31 July - Hasn’t he done well?
continue to get emails from Falkirk where a mystery man is trying to buy the
football club. His name is Mark Campbell and some of the fans up there think he is the same Mark Campbell who tried to open
a cab company in Bexley Village in
2012 and whose father was Deputy Leader of Bexley Council until 2014.
Except that the image shown here looks a bit like his father and the age matches
our local Mark Campbell I am unable to provide a positive ID. Can you?
My opinion of the former Deputy Leader is probably best not written down but is based on the fact that
went on BBC TV in 2013 and every single word he uttered was a lie.
When both father and son
took over a pub in Bean a salesman at
the drinks wholesaler Maison Maurice
wrote to me with a lengthy description of Mark Campbell which he summarised as “a total con man”. Maybe the
salesman got him wrong but a whole file of stuff including Court papers was bundled with it.
Some of the Falkirk fans are concerned that their mystery man
may be the same as ‘ours’ and not live up to expectations. He claims to be a billionaire who made his
fortune in the USA. Google ‘Falkirk Football Club Mark Campbell’ and there are lots of impressive hits, including
the BBC Sport web page.
30 July - Rubbish is kicked down the road towards Scrutiny
National cuts to the education budget was not the only Motion put forward by
the Labour Group at the Full Council meeting nearly two weeks ago; Councillor
Stefano Borella (Slade Green and North End) put forward another critical of the
performance of Serco, the Council’s waste contractor.
I should declare an interest, I only use the green and brown waste services but
I have no complaints at all.
It would appear that not everyone is so lucky. Councillor Borella reminded the
Council that it was Labour that launched recycling services in Bexley as long
ago as 1994 with paper and extended it to plastic, tin cans, paper, garden waste
and food between 2002 and 2006. The service has since progressed to being best in London.
Serco’s contract has been extended until at least 2021 and revised collection arrangements
are to be introduced later this year. The charge for the very profitable garden
waste service will rise by £5. Stefano was a member of the sub-Committee that
reached those decisions but he denied the claim made several times by
Conservative Members that he was fully supportive of them. Finance had been the
main consideration not service to the public. Serco’s budget had been cut by £255,000.
Fly tipping incidents had doubled in the past two years and bin lorry drivers
were now being paid less than £10 an hour.
He did not want to see Serco’s contract extended for what he said was their
failure and would prefer a Council controlled trading company.
Councillor Sally Hinkley (Belvedere) seconded the Motion and had prepared a list of
complaints made by residents.
• Every week I have to call them about forgetting one bin or another. There are maggots but every week they forget.
• My mother is disabled and on assisted collections but every week they leave the bins. We report it and are told they will look into it.
• They only do the job properly on main roads.
• They love to throw the recycling bins anywhere.
• My food bin is not collected and it stinks.
• The green bin was not collected last time either.
• Get rid of Serco.
• Bexley Council are the pits, worst Council for everyone.
• Don’t get me started. Every week for six months I’ve been phoning them.
• If they spill anything they don’t bother to pick it up.
• The Council makes all the right noises and then awards them a new contract.
• My plastics were not collected, Phoned Council who said they would be collected. They weren’t.
• It’s a terrible service.
• They failed to collect our bin but the Council said they had. Err?
• They scattered our rubbish everywhere.
• Our recycling has been missed for two weeks.
Note: This list has been edited down and comments shortened.
Councillor Hinkley went on to say that Serco is the public face of Bexley
Council and they are not good enough and in part the cause was the lack of job
security at Serco. Until that problem is resolved “we will never ever get a
decent service from Serco”. Like Councillor Borella before her she advocated
taking the service back in house.
Councillor Seymour (Conservative, Crayford) Chairman of the Places Overview and
Scrutiny Committee moved that the Motion be taken on board by his Committee.
Councillor Borella believed his Motion deserved a debate. The Mayor disagreed
and that was the end of that. All the Conservatives kicked the Motion out
however the likelihood is that the Scrutiny Committee will not be uncritical of Serco either.
When I started this blog Bexley Council was crammed solid with the dodgiest
of people. Deputy Leader
Colin Campbell mentioned yesterday was by no means the worst of them. Ian Clement, the Council Leader had
abused his Council credit card and his expenses to the tune of £2,200 and
got away with it because his successor, one Teresa O’Neill, refused to do
anything about it. He was caught out when he pulled the same trick, but only for
£227, when he became Deputy Mayor at the GLA. He was sentenced to three months, suspended.
Another bad one was Chief Executive Nick Johnson.
In a one to one deal with Clement
he arranged for his retirement on grounds of ill health and received a
reported £300,000 pay off and a £50,000 annual pension for life all at Bexley
taxpayers’ expense. Then he went off and got
the same sort of job with Hammersmith Council his dodgy ticker having
miraculously cured itself.
Dropping down to Director and Deputy Director level found much the same.
Mike Frizoni ran a draconian parking regime
criticised by the Local Government Ombudsman at a time when Bexley Council
had two parking contracts, one for public consumption and another which broke
the law. Their own auditor condemned it as maladministration - 13 times.
Mark Charters who had been Director of Children’s Services in Bexley
at a time when
OFSTED was awarding the borough the worst ratings possible went to wreak
same havoc on the Isle of Man. Less than a year later he had to leave and
when last heard of was seeking refuge on the island of St. Helena as their
Director of Safeguarding.
deputy was Sheila Murphy who did nothing to prevent the death of Rhys Lawrie.
