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News and Comment Index 2019

Index: 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025

Click subject title to read relevant comment
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

December 2019

31 December - Getting ready for tomorrow

30 December - Where’s the advantage?

29 December - New Year’s resolutions

25 December - Where’s the Quality?

21 December - Bonkers questions

20 December - Not a good start

19 December (Part 2) - Money for nothing. Bexley Council must be in dire straits

19 December (Part 1) - Shameless

18 December - Budget Scrutiny. When Harold met Sally

17 December - The Dream Team? (Boris’s possibly)

16 December - What’s all this then?

15 December - Priti disgusting

14 December - Labour losers and Conservatives losers

13 December - Bring back Anna Firth

12 December (Part 2) - When in a hole; change the subject

12 December (Part 1) - It’s fingernail biting time

11 December - It’s only banter, honest it is

10 December (Part 4) - Hey Jude, don’t make it bad

10 December (Part 3) - Newham’s financial woes. Bexley next?

10 December (Part 2) - Five feet from death

10 December (Part 1) - How can this be? An explanation

9 December (Part 4) - Candidate makes his threat

9 December (Part 3) - Pretty damned good!

9 December (Part 2) - Vote Alan B’Stard!

9 December (Part 1) - Police incompetence - or is it more corruption?

8 December (Part 4) - Mr. Graham Moore

8 December (Part 3) - Lost in the post

8 December (Part 2) - Another recycling degrade

8 December (Part 1) - How can this be?

7 December (Part 3) - Abena is supported by Sadiq. Is that an election winner in Abbey Wood?

7 December (Part 2) - The beautification of Abbey Wood?

7 December (Part 1) - The uglification of Bexley

6 December (Part 2) - I suppose it is quite clever really

6 December (Part 1) - A Lib Dem gets a D minus in economics

5 December (Part 2) - Old Bexley and Sidcup election hustings

5 December (Part 1) - St. Catherine’s School strike

4 December (Part 2) - Why are we waiting. Oh, why are we waiting?

4 December (Part 1) - Has Singh moved in?

3 December - Reliably spiteful

2 December - Decluttering Bonkers

1 December - West Street Park sold. The protests continue

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November 2019

30 November (Part 3) - Asking for a friend

30 November (Part 2) - I’ve been told an election is coming

30 November (Part 1) - Lie of the day

29 November (Part 4) - Facebook

29 November (Part 3) - Sir David Evennett appears to be no better than the others

29 November (Part 2) - Bexley Council recycles old lies. Well exaggerations anyway

29 November (Part 1) - Forthcoming events

28 November - It must be all coincidence

27 November - Roads, Recreation grounds, Railways and Racism

26 November (Part 4) - Shrinking Bonkers

26 November (Part 3) - Louie French meets Diane Abbott

26 November (Part 2) - The beginning of the end

26 November (Part 1) - Joe Robertson. Not sure I could ever trust him now

25 November - The Lewisham Conundrum

24 November (Part 6) - Lie of the week?

24 November (Part 5) - Holier than thou

24 November (Part 4) - An expensive spectator sport

24 November (Part 3) - Laughing all the way to the bank - at your expense

24 November (Part 2) - Feeling the pinch

24 November (Part 1) - And there he was gone

23 November (Part 2) - What is it about Bexley and its roundabouts?

23 November (Part 1) - Ruinous Ruxley

22 November (Part 2) - Bexley Council helps you to put your car in the Abbey Wood station lift

22 November (Part 1) - All mates together

21 November (Part 3) - Allegations of racism and bullying in Bexley’s schools and Council

21 November (Part 2) - Probably not the biggest lie of the day

21 November (Part 1) - Top job appointments in Bexley. Neither Good nor Thorough

20 November (Part 2) - Pass the sodium chloride; lots of it

20 November (Part 1) - It’s not quite cricket at The Oval

19 November (Part 2) - Unfinished business

19 November (Part 1) - Everything that is wrong with the Met. Police and left wing politics in one video

18 November - Lie of the weekend

17 November - Barnet’s reunion in Bexley

16 November - The secret Masterplan for Erith

15 November (Part 2) - According to Bexley Council it’s the end of an era. Their last Abbey Wood road closure

15 November (Part 1) - The Withdrawal Agreement and Lie of the Day : Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

