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News and Comment June 2016

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13 June (Part 2) - Shutting the stable door far too late

TweetAll the time that unregistered Homes in Multi-Occupation were not affecting the plusher parts of the Borough, Conservative Councillors paid little attention to their growing number. 450 two years ago and bound to be much higher now.

Then the subject hit the News Shopper and was mentioned at length on BiB and there is an election coming up. Bexley Council flew into action. Well they issued a Press Release to say their failure to control the situation is no worse than their counterparts in Bromley or Greenwich.

The difference is that our two neighbours have already done something about it. Bexley as usual did nothing. They are thinking about an Article 4 Directive but not until July and if they decide to go ahead it will take another twelve months to implement. Meanwhile, residents suffer.

Bexley Council says that the problem is recent, Councillor Francis has correspondence which say is it is not. I know which of those two I would rather believe.


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