His mother reported herself as being likely to do him a mischief, the doctors
and teachers did the same but Bexley Council failed to react - not until he was dead that is.
The whole story is
indexed here and eventually his mother’s
boyfriend was imprisoned for manslaughter. His grandfather does not believe a
word of it because the boyfriend could not have been in the house at the time and paramedics
who could have confirmed it were not allowed to be witnesses in Court.
The grandfather believes that Bexley Council and the police connived to cover
the Council’s neglect and successfully shifted the blame from mother to
boyfriend because the case was close to being another Baby P (Connolly) in Haringey. He
uncovered a great deal of evidence and Sheila Murphy did not come out of it well at all but
the Serious Case
Review glossed over her involvement. The review was conveniently authored by her former boss Rory Patterson.
Mick Barnbrook queried that association in a Public Question at a Full Council meeting in
November 2014 but Cabinet Member Philip Read refused to answer the question
on the grounds that Mick was trying to smear Ms. Murphy and that he was not
obliged to answer questions from former members of the BNP.
Despite Read’s denial of any close cooperation the conclusion was drawn that Sheila
Murphy and Rory Patterson were indeed mates who helped each other. Five years
later an anonymous email reminds me of just how close that association might be. Not
only did they work together in Bexley but they are still doing so; this time in Thurrock.
“Mr. Patterson appointed Mr. Archibald.” Same old tricks.
Much more worrying is the allegation that children have again died while in
their care and allegedly The Thurrock Independent newspaper has been gagged. A
News Shopper reporter once told me that Bexley Council tried that on too.
Thurrock Council seems to make a habit of it.
Perhaps because of the gagging, little news is available on the subject beyond
the initial allegation; maybe my anonymous correspondent could provide a bit more evidence?
Meanwhile all we know is that Cabinet Member Philip Read’s assertion that asking a former Bexley Director to report on his subordinate in the case of a child
death that had already aroused grave suspicions looks even more like part of the
cover up by Bexley Council into Rhys Lawrie’s death than it did five years ago.
We should be grateful that all of the charlatans mentioned above are no longer in Bexley.
I go away for the day and come back to an email Inbox full of messages
relating to a football club in Falkirk. What is that all about?
It would appear that a man called Mark Campbell is trying to take over the club.
Some say he is masquerading as an American billionaire who wants to invest in
Falkirk out of the kindness of his heart. Some do not agree.
Long term readers may remember that Mark Campbell is the son of former Bexley Deputy Council Leader Colin
Campbell. I advised the football fans to be very careful indeed and sent them a few web links.
27 July - Oh dear, it’s back to 2011 standards of honesty at Bexley Council
One of the routine hoops that the Full Council meeting has to jump through is
to approve the reports from the various Committee chairmen. With any
luck they are quickly nodded through one by one and everyone can go home at a
reasonable hour. The 17th July was not one of those occasions, Labour Members
objected to the report from the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
which had been chaired by Councillor Alan Downing.
The objections were
reported in the News Shopper two days later but rather formally and with little sense of the disarray that had arisen.
Here I will attempt to shed rather more light on what came over as a particularly disgraceful half hour of transparency versus censorship.
Wendy Perfect (Labour, Northumberland Heath) referred to “the technical documents” presented to the Scrutiny
meeting on 2nd July. She had attended because she was “particularly keen to hear
what was said about SEN transport in view of the debacle that had taken place at
the beginning of the year causing children and SEN parents distress”.
She learned that a report from last May painted a rosy picture and, “verbatim” Cabinet Member
John Fuller had said that “schools were saying we are on your side and
agree with your policy, we think it is great”. He went on to say “the majority
of the appeals we had last year regarding travel we won. The Council were
correct. We had one parent who took us further than we wanted to go and they
lost. They had to pay costs and everything. We were right in what we were doing
and this year we had no complaints at all”.
The foregoing conveys only a little of Councillor Perfect’s message which was
buried deeply within quoted paragraph numbers and sub-section this and
sub-section that. It all being a little too complicated at the end of a long day
I wandered towards the boys’ room muttering “that woman can bore for England”. A
Conservative Councillor heading in the same direction agreed whole heartedly.
However by the time I returned Councillor Perfect’s message was beginning to
shine through. Far from John Fuller’s “there’s been no complaints at all”,
“every single case had been upheld by the Local Government Ombudsman”. 55% of
complaints to the LGO from London “came from one borough, Bexley”.
Ms. Perfect’s objection to the Scrutiny Committee report had the potential for
serious embarrassment and Councillor Ogundayo (Labour, Thamesmead East) began to read out yet more
unpalatable facts in the manner of someone reading a telephone directory. It was
only marginally less boring than Councillor Perfect’s address. One could see
various Conservative Councillors on the verge of nodding off, as indeed was I.
So bored or maybe embarrassed was Council Leader O’Neill that she interrupted
and asked the Mayor to rule the Labour objection out of order. After conferring
with her learned friends, the Leader’s attempt to use some arcane point of order was
overruled by the Mayor and Councillor Ogundayo was invited to continue boring all and sundry to death.
Councillor Teresa O’Neill objected but the Mayor was having none of it.
The Leader was clearly not happy and continued to mumble objections.
Councillor Ogundayo continued as before apparently oblivious to the fact that reading
a catalogue of SEN transport rules and regulations was masking her message. viz. that
the Scrutiny Committee had been told porkies on 2nd July.
