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News and Comment August 2016

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19 August (Part 1) - She’d sell her Granny, so long as she lived in the north of the borough

O'NeillBexley Council is planning on selling six more open spaces, all in the north of the borough. Three of the last batch of four were too. The one featured here in Napier Road, Belvedere is just a literal stones throw from the Splash Park. Bexley Council closed that too.

When the Council decided to sell Old Farm Park, they ignored more than 4,000 signatures and 1,600 objections as one has come to expect.

There is probably little prospect of saving a tiny patch of land which is off the beaten track, the loss of which will affect only hundreds and not many thousands. However a building on the site would have a huge impact on the local sight lines and feeling of openness, not that Bexley Council will care, it’s well away from the nearest Tory voting area.

Object to park sales here.

Napier Road Napier Road Napier Road Napier Road


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