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News and Comment November 2016

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17 November (Part 2) - Press Releases re-released

HMOFor the past couple of years Bonkers has been providing links to Bexley Council’s Press Releases which I would guess most readers would otherwise miss. The problem has been that after a day or two when the blog is half forgotten the link becomes virtually untraceable.

That shortcoming is now corrected, there is now an Index to all the Press Releases deemed to be worthy of interest at the time of publication. That’s most of them but it is not a comprehensive list.

A new Press Release was added to the list today, quite an important one dealing with Homes in Multiple Occupation. You can have your say about the licensing proposals on Bexley’s website.

The Press Release Index is accessible from the Main Menu system above under both Navigation/Indices or Miscellany/Indices.


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