The Mayor herself diplomatically stated her own “personal opinion”, that the
Labour Councillors had taken boredom to new levels. Making amends for what had
gone before, Councillor Sally Hinkley (Labour, Belvedere) got a little bit closer to the point by
quoting from the LGO’s damning reports on Bexley. “Bexley does not reflect the law” being a typical extract.
Councillor Dave Putson (Labour, Belvedere) quoted from yet more LGO case reports which showed up
Bexley Council in a very bad light indeed. Among other things Bexley Council was
demanding that single parents should be in two places at the same time. The almost ten years old Bonkers’ tag
line “Dishonest and Vindictive” was once again proved to be very appropriate to Bexley Council.
Councillor Sybil Camsey (Conservative, Crook Log) objected on a technicality to
Labour Councillors exposing the Council’s failures to act lawfully and with
compassion. “This discussion should not be taking place.” The Mayor agreed.
Councillor Francis (Labour, Belvedere) wondered, as no doubt will all of us, “why Members opposite do not wish us to talk about it”.
The Mayor attempted to focus the debate by saying it didn’t really need quotations from all six LGO reports and I am inclined to agree.
Labour Leader Daniel Francis summed up. In essence the case was that the Cabinet
Member made a statement favourable to his portfolio in July which completely
ignored half a dozen disturbing LGO reports made in the Spring. It seemed like a
fair cop that didn't really need more than half an hour of lecturing to prove.
Six times the LGO had said that Bexley Council failed in its statutory duties
but the Cabinet Member appeared to be either oblivious of it or concealed it
from the Scrutiny Committee. Councillor Francis called for a special meeting to
discuss remedies and the way forward “in the interests of residents. There has
been a serious attempt to mislead the Scrutiny Committee and the only option
open to the Cabinet Member is to resign”.
The Conservatives jeered their contempt for honesty and Scrutiny Chairman Alan
Downing said “the party opposite does not share our concern [for disabled
children] and spoke a lot of twaddle. I can’t believe what I have been listening
to and I wonder what they are on about”. So discussing adverse LGO reports is
‘twaddle’ according to the Communities Chairman. Is there any need for further
comment on such callous remarks?
Councillor Francis appeared to be close to tears as indeed should be every resident
of Bexley who gives a moment’s thought to the injustices dished out to the disabled by
Bexley Council.
The LGO reports really are damning.
Labour’s Press Release.
It has been reported that the arguments continued long into the night away from the gaze of the webcams.
Note: As one might expect Bexley Conservatives conducted a
furious fight back on Twitter to mask the LGO’s reports with sometimes
irrelevant facts. Their main claim appears to be that Cabinet Member John Fuller
did not mislead the Scrutiny Committee but had merely taken his eye off the ball
and didn’t know about them. I would prefer to think that is the case because
John Fuller has led an almost blameless life in the nine years I have been attending Council meetings.
When the facts become clear they will be
reported in another blog.
I generally find that one of the more interesting parts of a Full Council
meeting is the Leader’s Report; Teresa O’Neill does not usually go in for
extended waffle and not unreasonably assumes that her 26 page (this time) written report has been read.
This time however may have been an exception as she took up half the allotted
time with her own beating of the Bexley drum.
began by having her say on earlier parts of the meeting,
Councillor Perfect’s Motion on Education
and Councillor Hinkley’s complaint about the standard of rubbish collection (†) which she implied should have been
raised at the time and not at a Council meeting.
The Leader had chaired a 140 strong meeting on 16th July about “generating good
growth in the Thames Estuary” where she spoke about the proposed Crossrail
Extension C2E. £4·85 million has been allocated to look for a solution.
Councillor O’Neill will be one of nine nominees to the governing body of the
steering committee which she called ‘a Board’.
She then went back five years to praise yet again the decision to move to the
new Civic Offices which “created jobs, created homes, created community
facilities and created opportunities for residents in addition to keeping
Council Tax down”. (For the record it has gone up by very nearly 18% in those five years.)
Moving back to Crossrail she said “the delay is now considered to be to
September 2020 to March 2021 and it has been suggested that it may be pushed out a bit more than that. Frankly we need to get it open”.
“Last week I visited the Thamesmead Housing Zone, one of the cleanest building
sites I’d even been on. Phenomenal to see it going up. At The Quarry it is
fantastic to see that we now have streets! That is what good growth should be
about. The Housing Strategy, the Town Centre Strategy and the Communities
Strategy are about shaping the future of our borough. We either take control and
shape growth or it will shape us.”
Green Flag status had been awarded to the parks at Hall Place and Lesnes Abbey.
Not so good was losing the status of being the safest borough in London
following the London Mayor’s reorganisation of police services. She had had “a
conversation” with the Deputy Mayor about it.
Councillor O’Neill looked forward to having “a new Prime Minister next week who knows Bexley very well”.
The first question came from Councillor Munir (Conservative Blackfen & Lamorbey) who wanted to know the percentage
figure for permanent staff within Children’s Services; a question he could have
asked at any time while passing the Leader or Cabinet Member in the corridor.
For the record it has been within the range of 88% to 92% over the past few months
for which Councillor Philip Read thanked the outgoing Director Jacky Tiotto.
Councillor Daniel Francis (Labour, Belvedere) remarked on the delayed bin roll out. “Was the Leader confident it would be completed by Christmas?”
Cabinet Member Craske managed to speak for 86 seconds without getting near to answering the question.
