Two weeks have gone by since
the last report on Lesnes Abbey and one has to
look hard for signs of progress.
The path to the pond dipping platform is nearing completion but the platform
itself is no different to when it was installed last month. Neither is the five way junction of paths
in the centre of the park which appears to be awaiting a decorative insert.
There has been progress on the roof of the visitor centre which was due to open
last January or next month dependent on which Council propaganda sheet one believes.
The roof has been covered by grass, twice or three times dependent on which dog walker one listens to.
Some have been sufficiently concerned about the delays to make enquiries at the
Council Offices or with officials who they now recognise on site.
It would appear that no one on Bexley Council had the forethought to build some
dates into the contract, they lack management skills and we will be lucky if the
park and Visitor Centre is completed by September.
I’m sure it will look nice but who will mow the roof?