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News and Comment Index 2010

Index: 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025

Click subject title to read relevant comment
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

December 2010

31 December - An end of year round-up

23 December - Have you had an unfair parking ticket from Bexley council?

20 December - Bexley council is content to see the borough grind to a halt

18 December - Bexley council leader says her man is worth more than the Prime Minister

16 December - Queen Mary's A&E cut, Queen Elizabeth's A&E cut off

15 December - She's taking the rise - out of everyone

13 December - Arrogance, lies and corruption

12 December - Cowardice in the face of the enemy

11 December - Bexley council caught lying again

9 December - Venture out at your own risk

8 December - She would say that wouldn’t she?

7 December - It's the cuts stupid

6 December - Big chain. Small brain

5 December - Bexley council. Broken for sure

4 December - Greed and arrogance

3 December - Return of the council Roadshow no show; and a silly cow!

2 December - No grit. Useless git

1 December - Blackfen Road. Under siege by Bexley's gestapo team

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November 2010

30 November - Craske is watching you and he wants your money

29 November - Non-stop council wrong-doing forces blog revisions

28 November - Roadshows, Code shows and poisonous toad shows

27 November - Bexley council. ‘Courseworks’. Course it doesn’t

26 November - Bexley’s quarter million pound comedy duo fails to show

25 November - Queen Mary’s Hospital protest against closure

24 November - Queen Mary’s Hospital A and E “changes” - or in Plain English, it closes today

23 November - Bexley council desecrates Sidcup, now Blackfen is in its sights

22 November - James Cleverly : Pompous twit

21 November - Complaints and Crosses

20 November - Searching for Justice

19 November - Democracy Bexley style - Part 2

18 November - Democracy Bexley style

17 November - Bexley-is-Bonkers has a companion

16 November - What’s on next? The approaching storm…

15 November - Miscellaneous news and updates

14 November - Don’t Bett on openness and honesty from this council

13 November - Lie detectors, parking permits and Wickham Lane roundabout six months on - almost

12 November - Rats and squalor is Bexley council’s preferred option

11 November - Brokenshire; broken promises

10 November - The Big Society or Big Brother?

9 November - I should have called it

8 November - Malevolent Imposition of Craske Entrapment (MICE)

7 November - The roundabout Merry-Go-Round

6 November - Stuff the Ostrich, it’s more like a Lyrebird

5 November - Parking entrapment by Craske’s gestapo team

4 November - Listening to the miscreants

3 November - Monitoring the miscreants

2 November - More greed and amoral behaviour. It’s endemic!

1 November - Buses are diverted but the gravy train accelerates

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October 2010

31 October - More parking restrictions on the way. Another cynical tax on motorists by the despot Craske?

30 October - More neglect by your caring council

29 October - Crazy changes to Abbey Road are still a load of bollards

28 October - Time for a root and branch clear-out?

27 October - Dick Turpin rules in Bexley

26 October - Clandestine spying?

22 October - Cowardly Craske goes to ground

21 October - Council Health Scrutiny Committee - what a bunch of hypocrites!

17 October - Councillor Craske declares he does not believe in democracy

13 October - Bexley council declares war on single people

11 October - No news is good news?

2 October - Will Tuckey’s ridiculous salary

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September 2010

29 September - News update

25 September - OFCOM takes an interest in community websites

24 September - Work-shy bin men. Useless officialdom part 4

13 September - Another massive Bexley council cock-up

10 September - Work-shy bin men. Useless officialdom part 3

9 September - Profligate Bexley council impoverishes residents to protect their own jobs

8 September - Bexley continues with its vicious anti-motorist agenda

6 September - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah to the last free parking space in Sidcup

4 September - It’s only the froth that you find at the top

3 September - The traffic chaos goes on and on

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August 2010

31 August - Abbey Road. “Crass stupidity”

27 August - Work-shy bin men. Useless officialdom part 2

25 August - An unhappy anniversary

22 August - “The fencing has eradicated the problem” but the motorcyclists can’t read

20 August - Abbey Road claims another victim

19 August - Work-shy bin men. Useless officialdom

12 August - Traffic lights at night

10 August - You can’t believe what Bexley council publishes in its magazine

9 August - Alsike Road not closed after all

7 August - Bexley council - park vandals

1 August - Bexley council - Roads closed

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July 2010

27 July - Bexley council - Pole axed

25 July - Another Bexley council job creation scheme?

21 July - Bexley council - Evil little maggots!

19 July - Bexley council. They simply don’t care

18 July - Accident & Emergency

16 July - Parking permits

13 July - Another Bexley council fiasco

4 July - Fencing Lesnes Abbey - What a total waste of money

3 July - Bexley council. ‘Courseworks’

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June 2010

30 June - Bexley magazine

20 June - Bexley council. The complaints keep rolling in

18 June - Bexley council. Dictators who don’t believe in democracy

17 June - A little bit of positive news for a change

14 June - Bexley council. Arrogant, obnoxious, wicked, lawless? Take your pick!

5 June - Bexley council encourages the police to act the fool

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May 2010

28 May - Albany Park. Council job creation scheme

27 May - Recycling Guide 2010

19 May - Recycling Guide and other news

16 May - Bexley council gets it wrong again

15 May - Killer humps

7 May - Bus stop moved and Abbey Road congested

5 May - It’s the Tories by a landslide…

4 May - I think there may be a local election too

1 May - The barricades go up

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April 2010

30 April - Councillor Craske not all bad?

29 April - Councillor Craske. Newspaper report confirms reputation for being an evil bastard

26 April - At last; another sign that there is an election due

23 April - More illegal traffic controls?

20 April - Bexley politics and Google

11 April - A foretaste of summer

6 April - The election campaign starts

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March 2010

10 March - Bexley council still keenly pursuing its anti-democratic agenda

4 March - Siemens’ contracted to manage Bexley’s CCTV system

3 March - I couldn’t have put it better myself

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February 2010

26 February - Bexley council makes things as difficult as possible for businesses in Pickford Lane

25 February - If at first you don’t succeed…

17 February - Belvedere to be given a horselaugh?

11 February - Parking penalty targets

3 February - Bexley Tories help the Mayor to inflict maximum misery on south east London

1 February - Parking shop closes, that's fine then

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January 2010

31 January - Bexley is Bonkers tops search engine rankings

30 January - It's official. Bexley cancels bank holiday

29 January - Green wheelie bin not emptied again!

28 January - It must be kill a pedestrian month

26 January - Bexley council sends in the fuzz

25 January - Bexley council calms the traffic again

18 January (Part 2) - Head on collision in Abbey Road, Belvedere

18 January (Part 1) - Local health services under a Labour government

17 January - Your caring listening council strikes again

13 January - Non-job of the week

10 January - God help Sidcup

7 January - Unintended consequences

6 January - More snow but Bexley manages to keep a road clear

1 January - Let’s start the year with a bang!

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Bonkers is a cookie free zone. Not a single one