14 November (Part 4) - They cannot be serious!

14 November (Part 3) - Will Bexley Council #doitforbexley too?

14 November (Part 2) - The Missing

14 November (Part 1) - You don’t need to wear a red rosette to care

13 November (Part 2) - Another big black hole looms but avoiding them is what Bexley Council does. Fingers crossed!

13 November (Part 1) - Injustices abound. Councils seem not to care

12 November - The Brexit Party

11 November - The Withdrawal Agreement and Clown of the Day

10 November - Slowly does it!

9 November (Part 3) - The Withdrawal Agreement and Lie of the Day : 4

9 November (Part 2) - The fantastic Leader’s report

9 November (Part 1) - More misinformation? It’s more than likely

8 November (Part 2) - The Withdrawal Agreement and Lie of the Day : 3

8 November (Part 1) - Bexley Conservatives enslave Labour

7 November (Part 5) - The Withdrawal Agreement and Lie of the Day

7 November (Part 4) - My hopes for a fireworks argument fizzle out

7 November (Part 3) - Going round in circles

7 November (Part 2) - The rabble is roused

7 November (Part 1) - It’s a write off

6 November - Decisions and lies

5 November (Part 2) - Bexley Council lagging again

5 November (Part 1) - Five four three two one : £80!

4 November (Part 3) - A fire cracker

4 November (Part 2) - Bexley doing what it does best; attacking the local economy

4 November (Part 1) - Match abandoned

3 November (Part 2) - Danny does a Donald

3 November (Part 1) - Bexley Council. Taxing Charities?

2 November (Part 2) - It’s only Scabby Wood

2 November (Part 1) - Who are you? Prove it

1 November (Part 2) - Not my fault honest, it was him

1 November (Part 1) - Chief Exec. says “Say sorry and put it right”

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October 2019

31 October (Part 3) - A puppy dog tale

31 October (Part 2) - Reel progress at last

31 October (Part 1) - Silly me

30 October (Part 2) - Bexley holds an inquest

30 October (Part 1) - Giving Abbey Wood the hump

29 October (Part 2) - A slap on the wrist

29 October (Part 1) - Eight months on and Transport for London is still a failure

28 October - Three go door knocking

27 October - Road planning Bexley style - again

26 October - You can’t leave Abbey Wood station without tripping over a wannabee MP

25 October (Part 2) - Gunpowder, treason and plot

25 October (Part 1) - Just when you thought that road chaos could not get any worse in Abbey Wood…

24 October - Erith and Thamesmead or Enfield North? Does anyone care any more?

23 October (Part 2) - Local election campaign gains momentum

23 October (Part 1) - Road planning Bexley style

22 October (Part 2) - Mental Health in Bexley. In good hands?

22 October (Part 1) - BexleyCo strikes again

21 October (Part 2) - Who’s the rebellious one?

21 October (Part 1) - Ladies and Gentlemen of Erith & Thamesmead; your next MP

20 October (Part 2) - From steam to electricity

20 October (Part 1) - Crooked top cops

19 October - An apology

17 October (Part 3) - Blocked in by blockheads

17 October (Part 2) - Fancy a quickie?

17 October (Part 1) - Are Abbey Wood lives expendable?

16 October - Bexley road works. Late again and damaging business

15 October - Tokenism

14 October (Part 2) - Abbey Wood signs agreed in February but Conservative who wasn’t even around back then claims credit

