8 January (Part 1) - Bexley council’s greatest skill. Cover ups and censorship
As a general rule I am against censorship. Obviously some is required for
state security but beyond that I am not so sure. Certainly I see no need for it
at Bexley Council. While negotiating a contract, well OK, but beyond that no way!
Bexley Council doesn’t agree and secrecy has become its base position. It has to
be, there are so many shameful things going on that the only safe course is to
say nothing when possible and lie when you have to.
Every news channel except perhaps this blog is manipulated. Both local
newspapers have published council lies without question but now that news
distribution is moving to social media further action is required. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook or
Streetlife - Bexley Council is there, which is in principle a good thing but
don’t be too complacent. They are there to push their own agenda and suppress criticism.
Facebook page appears to have several variants which easily confuses a Facebook duffer like me,
but the currently active account is https://www.facebook.com/lbbexley.
Residents can post to it but as you might expect of a less than transparent organisation, only if they are not too critical.
Mrs. Bridges who led the Save Old Farm Park delegation at
July’s council meeting
added a few words to Bexley’s Facebook page three days ago. They had gone by next morning.
The first screenshot below shows Tracey Bridges’ comments along with some from Malcolm Wright,
another leading figure in the Old Farm campaign group.
Suggestions that the park sale consultation should have been given the same prominence as
the health consultation
were not welcome. (Second screenshot.)
Today, Malcolm Wright’s comment has been censored too. I imagine Sally Arnold’s
recent cheeky comment will soon go the same way.
Deputy Director Toni Ainge
announced on behalf of
Bexley council at the last cabinet meeting that they would not do more
than the legal minimum to publicise the sale of the first batch of four parks.
That is a small advertisement in the back pages of the News Shopper which very few people
will see.
It’s a long time since Bexley Council acknowledged the existence of Bexley is Bonkers. I think it may have been when drama queen Teresa O’Neill persuaded the police that a blog had threatened to burn her palace down so I was a little taken aback to see the Tweet above that appears to acknowledge that a day when Bexley Council is not embroiled in a big fat scandal is a very special day indeed.