29 August (Part 1) - Lesnes at a standstill again
Another place where
nothing has been happening over the past week
has been Lesnes Abbey park. The only thing I detected that was
different to a week ago was that
the weeds around the Mulberry tree
have been cut down. I’m not much of a gardener but I thought the way to deal with weeds was to pull them out.
Unusually I left the park via the steps to Abbey Road (Photo 3) rather than the path. What
a filthy mess they are. I thought Bexley Council was being rather cheeky at
the last Crossrail Liaison Panel meeting (see
final paragraph) when they complained to Network Rail that the Harrow Manorway flyover steps were dirty. Network Rail
had lit them after 40 years of failure by Bexley Council and now they were asking for Network Rail to
clean them too. They are Bexley’s steps, why have they never cleaned them?
Much to my surprise Network Rail agreed to clean the steps and about three weeks
later they were suddenly spotless with no dirt hiding in every crevice. They
have been cleaned every week or so since. (Photo 4.)
Bexley Council is simply good for nothing. They will be asking Network Rail to remove the graffiti next!