24 September (Part 2) - Bexley’s guidance on where you can sit and where you can’t
As I said, a clash of interests prevented my attendance at
Thursday’s Audit Committee meeting. A pity because I would have liked to have
seen if Chairmanship of a meeting was beyond the limited skills of Councillor David Leaf
(Conservative, Longlands) or not.
All I know about the meeting is that the Agenda reveals that Bexley Council managed to slash its expenditure on
services by even more than planned last year.
More than half a million extra taken off residential care, 330k. cut from the
fostering budget, 440k. snatched from vulnerable adults and £336k. knocked from the education budget.
But never fear, there is plenty of money left
for the Chief Executive to waste and on making it more difficult for residents,
me in particular, to attend Council meetings.
At the request of the Bexley Buffoon, Gill Steward, and the Fat Controller, some poor sap has
had to draw a diagram of the room showing where residents sit and where
Councillors sit. Up to now it has been fairly obvious. Councillors sit on the
plush seats and residents get plastic rubbish.
The Buffoon must think we are all as stupid as she is,
another of her vanity projects to show how all powerful she believes she is and
to ensure the plebs know where they can park their behinds. Click image below to take a look
at her pathetic little map.
Click to see the new map.
If you look at the cretin’s map you may note that members of the public are
forced to look at the back of Councillor’s heads. It can sometimes be difficult
to see who is speaking.
Several months ago, long before
one idiot recruited another,
Michael Barnbrook complained about the seating arrangements at Council meetings and the fact they make hearing difficult
too and was given assurances that it would not happen except maybe in the most
exceptional circumstances, but it happens at almost every meeting.
Following the appointment of a mentally challenged Chief Executive he asked what would happen to the earlier promises. The following is part of the reply.
With regard to the arrangement of meeting rooms, it remains our intention to
arrange tables in a horseshoe shape where this is practicable and reasonable
taking into account the nature of the meeting, the number attending and the room being used.
I shall keep a tally of how often the intention translates into reality.