14 October (Part 1) - The incompetence gets worse

13 October (Part 2) - Left wing loons

13 October (Part 1) - Pushing the boundaries

12 October (Part 2) - Will he or won’t he?

12 October (Part 1) - ID cards at the ready please

11 October (Part 2) - More on Moore

11 October (Part 1) - Who’s been caught lying again?

10 October (Part 2) - Poles again

10 October (Part 1) - This time Bexley Council wheelie wheelie means it

9 October - Fat. Young adults

8 October (Part 3) - Bent as a nine bob note

8 October (Part 2) - Greenwich breeds bollards. Bexley procreates poles

8 October (Part 1) - BexleyCo-is-Bonkers

7 October - Extinction rebellion

4 October - Good news? Mainly yes - I think

3 October - How long will it take?

2 October - Teresa on the wireless

1 October - Housing Viability in Bexley

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September 2019

30 September - Sneaking one in

29 September - The Engine restarted

28 September (Part 3) - Post Office counters are hard to find

28 September (Part 2) - 100% Green

28 September (Part 1) - Local Brexit issues. Is Bexley ready? The Council says yes

27 September (Part 2) - One rule for them…

27 September (Part 1) - Bexley Council. Behind the curve

26 September - Humbug

24 September (Part 2) - Bad air in Bexley

24 September (Part 1) - The Contact form is back

23 September (Part 2) - Insert top local contaminants here

23 September (Part 1) - London Mayor declares knife free day

21 September - If you are dying of thirst waiting for jobs to be completed, relief is in sight

20 September - Mainly rubbish

19 September (Part 2) - In search of a scandal

19 September (Part 1) - The Invisible Man - and woman

18 September (Part 4) - No trains again. Nine days of replacement buses but all in a good cause

18 September (Part 3) - For your amusement (and despair at the lack of intellect on display)

18 September (Part 2) - Calling in favours?

18 September (Part 1) - Eff off and die

17 September - A victimless crime

16 September - Late and later

15 September (Part 2) - Ten years of Council watching

15 September (Part 1) - Karma

14 September (Part 2) - What about Welling?

14 September (Part 1) - The ugly face of Bexley Council

13 September (Part 2) - The Cabinet Member for Bins. More lies

13 September (Part 1) - Getting there! Abbey Wood’s closed bus stops reduced in number from six to five

12 September (Part 2) - No hiding place

12 September (Part 1) - It’s not all bad news

11 September (Part 3) - Profiteering from having fun

11 September (Part 2) - Five years of misery. (No it’s not another Parliament)

11 September (Part 1) - The Eyes have it. The Eyes have it

10 September - One brave man in a sea of serpents

9 September - Speculation and squabbles

5 September - Gate crashing City Airport

4 September (Part 2) - Green but very mean

4 September (Part 1) - London City Airport is growing. Noise can only get worse

2 September - Harrow Manorway regeneration gets even messier

1 September - It’s just not cricket

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August 2019

29 August - L&Q. “Because Homes matter”. What? Even to them?

25 August - BiB accused of complicity in Council child death cases

24 August - Another three weeks of road chaos and enormous diversions in Abbey Wood

22 August - Rhys Lawrie has been dead 7 years but still the accusations fly

16 August - The Leather Bottle battle resumes

11 August - Something smells

8 August - A one sided conversation. Anonymous messages

7 August - Not just the Met. Kent Police are either totally incompetent or corrupt too

6 August - The Metropolitan Police is bent and hoist with its own petard

5 August (Part 2) - Plane silly

5 August (Part 1) - The new Home Secretary has much to learn

4 August - Birds of a feather

3 August (Part 2) - Cock-eyed optimists

3 August (Part 1) - All Bull

2 August - Mrs. May has gone but her Nasty Party lives on in Bexley

1 August - Council employment is just a self interested gravy train

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July 2019

31 July - Hasn’t he done well?

30 July - Rubbish is kicked down the road towards Scrutiny