Councillor Linda Bailey (Conservative, Crook Log) complained about the “appalling” Crossrail delays. Has
the Council Leader raised “objections about the way this has been handled?” The
Leader said that was a matter between Government and Mayor and reverted to her
theme that it was “fantastic” that she had chaired the C2E meeting.
Councillor Richard Diment (Conservative, Sidcup)
remounted his hobby horse,
the widespread closure of Post Offices, the Sidcup office being the most recent
to close. The Post Office is “alarmingly complacent nationally about the process
for getting it reopened. Does the Leader share the frustration of Sidcup
residents that the Post Office seems unable to get its act together?”
“Absolutely” she did; what else would anyone expect her to say?
For no obvious reason Councillor O’Hare (Conservative, Blendon & Penhill) filled in the last four minutes of
question time with a potted history of Lesnes Abbey. “Built in 1128 by Richard
De Lucy the Chief Justice of England as a penance for the murder of Thomas
Beckett” and then went on to quote favourable Trip Adviser reviews. His
question? “Does the Leader support the progress of Lesnes Abbey?”
My God! To think we actually elect such people. For the record, Councillor
Craske extolled the undoubted virtues of the Abbey and the surrounding park.
† Not yet reported.
24 July (Part 2) - Education in Bexley is not Perfect
In my opinion Bexley Conservatives were playing slightly undemocratic games at last Wednesday’s Full Council meeting
and one of the less important ones concerned a Motion put forward by Councillor Wendy Perfect for the Labour Group.
As is often the case with Labour Motions it was pretty dry stuff but suffice to
say that it included education statistics which did not make for good reading.
137,000 more pupils nationally, 5,400 fewer teachers, 2,800 fewer teaching
assistants, 1,400 fewer support staff and 1,200 fewer auxiliary staff.
It asked Bexley Council to oppose Central Government cuts and lobby the
Secretary of State for Education and the Chancellor to provide the resources to give
Bexley’s children “the best start in life”.
For some reason best known to herself the Mayor decided to break the rules
relating to the time allocated for debating Motions and extended it by about 15
minutes, maybe so that the Tories would have more time in which to demolish Ms. Perfect’s Motion.
Councillor Perfect spoke for nine and a half minutes trotting out a catalogue of
anecdotes of schools that had no money, begging from parents and not turning on
the heating etc. For no obvious reason the Mayor did not allow her the full
ten minutes. (The tape does not lie.)
However the weakness in her tales of woe, if Bexley Tories are telling the truth - and that is
something that one always has to keep in mind - is that none of Councillor
Perfect’s anecdotes or statistics applied to Bexley.
The Conservative Group decided to put out their own Motion, not an amendment
which is the usual procedure with paragraphs marked so that the changes are
easily seen, but a completely new Motion.
The Conservatives said that pupil numbers in Bexley were stable, the number of
teacher posts had increased by more than 50. Teaching Assistant numbers had gone
up by 200 and other education posts had increased by more than 400.
Additionally two new special schools had been approved.
The reason for the time extension began to come clear and unsurprisingly the Labour Group objected to such a wholesale shift in emphasis on their Motion.
Unscrupulous Tories merely wished to welcome what was happening in Bexley and
they believed the Council had successfully lobbied government to fund the borough’s educational needs.
Labour Leader Daniel Francis protested with exampleְs of what Bexley parents are actually seeing “on the ground”.
Councillor Sybil Camsey proceeded to rub
the local statistics into the Labour noses which had rooted out the lamentable national statistics. Reluctantly I
have to agree that she probably had a valid point.
The Labour Motion was thrown out and Labour abstained on the Tory alternative. Independent Councillor Danny Hackett voted
with the Tories, He was right to do so; it’s not the first time that Labour has
put forward sometimes laudable Motions which are not very relevant to local government.
I very much regret not being able to get to any of
the Alcock and Brown centenary events as pushing forward aviation was
a big part of my childhood but
a family event got in the way on Sunday and an appointment with a GP in East Ham
wrecked yesterday. (I arrived in good time but he had forgotten all about it.)
I’m sure Councillor Craske is right when he says “a huge amount of work and planning went into today’s
events marking 100 years since the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic in a plane built in Crayford”.
Congratulations must be due to everyone who had the foresight to dream up the
event and then set about ensuring it was a success.
Councillor Craske is entitled to bask in the reflected glory although his claim (see Tweet below)
that without the Vimy designed by Vickers in Crayford we would still be crossing
the Atlantic in steam ships may be a little far fetched. I suspect someone else
would have tried their luck in another string and plywood contraption sooner or
later. But Alcock and Brown did it first, that is a fact even if they did crash land it in an Irish bog.
If I may be permitted to wipe just a little of the grin from St. Peter’s visage; I am
distantly related to the Duke of Kent who planted the commemorative tree in Hall
Place yesterday but I do acknowledge I have to go back nine generations to prove it. His
wife’s sister-in-law tracked me down in 2010 and we corresponded occasionally by email until 2013.
It’s not much of a claim to fame but it is better than being associated with my
Nth cousin who tried to assassinate the original J.P. Morgan in New York. His bullet
missed and killed his personal physician instead. He was certified insane and escaped the electric chair.
Bexley’s Labour Group has issued
another Press Release, this time it is urging you to take part in
TfL’s consultation on keeping
bus route 428 serving Darenth Valley Hospital. Currently it runs from Erith through Crayford and on to
Bluewater via the hospital but TfL wants to chop it at Crayford.
