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Starmageddon - Important decisions by the Labour Government


Bad things

Appointing David Lammy who thinks a man can grow a cervix if given the right hormones, to be Foreign Secretary. The whole world laughs. (5/7/2024).

Appointing Sir Patrick Vallance the architect of the disastrous Covid lock-downs as Science Minister. (5/7/2024).

Abandoning all disincentives to illegal immigration. (5/7/2024).

Appointing former failed Home Secretary Jaqui Smith famed for paying for porn on expenses to a Ministerial job in the Education Department. (6/7/2024).

Anneliese Dodds who was unable to define a woman is Appointed Minister for Women. (8/7/2024).

Countryside to be covered with unreliable wind farms. (8/7/2024).

40,000 convicts including members of Asian grooming gangs to be released into the community. (9/7/2024).

No more new drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea. (10/7/2024).

In a further move towards the unachievable Net Zero, Ed Milliband has authorised three more solar and battery farms on arable land. Net Zero food? (12/7/2024).

Banning the mining of coking coal for steel production. (13/7/2024).

Requirement that employers regulate the number of immigrant workers is abandoned. (15/7/2024).

Imposing 20% VAT on school fees. (17/7/2024).

Giving Africa £84 million in the hope that it will persuade their people that it is better to stay at home. (18/7/2024).

Send HAMAS £21 million via their support agency UNWRA. (18/7/2024).

Not so bad things

John Timpson, with a long record of employing former inmates in his shops, appointed Prisons Minister. (5/7/2024)

Making the ban on puberty blockers permanent. (13/7/2024)


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