29 July - More foul play?

28 July - Foul play?

27 July - Oh dear, it’s back to 2011 standards of honesty at Bexley Council

26 July - 1128 and all that

24 July (Part 2) - Education in Bexley is not Perfect

24 July (Part 1) - All cock

23 July - 428 and 301

22 July (Part 2) - Crime’s up. Facebook gossip confirmed by official figures

22 July (Part 1) - 100 years after the first transatlantic flight. Bexley celebrates

19 July - Drama in the Council Chamber. Enter stage right

18 July - Caught red handed

17 July - History in the making

16 July - Pushing his luck

15 July - Making residents’ lives difficult - as usual

14 July - Much more than just a good constituency MP

13 July (Part 2) - All is not well in Welling and it is dead in Bexleyheath

13 July (Part 1) - Doing for Bexley?

12 July - Temporarily and permanently, buses are forbidden to use direct routes

11 July (Part 2) - The non-stop gravy train

11 July (Part 1) - “Devious Bastards”

10 July (Part 3) - ThamesLink fined

10 July (Part 2) - Transport for London. Talking fresh Lunacies

10 July (Part 1) - Public CabiNOT

9 July (Part 2) - Crossing boundaries

9 July (Part 1) - No major project runs on time in Bexley

8 July - Councillor Alan Downing fights your corner on health issues

7 July - Still Bonkers after all these years

5 July - When they were young

2 July - For some it will be no new bins until Christmas

1 July (Part 3) - Desk hopping their ways to a personal fortune

1 July (Part 2) - On this day in 1969

1 July (Part 1) - Proud to be Catholic

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June 2019

30 June (Part 2) - The East London meat processing factory

30 June (Part 1) - Councillor Philip Read, flying the Kate Bush Kite again

29 June - Financial incompetence everywhere

28 June - New in SE2

27 June - Rubbish from start to finish

26 June - Resources and Growth Overview and Superficial Committee?

24 June (Part 2) - One for Dave

24 June (Part 1) - Just when you thought the lying had stopped…

23 June - Some days nothing useful gets done

22 June (Part 3) - Fun and games in Newham

22 June (Part 2) - I simply do not understand politicians

22 June (Part 1) - It’s bad but not quite as bad as it seemed

21 June (Part 2) - Danny in Bexley

21 June (Part 1) - Mesothelioma menace

20 June - Councillor puts on a show of determined perseverance

19 June - Politics is a dirty game

18 June (Part 2) - Local Labour Councillors succeed after Bexley Council let us all down

18 June (Part 1) - Justice prevails, sort of

17 June - And about time too

15 June - Empty streets and sometimes empty promises

13 June - Jews, boos and lose

8 June - The Riverside Energy Park

5 June - Vote green

4 June - Bexley Conservatives missed the bus. (And the train, and the bikes and taxis too)

3 June - Bexley Labour. All charged up

2 June - Bonkers. Where next?

1 June - The man on the Thamesmead omnibus

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May 2019

30 May - Praise where praise is due

29 May - Belvedere and other Roads

28 May - Mayor making

25 May - Care, crime and cream

20 May - Bexley Conservatives. Lying naturally from 2013 through to 2019

19 May (Part 2) - Facebook Folly

19 May (Part 1) - The Green Man emerges

18 May - Back home

17 May - Failing Grayling

16 May - Gayton Road, open at last

15 May - Why, why, why? Yoga, Yellow, Yuck

14 May - Newham University Hospital. The Omnibus Edition

13 May - Andrew Marr’s car crash interview. A ‘Must Watch’

12 May (Part 3) - Danny and me. In and out of trouble

12 May (Part 2) - A ha’porth of tar

12 May (Part 1) - They got that wrong! Badly wrong

11 May - The end of an era. 78 years!

10 May - It’s still no go in Newham

9 May - Promises promises. Broken promises

8 May - It’s Desperation Day plus one in Newham

7 May - It’s the day of reckoning

6 May (Part 2) - The grinning incompetents from Newham Hospital

6 May (Part 1) - The cretins who run Newham take a break

5 May - Trouble at the Abbey?

3 May (Part 3) - Round in circles in Newham

3 May (Part 2) - Lesnes Abbey Good Coffee to close

3 May (Part 1) - The state of the NHS in Newham

