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News and Comment June 2016

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17 June (Part 2) - The School Board Man is back - and not before time

If you are as old as me you probably remember lying in bed as a kid dying of the measles or something, with the curtains drawn because daylight could make you go blind, and mother would come in and tell you you had to get better quickly or else the School Board Man would get you.

Well he is back.

Bexley Council Welfare Officers have been going around in an unmarked police car with a marked van in support collecting up truants. The Council says their efforts were much appreciated by shopkeepers, I’m not surprised because I have been surprised by the number of people who will admit to pilfering Mars Bars and crisps etc.

The Council’s Press Release may be viewed here and for once nothing is being cut and nothing is being taxed by stealth.


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