Did I ever mention my trip on the new 301 service from Woolwich Arsenal to
Bexleyheath via Abbey Wood? I wanted a B11 but although I was at the stop at least four minutes early and I could see it for several more minutes as I walked
from home, it never showed up. All too common an experience on the B11 I have
found. A 301 came along and I took that instead sitting in solitary splendour at the front on the top deck.
When it arrived at Bexleyheath I went forward to congratulate the driver on not
hitting anything en-route and only being forced to mount the kerb once. He agreed it was one horrendous route.
Murky Depths wrote an article about it
yesterday with some splendid pictures.
From Bexleyheath I needed to get the DLR to East Ham so I rode the top deck of a
301 all the way to Woolwich. I tend to avoid going north of Eastern Way so
for me it was almost a tourist bus. I had not realised just how industrialised
Nathan Way is or how difficult it is for buses to negotiate due to traffic
levels and parking. I can’t see it ever being an Express route from Thamesmead to Woolwich Arsenal.
For any Freedom Pass holder with an interest in rubbish dumps, prisons and
dodgy looking car repair outfits and an afternoon to spare I would recommend it as a cheap day out.
22 July (Part 2) - Crime’s up. Facebook gossip confirmed by official figures
There was a third question at last week’s Full Council meeting and it came
from retired policeman Councillor Alan Downing (Conservative, St. Mary’s & St. James). He asked Alex Sawyer the Cabinet
Member for Communities if he was concerned about what London Mayor Sadiq Khan
had imposed on Bexley. viz. the amalgamation of Bexley’s police force with that
of Greenwich and Lewisham which have nothing in common with our borough. The arrangement
is known as the Borough Command Unit, BCU.
Councillor Downing has the knack of asking things that the average man in the
street might want to know and has little interest in
the sort of creepy question beloved of the inadequates who asked questions before him.
Similarly Councillor Sawyer is always prepared to call a spade a bloody shovel when necessary.
summary Alex Sawyer said that the BCU was indeed a bloody shovel and was proving
to be a disaster for Bexley. Who would have thought it?
In the few short months since Mayor Khan’s system was put into practice Bexley
has lost its place as being the safest London borough and is now only fifth safest,
dropping to seventh along the way. Another rip-roaring success story for the Mayor.
“There have been significant crime increases across the borough and it is simply not acceptable.”
Emergency call responses have decreased markedly and more and more crimes go
unsolved. “The Mayor’s BCU isn’t working for Bexley.”
“The Mayor is obsessed with Inner London and doesn’t have a great empathy with
us. The A2 makes it easy [for criminals] to get in and out.” Easier than in
Greenwich and Lewisham where access is largely via side roads.
“Communications are far far from ideal. There have been many instances where the police hear about things only through
Social Media and that is unacceptable. The Mayor really does need to up his game, there is a world outside Inner London”.
Labour Councillor Mabel Ogundayo (Thamesmead East) made a reference to budget cuts and
what the BCU Commander had said at a previous meeting.
She asked Alex Sawyer what the Home Secretary was doing about it.
Alex didn’t think the blame lay there but on a Mayor who had paid out £51·4
million in Golden Goodbyes, the staffing bill had gone up by £21 million, his
own staff numbers had increased by 60%, £700,000 on parties, £13 million a year
promoting himself, TfL spends £35 million on taxi fares and £10 million goes to Trade Unions.
“The Mayor of London wastes taxpayers’ money.’
22 July (Part 1) - 100 years after the first transatlantic flight. Bexley celebrates
I was unable to get over to Hall Place to look at the Vickers Vimy celebrations due to a very long standing family commitment but my friend Elwyn Bryant did. Here are his pictures to mark the day.
19 July - Drama in the Council Chamber. Enter stage right
After being you know where all afternoon I contemplated not going to
Wednesday’s Full Council meeting but a quick look at the Agenda convinced me
that I should. The number one question of the evening was of the stomach
churning creepy variety so beloved by the least adequate of Tory Members.
Councillor Nigel Betts (Conservative, Falconwood & Welling) was going to ask Cabinet Member Peter Craske if a statement
allegedly made in 2014 by the Old Bexley and Sidcup Labour Party to the
effect that the 2014 library strategy would cause libraries “to become a thing of
the past” had proved to be correct.
That sort of staged question is exactly what you get when you elect a Councillor of Nigel Betts’ calibre.
Councillor Craske said that contrary to the situation elsewhere in the country
Bexley had seen a 4% year on year increase in the number of library visits and a
5% increase in the number of items borrowed.
There had been a number of initiatives; 4,000 children had participated in last
year’s reading challenge and it was being repeated this year with a space theme.
Two book festivals had attracted more than 3,000 attendees each. There had been
theatrical events, comedy nights, live music, a vinyl record club and quiz
nights. We have refurbished libraries and added new things to them, museums and
exhibition space. In Crayford there is a community space and a Post Office.
Opening hours have been extended.
Although the Thamesmead library is currently in temporary accommodation pending
a rebuild the number of members has increased by 10,000 in five years. A new
library is to open in Sidcup too.
Councillor Craske finished by asking the Labour Party to apologise for their remarks.
Councillor Melvin Seymour’s question (Conservative, Crayford) was asked with similar intent. How many
times were grass verges cut in 2016/17 and 2017/18? These are really profound and far
reaching questions to top the bill at a Full Council meeting aren’t they?