2 May - The state of the National Health Service today

1 May (Part 2) - Abbey Wood closed for business. Please go away

1 May (Part 1) - The police. Are they corrupt or simply incompetent beyond belief?

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April 2019

30 April - Pull the other one, it has bluebells on it

29 April - NHS envy of the world? Not when run by Barts Health NHS Trust

27 April - Barts Health NHS Trust. Totally incompetent, dangerous and liars too

26 April - Abbey Wood. The chaos continues

25 April - Bed blocking. Barts Health NHS Trust haven’t a clue how to manage it

24 April - What Crossrail means to Abbey Wood

23 April (Part 3) - Who runs the better rail service, Southeastern or TfL?

23 April (Part 2) - Arsonists return to Lesnes

23 April (Part 1) - Labour favours Red

22 April - The Leader’s report. Fabulous!

21 April - Stage managed questions

20 April (Part 2) - Bexley Conservatives lend their support to Jeremy Corbyn

20 April (Part 1) - Read and write no evil

19 April - Councillor Hackett sees Red?

18 April (Part 2) - A conflict of interests?

18 April (Part 1) - Trouble for London

17 April - Road planning madness

16 April - Worse than Philip Read?

15 April - The good, the bad and the bespectacled in Sevenoaks

14 April (Part 3) - Not totally Bonkers then?

14 April (Part 2) - Bad PR for P and R

14 April (Part 1) - Plastic Peter

13 April - BexleyCon trick again?

12 April (Part 3) - Virtue signalling

12 April (Part 2) - Not so Planny Danny?

12 April (Part 1) - In good company

11 April (Part 3) - Planny Danny

11 April (Part 2) - Growing old disgracefully

11 April (Part 1) - The shape of things to come

10 April (Part 2) - The North South Divide

10 April (Part 1) - The police can’t cope

9 April - More jam has been approved for tomorrow

5 April (Part 2) - How do you put a clown back into his box?

5 April (Part 1) - Intoxicated by his own verbosity again?

4 April - Cabinet Member for Children. Sounds about right

3 April (Part 2) - Useless cops. Corrupt cops. Murderous cops

3 April (Part 1) - Tax stats

2 April - Michael Slaughter

1 April (Part 2) - All Fools Day

1 April (Part 1) - The police. Are they corrupt or simply incompetent beyond belief?

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March 2019

31 March (Part 2) - Crossness sewage pumping station reopens

31 March - Slower is good and quicker journeys are good too. Bexley Council likes both

30 March (Part 3) - It might put Thamesmead well and truly on the map

30 March (Part 2) - Now it is four bins to clutter your garden

30 March (Part 1) - Cutting remarks

29 March (Part 4) - Not guilty. Bexley Tories are probably making it up

29 March (Part 3) - Councillor Leaf nails his colours to the flag pole

29 March (Part 2) - Amey down the toilet

29 March (Part 1) - Oh no! Not another one. ™ Brenda from Bristol

28 March (Part 3) - Erith. Itְ’s both good and not so good despite what Bexley Tories say

28 March (Part 2) - BexleyCo-lapse

28 March (Part 1) - Bexley Council is still near the bottom of the class

27 March (Part 2) - Not much enthusiasm shown for local shopping facilities

27 March (Part 1) - Defeating Brussels

26 March (Part 2) - Jackie Belton

26 March (Part 1) - Just sayin’

25 March - Crossrail. More money to be spent

24 March - Farcebook

23 March - Designed by a loser?

22 March (Part 2) - Drive into Abbey Wood’s Wilton Road at your peril, there may be no way out

22 March (Part 1) - People are at breaking point and Bexley Council lies again

21 March (Part 4) - Abbey Wood again. It’s going to be carnage

21 March (Part 3) - The Public meeting that isn’t really

21 March (Part 2) - Pause for thought

21 March (Part 1) - A thirst for knowledge

20 March (Part 2) - Fines, taxes and charges. In Bexley they are all skyrocketing

20 March (Part 1) - The police no longer deserve any respect whatsoever

19 March - Another money raising trap to look out for

18 March - Sell ’em cheap and buy ’em dear

17 March - Network Rail explain the Barnehurst landslip and TfL fails to say anything about their DLR map which includes Abbey Wood

