28 September - Deep into enemy territory
Thanks to those who pointed out that
the Council meeting I planned to attend isn’t on until tomorrow. Definitely a Senior Moment.
I may have not got inside the Crook’s Lodge yesterday but Mr. Elwyn Bryant did a few days ago. He had the
thought that as the new Civic Offices cost him and the rest of us £42 million he ought
to be able to check out what he had got for the money. Never one to be shy on
the telephone, Elwyn gave the Council a call and asked if he could take a look around.
He was very complimentary about the way his request was handled and almost
gushing in his praise for Julie Carder the Quality Assurance Manager who conducted the tour.
took John Watson along with him which is a little ironic. John is
banned by the
Buffoon from making contact with Bexley Council because his probing of
the Code of Conduct stitch-up became too uncomfortable
for the cover up merchants, but there he was strutting around the inner sanctum.
The last time Elwyn arranged a visit to the Civic Centre, someone who knew about
that visit and had access to the Council's car park CCTV system decided it would be a good idea to write
a fairy story about
both in the most obscene terms and post it under my name on the web. Councillor Peter Craske had the
knowledge and the access and the police traced the source to his phone line. But Bexley police
said they had failed to prove the connection. Two borough police commanders are still under
active investigation for the lapse by their Directorate of Professional Standards 1,961 days after
the criminal offence was committed.
Elwyn took a few snaps, nothing too intrusive, he knows his place, but they provide a few views
that us plebs are otherwise unlikely to see.