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News and Comment January 2016

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21 January (Part 4) - This man is a complete and utter moron

Moron Moron
This idiot thought it was sensible to ticket four Crossrail delivery trucks that were waiting to back into the construction site. The lorry drivers had the choice of blocking Florence Road totally or waiting for a few minutes on Fendyke Road tucked out of the way. They chose the latter.

The Civil Enforcement Cretin had the choice of being a sensible human being and a credit to Bexley Council or a waste of oxygen that should have been put down at birth. He chose the latter.

Naturally he was himself parked on the same yellow line.

I took the opportunity to address Ben Stevens (Parking Services Manager) and Deputy Council Leader Alex Sawyer directly on the moron’s body worn camera.

There will be a full photo feature on this tomorrow, but right now I have run out of time.


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