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News and Comment September 2016

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13 September (Part 3) - See you in Court

You may recall that John Watson is one of several Bexley residents who tried very hard to discover exactly what Councillor Maxine Fothergill was supposed to have done to deserve a formal guilty verdict against her at last December's Code of Conduct Committee meeting.

The more one discovered the more it looked as though she was the victim of stitch up. She probably annoyed the Council Leader at some time.

Eventually Bexley Council decided it would refuse to answer any more questions on the subject and BiB added the following note to all Maxine Fothergill related blogs which made it obvious that the likelihood was that she had made enemies of too many people  and they were out to get her. [Since removed.]

You may also recall that John Watson threatened to take the case to Court using Judicial Review procedures. He failed to reach even the starting block because it was ruled that John did not have any close personal involvement in the case. He was merely a bystander.

John was eventually banned from contacting Bexley Council on anything at all. Gill Steward at her democratic best.

After due warning which was systematically ignored John has commenced his Judicial Review proceedings against Bexley Council deciding they do not want to talk to him.
The documents were served on the Bexley Buffoon last Friday.

Index to Councillor Fothergill related blogs


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