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News and Comment June 2016

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13 June (Part 3) - Some fat behinds need a good kicking

There are only two candidates who can unseat the Tories in St. Michael’s ward on the 29th June. Sam Marchant for Labour and Keith Forster for UKIP.

Sam’s leaflet has been prominent on Bonkers for the past week but the UKIP one has only just become available to me. Keith is right to say in his leaflet that Labour has failed to hold the Conservatives to account but that is perhaps more to do with numbers than dedication. Bexley Tories are not interested in debate, only in undiluted power.

It is not for me to recommend one opposition party over another; strongly recommending that no one votes Tory already far exceeds BiB’s usual inclination to avoid undue bias. It’s not the fault of this former Conservative voter that the Tories get nearly all the flak, that’s because locally they are dishonest and is nothing to do with them wearing blue.

Having watched pretty well all the Council meetings of note over the past five years I think I can say that the three UKIP Councillors are more likely to bowl a googly, rock the boat and generally rattle cages than Labour who may be opposition but remain very much ‘establishment’. I rather like that but your vote might depend on the extent to which you are inclined to back a rebel. I should perhaps add that I do not know either of the two opposition candidates.

Some arses need kicking in Bexley and St. Michael’s voters have the privilege of doing the rest of us a big favour.


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