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News and Comment November 2016

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13 November (Part 1) - Keep your eyes on the road

Harrow Manorway has become quite a dangerous place since the adjacent footbridge was taken away to make way for the Crossrail station. There used not to be any need for pedestrians to use the flyover but now there is no alternative.

Crash CrashTwo light controlled crossings have been installed and for the time being at least that is about the best one can hope for, but they delay and frustrate everyone - and some motorists display that frustration by ignoring the lights.

I have frequently felt inclined to stand outside Sainsbury’s for five minutes and grab a few pictures. But those who think that amber means jump on the accelerator pedal are not the worst offenders, they are those that overtake the queue and send the pedestrians scattering. I have only seen it happen twice so far but when I cross now I constantly look right and left. Those who do so while staring into a small screen are dicing with death.

I don’t know what happened on the flyover last weekend, I didn’t notice the demolished barrier and non-working traffic lights until Monday morning, but maybe it was a driver with his eye on a screen too.

All of which is a long-winded way of introducing the latest batch of photos taken around the station. It’s mainly concreting and roofing again.


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