16 March - Ancient woodland destroyed while Bexley Council stands by powerless to stop it

15 March (Part 2) - Not every journey matters. © TfL

15 March (Part 1) - How does she do it?

14 March (Part 2) - Trolling Philip Read

14 March (Part 1) - Don’t count on it Philip

13 March - Deception is our game

12 March - Hypocrisy among politicians is not really news

11 March - Responsible fly tipping

10 March - The budget debate - Seconds out, Round 2

9 March (Part 2) - The budget debate - Seconds out, Round 1

9 March (Part 1) - TfL. Failed again

8 March (Part 2) - Am I black listed?

8 March (Part 1) - No one is impressed. Two years of disruption and it is not pedestrian friendly

7 March (Part 2) - Myth busting

7 March (Part 1) - Full Council report. The moderately short version

6 March (Part 2) - Better late than never

6 March (Part 1) - Same here!

5 March (Part 2) - Bent cops. (Is there any other sort?)

5 March (Part 1) - Hunger, Idiocy, Contradiction, Corruption and Incompetence

3 March (Part 3) - The Leather Bottle site remains a mess, should we believe the developer’s plans for Woolwich Road?

3 March (Part 2) - Just what was the point of that?

3 March (Part 1) - Four offences in one. OV58 DZU

2 March (Part 2) - Another fiftieth anniversary

2 March (Part 1) - 50 years ago today

1 March (Part 2) - Councillor Peter Craske does a hand brake turn. Who yanked his string?

1 March (Part 1) - There! At last

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February 2019

28 February (Part 2) - Pay to park by phone. Oh dear! Bexley Tories are lying again

28 February (Part 1) - Nice little earner

27 February - Nearly there

26 February (Part 2) - Catching up on things

26 February (Part 1) - It’s the economy stupid

25 February (Part 2) - The Grand Old Duke of York

25 February (Part 1) - Will he or won’t he?

23 February (Part 2) - Oh Danny Boy!

23 February (Part 1) - Backward Bexley

22 February - Place your bets now

21 February - Bexley’s road planners are a disaster for vehicle automation

20 February - Bombing Hall Place

19 February - Cashing in on Crossrail

18 February - Refreshing

17 February - Recycling. The choice is between “significantly worse” and “marginally worse”

16 February - Art and Belvedere all in danger of being washed away

15 February (Part 2) - Free money

15 February (Part 1) - Tory lies destroyed

14 February (Part 3) - All forgiven?

14 February (Part 2) - Three week bin collection is not popular but it is one of Bexley’s preferences

14 February (Part 1) - Kent Police. Still intent on dodging every issue

13 February (Part 3) - Erith’s Carnegie (former) Library reopens

13 February (Part 2) - Houses in Bexley. Too expensive and too small

13 February (Part 1) - Improving the retail experience

12 February - Along County Lines

11 February - Bexley’s Budget. Conservatives ask no questions; no one has any bright ideas

10 February (Part 3) - Watts at IKEA?

10 February (Part 2) - Made in Erith

10 February (Part 1) - Where are all the kids?

9 February - From Charlton to Concorde via Cairo and Churchill

8 February - Socking it to the Domestic Abusers

7 February - You’re far too fat. (Yes we have no bananas)

6 February - Harrow Manorway flyover. Far too slow and far too quick

5 February - Keeping it in the family

4 February - The survivors

3 February (Part 4) - From Belvedere to Hinkley’s Point

3 February (Part 3) - BexleyCon?

3 February (Part 2) - House buying ramps up

3 February (Part 1) - BexleyCo business plan : Selling Bexley by the pound

2 February - Bexley’s budget. When 18 minutes seems like five years

1 February - Hall Place - You are going to have to pay

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January 2019

31 January (Part 2) - Carol and me

31 January (Part 1) - Just deserts (sic)

30 January - What do residents think of the coming cuts and stealth taxes?

29 January - Money grabbers, vandals, more vandals, xenophobes and criminals

28 January - Kent Police: Intransigence, Incompetence or worse?

26 January - Are we nearly there yet?

24 January - More on Bexley’s transport issues. Narrowed roads, long drawn out reconstruction and accidents

23 January - Grab yourself a quick hundred quid. No catch!

22 January - Shaping the future of Belvedere

21 January - Faster trains, slower buses

20 January - They just can’t help it. Lying that is

17 January (Part 2) - Peabody updates its plans for 498-500 Abbey Road

17 January (Part 1) - A spoke in the Harrow Manorway works

16 January - My second referendum

15 January - The lamest police excuse yet

14 January - Ruxley Corner. Accident blackspot

12 January - Transport issues

11 January (Part 2) - You don’t have to be an idiot to rise to the top of Kent Police…

11 January (Part 1) - Seeking the stamp of approval

9 January (Part 2) - No Crossrail extension - not yet anyway

9 January (Part 1) - Scammers everywhere

8 January - A tangled web

6 January (Part 2) - Trust no one

6 January (Part 1) - Sandwell Council on the skids

5 January - When the letters P and O stand for Pee Off?

3 January (Part 2) - Following Elwyn

3 January (Part 1) - Friends and foes

2 January - To pay or not to pay?

1 January - No longer Bonkers?

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Bonkers is a cookie free zone. Not a single one