3 January - Crossrail at Abbey Wood is about half way there. In time anyway

2 January (Part 2) - In for the long haul

2 January (Part 1) - What a difference a year makes. Make that half a year!

1 January (Part 3) - The police are plodding, if they are moving at all

1 January (Part 2) - This website

1 January (Part 1) - The New Year is here. Oh, no. Not another one

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