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News and Comment June 2016

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10 June (Part 1) - Cuts lead to no cutting

Rubbish!They asked and residents told them. Maybe not via Bexley Council’s intrusive questionnaire but certainly elsewhere. Once again Streetlife shows the level of discontent in the borough. It is being said that even small dogs can’t find their way through the long grass in parks. Cabinet Member Alex Sawyer twice said that if the Council did not sell 26 parks to fund a new lawn mower the other green spaces would all revert to jungles. Seems it has happened already.

“A cost cutting exercise gone wrong. Bexley Council has lost control. Bexley Council has been appallingly managed. I wrote to councillors, I was disgusted at the level of disinterest. Bexley is a strong Tory seat, you get what you vote for. A very unkempt borough. Going downhill fast. Seriously thinking of moving away from Bexley as the mismanagement and incompetence is starting to bother me. This is a Bexley only issue.”

Councillor Howard Marriner chipped into the Streetlife conversation and blamed the weather for making the grass grow. That went down well!

WeepThe lack of respect for War Memorials is especially disgraceful but does Bexley Council care about anything any more, apart from maintaining their allowances? Eighteen thousand pounds of new ones were introduced immediately after they were re-elected in 2014 after deceiving the electorate into believing that Bexley is a low tax borough. Only eight London boroughs are worse.

Sidcup Sidcup Sidcup Sidcup

Pictures by BiB’s Sidcup correspondent.

Streetlife link.


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