7 October - Congratulations Jeff!
Borough Police Commander is off to Croydon, not the usual direction of travel, we tend to we get their cast
offs, Tuckley and Stringer for example. Jeff Boothe first got a mention
in these
pages in April 2015 when he was the new boy. Usually the Borough Commander lasts
two years in Bexley where they have been traditionally accused of Misconduct in
Public Office after covering up for Bexley Council’s criminal activities. All
three of Jeff Boothe’s predecessors are under ongoing investigations, the oldest for
well over four years and it looks as though it could be going places.
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that that case will lead back to the
Bexley Councillor who sought the favour from the boys in blue.
So congratulations to Jeff on getting through his stint in Bexley without
allowing himself to be sucked into the morass of dishonesty that pervades its Civic Offices.