18 June (Part 2) - Firth holds forth
Contrary to popular opinion I sometimes go to Abbey Wood station to get on a train instead of
taking pictures.
When I left my destination station yesterday,
better not say where in case I get someone into trouble, I glanced at the ticket
office window and the image on the computer screen looked familiar.
I made a quick diversion and I was right. The ticket clerk was watching
Firth’s video on Bexley is Bonkers. (†)
I’ll do anything to attract more visitors to the blog to get the word out about
Bexley Council as widely as possible and if Anna is what it takes, then so be it.
Here’s another of Anna's little videos. It is short and simple but a point well
made in my opinion.
Nice backdrop too. Some of the views across the river and the city available
from Belvedere’s hills are spectacular.
Got any more Anna?
† This is a true story - everything on BiB is - the station is unidentified only
because I have no idea of Southeastern’s policy on computer use.