24 May (Part 2) - To Ward’s more parking madness
parking restrictions in Fendyke Road, just around the corner from Abbey Wood station continue to defy logic.
Two weeks ago
two bays were taken out of service allegedly for a hole in the road
to be dug by UK Power Networks. They messed around a little further up the road
but nothing in or even adjacent to any of the parking bays.
UK Power Networks cleared up and went away but the parking restrictions had only
been expired for a couple of days and another was imposed
even more puzzling than the first.
Once again UKPN placed their plastic barriers in the road and dug a little hole
in the pavement. (Photos 1 and 2 below.) Graham Ward who issues these notices presumably hasn’t a clue
about what he puts his name to. All he does is inconvenience motorists and
fleece a few who fail to correctly judge where the unmarked boundaries between
bays are. Presumably that is the intention.
A mile to the east Mr. Ward signed off a notice that said that because of road
narrowing work by St. Augustine’s Church (Photos 3 and 4 below.) it would be necessary to
divert all
traffic along Woolwich Road and down Picardy. An enormous detour that would deprive thousands of people of a bus service.
As yet that has not happened. Pedestrians are forced to cross the road without
any protection but that is just the usual lack of consideration by Bexley
Council. Three road crossings if the intention was to walk up Heron Hill.
When the job is finished there will be yet another junction where the
footpath sticks out into the road and safety allegedly arises from forcing
vehicles on to a collision path. Fine if everyone is as alert as they should be
but the newly installed speed indicator in the same road clocks 60 fairly regularly.
On completion there will be more yellow lines and fewer parking spaces. What else would you expect?