Councillor Craske said that in 2016/17 nine cuts were made each year and a year
later the number was increased to ten and it has remained at that level ever
since. Unfortunately the Labour Mayor had slashed grass cutting alongside the
TfL managed A2 to only two per year, he said with a certain amount of relish.
Councillor Stefano Borella (Labour, Slde Green and North End) reminded the Cabinet Member that in 2015/16 the
schedule dictated twelve cuts per year. Peter Craske admitted to “never
being very good at maths at school” which presumably explains his insistence
that changing from twelve to ten was an increase.
Labour Leader Daniel Francis asked the Cabinet Member for Education if he agreed
that the Conservative Government’s refusal to fund the education of vulnerable
children was an absolute disgrace”.
With commendable honesty Councillor John Fuller relied “yes I do”.
Yesterday’s Full Council meeting was a little like old times. The Opposition
Members getting agitated and the Conservative Group mouthing sometimes audible
ungentlemanly language. It was a baptism of fire for the new Mayor Councillor
Geraldene Lucia-Hennis and in my opinion she handled it
pretty well. At one time she even ruled against Council Leader Teresa O’Neill who was attempting to
deflect democracy with some obscure point of order.
The argument was about Bexley ducking their responsibility for transporting
Special Educational Needs children to school. The new rules had been applied
unfairly and numerous cases had been taken to the Local Government Ombudsman who sided with parents.
Worse was that Bexley Council had put out a SEN report two weeks ago
which sang their own praises and Cabinet Member comments went out of their way to portray parents in a bad
light. The report failed to mention that of all the complaints received by the
LGO, more than half came from Bexley and three quarters of them were upheld.
Not a word about the adverse Local Government Ombudsman verdicts.
A blow by blow account should appear here after what will be a busy weekend. Meanwhile the Labour Group has helpfully issued a Press Release. It includes links to the LGO’s verdict on Bexley’s Council cruelty.
17 July - History in the making
I expect it is the same on TV
(I never watch it) but commercial radio and Twitter promotions have been heavily advertising the delayed but soon to be
released film Current Wars in recent days. A two year old film delayed because of the Harvey Weinstein business.
It explains an epic battle which has fascinated me ever since I first read about
it many years ago. The competition between inventors Thomas Edison and Nikola
Tesla (backed by George Westinghouse) over whether the world should adopt Alternating Current (AC) or Direct
Current (DC) for the distribution of electricity. Fortunately Tesla won with his AC
system or the world would not be anything like as advanced as it is now.
(Actually it probably would as surely engineers would soon have realised their mistake.)
Thomas Edison was pipped at the post not only by Tesla but also by Graham Bell with the telephone, Joseph Swann with the light
bulb and his phonograph was soon eclipsed by Emile Berliner’s much more practical gramophone.
In my opinion Edison was a ruthless and rather nasty man but it was him who became rich and famous, he must have had a better PR department than Tesla.
And why is Bonkers advertising a reputedly not very good film? Some of the techie bits were filmed locally at
the Crossness sewage pumping station.
Yes, Tesla cars do use AC motors although not all electric vehicles do.
Another bit of local history is the
Alcock and Brown centenary celebrations at
Hall Place on Sunday 21st. My father flew in rather larger bombers than
the Vickers Vimy only 21 years after their historic transatlantic
flight and I moved to Farnborough in 1949 where the sky was always full of strange flying machines.
A time when Alcock and Brown were comparatively recent heroes. Every schoolboy aircraft spotter knew who they were.
Unfortunately a very long standing family engagement will prevent me taking the
229 bus to Hall Place but it should be well worth the trip. A pity to miss it because it is free and I won’t be able to check out if
Cabinet Member Peter Craske is still denying that I exist.
Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu has been roundly condemned by everyone
from the Prime Minister, through the Tory leadership contenders Boris Johnson
and Jeremy Hunt down to every tin pot journalist for attempting to dictate what newspapers publish.
A few pages have been removed from BiB recently but that was my decision in recognition of the fact that
Bexley Council may have made an effort to clean up its act; some in the past being indisputably criminal. The job took quite some time and wasn’t completed until
late May.
I mentioned
the revisions here soon afterwards. No one commented which was a bit disappointing.
Former Councillors Massey benefited from that decision. Fothergill too because
both are former Councillors and no longer able to directly
bring the alleged disrepute on to Bexley Council. No dictatorial police involved!
For newcomers to Bonkers, I had repeated Bexley Council‘s assertion via their
Code of Conduct Committee that Fothergill
was likely to have brought them into disrepute because of her financial antics -
but Bonkers found reasons to doubt that verdict and proclaim her innocence. It also
how she ran foul of Sevenoaks Council for flouting planning law and had to apologise in
the High Court and pay out a substantial sum to recompense her libelling of two
business associates. All matters of public record that were removed from Bonkers on my initiative.
I was always totally mystified why she thought my lengthy investigations into
the reprimand dished out by Bexley’s Code of Conduct Committee was harassing her when
I found in her favour. Councillors can be very odd people.
15 July - Making residents’ lives difficult - as usual
just ten days notice Bexley Council issued an unhelpful Public Notice
announcing a two week closure of the B213 to Erith otherwise known as Abbey Road. Nearly a mile of it.
They said there would be no access to the five cul-de-sacs that lead from the B213 towards
the railway line in Belvedere. The sort of of notice which one should expect from a
bureaucrat who has no regard for those who pay his salary.
