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News and Comment June 2016

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20 June (Part 2) - Snatching children out of Broadway

Bexley Council’s Press Release on truancy was not what I would call exciting, but then I don’t have a lot of interest in school affairs. If you work in a school you might feel differently.

Someone who does wrote to me about it. This is an edited version but all the words are hers.

It’s slightly odd that Bexley are paying out for this service considering that most schools in Bexley are academies and pay a private company a lot of money to raise attendance.

Call me a cynic but I can’t help think this is more to do with the two children murdered in Erith with their mother. (†) Both were of school age and both were long term non attenders - but nothing was done.

There's just something odd about it especially as this time of the year the Broadway would be filled with Year 11 students who are on study leave and only have to attend exams. Anyhows - we have been enjoying the Massey saga very much!

The Press Release doesn’t say when Bexley went nabbing kids on Broadway but the SEAAS reference brought back memories.

In 2011 it was exposed as a shady company set up by Bexley Council employees to exploit the new school regulations. While still working for Bexley according to reports at the time. They had no phone number, only a P.O. address and probing deeper revealed that they had adopted Postcode DAYS OFF. (DA15 0FF.) There is still no address on their website.

The national press sniffed around this less than professional outfit and I spoke to a journalist about it at least a couple of times. However they appear to have gone on to prosper.

That academies either choose to or are forced to employ profit making private companies to do what the Council used to do in house is just a small part of why taxes are far too high.

† Did Bexley council learn nothing from their neglect and the subsequent death of Rhys Lawrie?


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