18 June (Part 1) - Are the plans for Lesnes Abbey lying in ruins?
odd is going on, or rather not going on. Just when the finishing touches were expected at Lesnes Abbey,
nothing happens for four or five weeks.
It used to be the case that
seeing what taxpayers and lottery players were getting for the £4·2 million being ploughed into Lesnes Abbey was a useful standby at weekends when there was little else to report
but recently that has been a total let down. It was a month ago that
BiB first reported that nothing new had been seen in the week before.
Nothing has changed since except that Bexley Council
restored the guard
around the trip hazard at the five path junction.
The whole site looks more and more neglected, perhaps because it is. No one cuts
the grass or trims the hedges and no one has been seen working on the Visitor Centre.
I can only guess that the workers have all gone on strike or the contractor has gone bust.
The landscaping was being done by
Blakedown Landscapes and the Visitor Centre by
Bolt & Heeks.
That company’s liabilities of £7·7 million look a bit worrying to me but nothing
else is currently showing up on the web - unless you know better.