Fortunately the Council’s contractor, FM Conway, managed each junction such that
residents could drive to and from their homes pretty much all the time;
obviously not when asphalt was being dumped across those junctions but even then
they tried to do it a half road width at a time to minimise any inconvenience.
No doubt someone somewhere was held up for a while but given that the road was
in a very bad state and needed to be resurfaced it has been a job pretty well done.
The postman came every day, delivery vans made the effort but Bexley’s recycling
lorries gave up and didn’t come until Saturday. The normal collection day is Friday.
(Garden waste was on time.)
As you may deduce from the two photos shown here the job ran a day late,
entirely the result of Conway’s staff being helpful to residents in their cars.
The constant hold ups meant that every day they fell another few metres behind with the result that buses are still on diversion today.
The residents of New Road are understandably not happy.
It is not all that long since New Road was a quiet residential climb through the woods and then the B11 came along.
Last Saturday the 301 joined it taking the total number of buses to 18 an hour. That’s throbbing diesel engines at three
stops in each direction from six in the morning until just before one the following morning.
How long before South East London gets to see the silent electric double deckers being introduced in North West London? (Final Photo below.)
Today because of the continuing Abbey Road closure the regular New Road buses are joined
by the 229, 469, 602 and 609. A total of at least 36 buses an hour. This morning
a neighbour told me that her bus was one of a queue of three descending New Road
while two were trying to go the other way.
The junction of New Road and Abbey Road (See Photos below) is a typical poor design from Bexley
Council presenting difficulties for the drivers of all large vehicles and the left
turn from Woolwich Road to Brampton Road at the Knee Hill traffic lights is close to impossible
for buses without the good will of fellow drivers. It was occasionally difficult with four buses an hour, now we
have more than twice as many much bigger vehicles.
Not easing over the kerbs on Knee Hill by just a couple of feet looks more like
stupidity by Bexley and Greenwich Councils with every bus that passes.
The Alexander Dennis electric buses are essentially Chinese technology assembled in the UK. They have a 382kWh battery
(64.2) and a 200kW motor (150kW) giving it a range of about 160 miles (320).
Figures in parenthesis - my electric car. I imagine the bus would have difficulty competing with my 0-60 figures.
14 July - Much more than just a good constituency MP
“Surprised you didn’t get the scoop from TP” was the message that reached me
first after Teresa Pearce MP announced her decision not to put herself up for
re-election; to which the reply was “I don’t like to betray confidences”.
Not that Teresa gave me advance notice very directly but my Teresa Pearce MP email
folder in Outlook contains 3,147 messages and I don’t think any of them are
about politics. Some must be I suppose but very few.
Most of them are about family, hers and mine, and the day to day problems of
life. illness, old age, death, the pleasures of being a grandparent and in her case the
perils of being an MP in an age of ill-tempered intolerance.
would have to be very insensitive indeed to not read into those emails what was on Teresa’s mind.
She was fond of saying that “all political careers end in failure” which in her
case is most definitely not the case unless you count not having solved the problems
of homelessness etc. which are so dear to her heart. Hardly her fault and she would always do her best.
Since her announcement Social Media locally has been swamped with praise for her constituency work in Erith &
Thamesmead with almost zero detractors but she was more than a good constituency
MP, to me she has been a very good friend too.
She knew I didn’t share all her political views but I think we very often shared
values. I doubt I’ve met her more than two dozen times, five, or maybe it was six,
when she stood by me helping to take on a police force that can only be
described as politically motivated. Even now she is still fighting one such
battle on my behalf and I’m hopeful that one day she will manage to convince
the police that they have got themselves into the most awful muddle.
When I first met Teresa on social occasions I worried that we would fall out over
whatever was the burning issue of the day but nothing approaching that ever
happened, Teresa really is the most lovely of ladies.
When I first had problems with Newham Social Services in 2015 she stepped
straight in and spoke to the appropriate people to great effect. When the police put out a Press
Release to say they were going to prosecute me for what someone else hadn’t done
she was on to them before I even knew it to tell them that their knickers were
well and truly in a twist and when I was unwell for seven weeks Teresa volunteered to be my personal shopper.
Teresa really is the most delightful and kindest friend one could ever hope for
who just happens to be a damned good MP too.
I owe her a lot and wish her a happy retirement when the time comes.
To my mind she deserves an award of some sort for services beyond the call of duty.
13 July (Part 2) - All is not well in Welling and it is dead in Bexleyheath
The next subject on the Cabinet’s Agenda was shopping centres, what is to be
done with them, and the final draft of the Shopping Strategy was up for adoption. Deputy
Chief Executive Jane Richardson put forward the case for it.
High streets are changing as purchases go on-line with the “grim prediction” that it will soon reach 50% of sales. “But we know
how important our towns are to the economy of our borough and how critical they are to the wellbeing of our community”.
(Around 23,300 people are employed in the town centre businesses which generate
around £1·56 billion a year.)
“Our report is the outcome of considerable research and engagement and is a
lengthy tome. We face a massive challenge and we will need to work collectively to sustain our town centres.”
Cabinet Member
Louie French said, err, nothing not said already while Cabinet Member Craske
said that “town centres that invest and stop; die. The successful ones keep reinventing themselves”.
Councillor Joe Ferreira (Labour, Erith) welcomed the fact that the Strategy
acknowledged that all Bexley’s town centres are different and stressed the
importance of proper funding.
