20 May (Part 1) - Friday filler
Lesnes Abbey, later and later
Council issued
a new Press Release yesterday and in it they admit that the Lesnes Abbey Park enhancement is
well behind schedule, or in their words it is on track for completion in late
Summer. That’ll be October, best part of a year behind initial estimates.
The grass that was planted on the Visitor Centre roof two or three times appears
to have died. At least it will save sending someone up there with a lawn mower
Tesco Welling bogs off. A snip at 31 million!
They moved out of Belvedere, they failed to move into Bexleyheath and it looks
like Tesco is vacating Welling. Not unexpected.
You may think it is strange that only a Google link is shown above. That’s
because the Estate Agent’s page disappeared before I could screenshot it.
PS. I hadn’t closed the browser window so was able to retrieve
the Knight Frank page.
Click the Google search result above to view. (And now the bloody thing is