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News and Comment May 2016

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3 May - You simply cannot trust Bexley Tories

Old Farm Old FarmBiB is a bit behind the times with this one, but in case you too are not bang up to date…

When Bexley Council decided to sell four parks at the Council meeting last month, Mrs. McManus of the Save Old Farm Park campaign asked Cabinet Member Linda Bailey what the dimensions of the SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) would be.

She was told twelve metres wide alongside the railway line. Cabinet Member Craske repeated the figure at the same meeting. The implication was that twelve metres was enough to protect the SINC.

Never trust a Bexley Council Conservative.

It transpires that twelve metres does no such thing, more than twice that width would be required to fully protect the strip alongside the railway that Bexley Council planted for the benefit of wildlife only 13 years ago.

You really cannot take anything these blighters say at face value.

Full details on the Bexley Wildlife website.


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