1 April (Part 1) - They are Judge and Jury when dealing with the public
The action taken by Bexley’s Code of Conduct Committee against Councillor Maxine
Fothergill had all the makings of a major scandal which might lead to police
action, but it all fizzled out. But not quite. One of the members of the public
who was excluded from the meeting has continued to ask awkward questions.
Bexley Council tried to reject his complaint on the grounds that he made it
more than seven days after the alleged unlawful exclusion because they have set their own rule which
says that complaints about meetings must be made within a week.
I do not pretend to understand all the legal arguments that have ensued but I
have been able to work out that there never was a written complaint from a
member of the public about Maxine Fothergill. This, so the complainant claims,
is contrary to the provisions of the Localism Act.
That Councillor Maxine Fothergill has done nothing worse than create too many
high powered enemies within Council seems ever more likely.
Bexley Council is probably awash with back-stabbers.
The Council’s rejection of the exclusion complaint and their mishandling of
the hearing of the case against the Councillor appears to be heading for Court,
so I will refrain from further comment.