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News and Comment September 2016

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15 September (Part 1) - The Bexley Buffoon is lost for words

CEOTwenty six isn’t a particularly special number but it is the number of days since I sent a complaint to Bexley’s idiotic Chief Executive Gill Steward about her decision to withdraw the Press Desk from Council meetings in defiance of government instructions to provide one if possible and exercise common sense.

Bexley’s own correspondence says that responses to emails should be made in five days but as it considers itself above the law and thinks nothing of calling in favours from their uniformed branch in Arnsberg Way, why should I be surprised that they break their own rules?

I imagine that the Bexley Buffoon is having difficulty excusing her obvious lack of common sense as required by government.

I’ll give it another couple of weeks and then go directly to the Local Government Ombudsman. I doubt it will escalate to one of John Watson’s Judicial Reviews in a hurry but of course it could.


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