Councillor Richard Diment (Conservative, Sidcup) said the Strategy was very well
thought through but it was “important to have key partners on board”. He
reintroduced the subject of Post Office counters and “their attitude”.
They closed the Post Office in Sidcup three weeks ago, they knew three months
earlier but did absolutely “nothing to facilitate a solution”.
“They only got around to a consultation letter on the day the Post Office
actually closed. Mr. Brokenshire met the Post Office in London today about their apparent tardiness.”
“Small businesses have a fleetness of foot but key people like the Post Offices
have got to be in our town centres. We saw Bexley Village go eight months with
no Post Office and there are problems in Abbey Wood and Slade Green. Somehow
people like the Post Office have to be brought on side and made to be far more
responsive to the needs of the local community or otherwise Councillors end up being
blamed, as we are in Sidcup, for the closure of the Post Office. Post Office
counters have a very frustrating attitude at the moment.”
Richard Diment is becoming a very good campaigning Councillor for Sidcup and Bexley more generally.
Councillor Val Clark (Conservative, Falconwood & Welling) said things “are
deteriorating in Welling, the traders feel let down by everybody”. There is too
much crime and three of the shopkeepers have given themselves a year “and I am
getting out”. They don’t like doing business in Welling and they are afraid. One had a violent attack in her shop
and received no support from the police.”
“They don’t like it there any more; it is the upsurge of crime. The challenge is
greater than it was even a few months ago.”
Councillor Linda Bailey (Conservative, Crook Log) said that in Bexleyheath
everything including the car park shuts at five thirty “and then it is dead”.
Cabinet Member Louie French said “the big game changer will be the opening of the
Bellway development. The flow of people will see some changes to the town centre
and businesses will open up”.
Despite the misgivings the Town Centres Strategy was adopted.
If like me you learned very little from the meeting of what the Strategy means in practice maybe the
stated key aims will shed a little light on it. Maybe.
• Business Health and Inward investment: Supporting independent
businesses and encouraging inward investment (from both nationals and
independents) into our town centres, broadening the appeal of each
town centre with its target customer base.
• Digital Economy: Facilitating improved connectivity in town centres and
helping equip businesses to compete digitally through online commerce and marketing.
• Evening and Night Time Economy (E/NTE): Encouraging a more diverse
offer for all ages to socialise and enjoy, whilst managing the Licensing
and Planning regime to ensure locations with E/NTE uses feel safe to
both users and residents.
• Place Marketing: Working with partner organisations to market each
town centre in a coordinated way. Enhancing and celebrating each town
centre’s unique selling points to develop positive brands.
• Place Making and Public Realm: Creating sustainable, healthy,
distinctive and attractive places for people to live, work, shop and
socialise. Longer term this involves managing the development agenda
through the Local Plan, but within the scope of the Town Centres
Strategy this focuses on nurturing and reinforcing character through
preserving or repurposing key sites and enhancing the public realm.
• Diversifying the Retail and Leisure Offer: Improving our understanding
of the retail and socialising needs and expectations of town centre
customers – including children and younger people. Providing more
Planning flexibility to encourage innovative uses of space and testing
new retail and leisure concepts through meanwhile use.
• Accessibility and Wayfinding: Making our town centres easier to access
through a variety of modes – making it easier and safer for people to
walk and cycle - and the town centres themselves more welcoming and
inclusive for all residents and visitors – including those with
• Events, Markets and Meanwhile Uses: Encouraging and supporting a
wider range of quality special events and markets to activate public
spaces, and using vacant retail units for test trading of new and
innovative business/leisure offerings.
A key part of the Strategy is to identify how, working with other town
stakeholders, the Council could either directly or indirectly enable
improvements and economic prosperity, and in doing so tap into a wider range
of resources to effect change. This will include working closely with the
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), but also with businesses and
more widely to build the collective capacity to effect change in their
Subject to available resources, the potential interventions will need to be
developed, including the prioritisation and programming of current budgets
working with external stakeholders. These will be included in an action plan
be published early Autumn.
13 July (Part 1) - Doing for Bexley?
Perhaps I was too hasty in
dismissing last Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting as an
event of little interest; my excuse is that listening to the webcast while
making conversation with an old lady who is not sure whether I am her father or
her brother is not conducive to paying close attention. Bexley Council thought
the first part of the meeting was sufficiently important
to issue a Press Release
about it yesterday; it prompted a revisit of the webcast.
Unfortunately the beginning of the meeting was not recorded at all so Ms. Ainge’s explanation of Connected Communities was at least partially missing.
There had been 360 responses to a consultation which “included Councillors and key partners”.
(Some Councillors had made multiple submissions.)
Whatever can Connected Communities be? Apparently nothing to do with public wifi and ultrafast broadband. It is to promote Cohesive Communities; Healthy
Communities; Socially Active Communities and Successful Communities.
And why?
Probably the principal motivation is to save money. The Council wants to see a
thriving voluntary sector, with “strong volunteers” and Civic participation and
vibrant spaces and places. Not a bad thing obviously but in reality it is all part of the
(relative painless) cuts agenda.
Cabinet Member Alex Sawyer was the first to speak in favour of the plan. He
wanted “Bexley to be a welcoming place which residents are proud to call home”.
He wanted to see decision making “move away from the centre to working in
partnership with residents and community groups as equals”. (A dramatic move for
a Council with a long history of not allowing members of the public to speak at Scrutiny meetings.)
Councillor Mabel Ogundayo (Labour, Thamesmead East) said that ