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News and Comment April 2016

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1 April (Part 3) - Don’t forget. No entry to Abbey Wood station from the north

Crossrail CrossrailThe dreaded day arrives tomorrow. The Felixstowe Road (northern) entrance to Abbey Wood station will be closed permanently with the alternative putting between four and 15 minutes on your journey, dependent on one’s ability to negotiate the unlit and frequently flooded steps to Gayton Road. Both these failures are Bexley Council’s, not Network Rail’s.

There is no practical alternative route and the closure risks provoking more discontent about Crossrail than has been seen before among a generally tolerant community. It may also improve Southeastern’s revenue collection now that the unmanned exit has gone.

If you haven’t seen Network Rail’s publicity leaflet then click here. (PDF) Remember to look at Side 2.

Crossrail CrossrailWhile detouring along Gayton Road take care to watch out for partially hidden traffic at the foot of the steps, don’t trip over the tree roots which have broken the footpath and don’t fall over the heap of rubbish which reappears more quickly than Councillor Danny Hackett can report it.

The heap shown has been there since before Easter and grows almost daily.


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