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News and Comment Index 2025

Index: 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025

Click subject title to read relevant comment
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

March 2025

6 March - Bexley under siege by a Labour Government

5 March - Bottom of the class

4 March (Part 4) - The quickest £100 (nearly) I ever earned

4 March (Part 3) - Cyclists are disposable in Bexley

4 March (Part 2) - Rough times ahead?

4 March (Part 1) - Give ’em an inch

3 March (Part 2) - Leaf lays it on the line

3 March (Part 1) - Legal lunacy

2 March - It was all about the money

1 March - State secrets

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February 2025

28 February - Thames Water; what a shower!

27 February - Laid up

26 February (Part 2) - Richard’s Rails

26 February (Part 1)- Boxing clever

25 February (Part 2) - Another massive eyesore

25 February (Part 1) - Brown stuff

24 February - The last financial knockings

23 February - Farming Bacon

22 February - Conspiracy theories?

21 February - Sue Chris Ball

20 February (Part 2) - You’re wrong!

20 February (Part 1) - You’re banned!

19 February (Part 3) - Best to keep quiet right now

19 February (Part 2) - Diment delivers

19 February (Part 1) - James Hunted

18 February - 25% Council Tax increase for the not well off

17 February - This Website

16 February - Talking intelligently?

15 February - Bexley’s Childrenְ’s Care providers are “verging on the criminal”

14 February - … and they will take a mile

13 February - Under Labour there is no money. Not yet anyway

12 February - India rubber man

11 February - A barrier to progress

10 February - Nine months to answer an FOI honestly. (One assumes)

9 February - £5 garden waste hike was tolerated last year so the reward is £10 this year and next

8 February - A BlasT from the PasT

7 February - Build ’em, neglect ’em, junk them

6 February - Not good at answering FOIs. Not good at educating SEND pupils

5 February (Part 2) - Lowest spending borough in London

5 February (Part 1) - Highest taxing Tory borough in London

4 February - Playing FOI catch up

3 February - Back to the drawing board

2 February - Something to hide?

1 February (Part 3) - Erith Road

1 February (Part 2) - A planning free for all?

1 February (Part 1) - Simple Exodus or Stampede?

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January 2025

31 January - Net stupid

30 January - Give them an inch

29 January - Carry On Lying

28 January - Mission Impossible

27 January (Part 2) - “Government grants are designed to hand more money to Labour boroughs”

27 January (Part 1) - Looking for help

26 January - Speculation but could it be uncomfortably close to the truth?

25 January (Part 2) - Seriously dodgy

25 January (Part 1) - Jane bows out

24 January - Still sitting in the dark

23 January (Part 2) - Intolerable abuse

23 January (Part 1) - Indecisive Bexley

21 January (Part 2) - You couldn’t make it up

21 January (Part 1) - More than just a patch

20 January (Part 3) - Pot hole or Pothole and how can we fill them?

20 January (Part 2) - From three screens to three emails

20 January (Part 1) - Loadsa money being spent but not much in Bexley

19 January - Miscellaneous Transport issues

18 January (Part 2) - Where has the money come from?

18 January Part 1 - No Platformed

17 January - It’s all about the money

16 January - No trains today, not many buses either!

15 January - Normal business may resume soon

12 January - The End

11 January - From wokery to wankery

10 January - Where are we now?

8 January - The pavement parking lottery

6 January - Where the bins are

5 January - It’s not all bad

4 January - The Depraved and the Disappeared

3 January (Part 2) - Six months and nothing!

3 January (Part 1) - Pedestrian progress

2 January - The Commies are optimistic for the longer term

1 January - Absent for ten years but still lurking

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