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News and Comment Index 2009

Index: 2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024

Click subject title to read relevant comment
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

December 2009

26 December - Prioritise spending to reduce our taxes? Don’t make me laugh!

24 December - Speed indicators in Abbey Road

22 December - Skid Row

21 December - Belvedere’s very own skating rink

20 December - Bexley council. Dabbling with law breaking again?

19 December - A Merry Craske to you too

18 December - A catalogue of errors

17 December - Let there be as little light as possible

16 December - Let there be light

14 December - New train timetable

13 December - The election looms

10 December - And some answers

9 December - Questions for the council

6 December - Calamity Craske makes a splash

4 December - Will it or won’t it be emptied? Will they reply or not?

1 December - As if it isn’t dangerous enough already

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November 2009

30 November - Blackwall tunnel shut

27 November - Too narrow by far

26 November - Correcting the mistakes

25 November - The folly continues

20 November - Bexley refuse collections - worst in London?

18 November - More attempts to cover up their mistakes

17 November - Confusing signs. Can Bexley council do nothing right?

16 November - More powerful eyes spying on you

13 November - Council soaks us again

4 November - Council tax up again?

2 November - Cyclists’ race track puts pedestrians at risk

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October 2009

29 October - Another example of council uselessness

23 October - How long before we have a fatality in Abbey Road?

22 October - Parking irregularities

20 October - White lining

18 October - A really clever bit of parking

15 October - Parking suspension, day two

14 October - Parking suspended, Abbey Road resurfacing today

8 October - Councillor John Davey, Vice-Chairman of the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee

5 October - Good news

2 October - Boys with the black stuff

1 October - Name and Shame

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September 2009

30 September - Google is our friend

29 September - Another cover up by Bexley council?

27 September - Caught short! Caught out!

26 September - Putting our lives on the line

25 September - Email from Andrew Bashford, Team Leader (Traffic Projects) regarding Abbey Road

24 September - The Energy Saving Trust

23 September - The accident last Wednesday

19 September - Wilton Road parking penalties

18 September - Parking disgrace

16 September - Accident on newly modified road; quick cover-up by council

6 September - Bikes on the pavement

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August 2009

26 August - Gully thieves return

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July 2009

23 July - Power failures

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May 2009

28 May - Parking signs in Abbey Road

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February 2009

28 February - Parking in Gayton Road

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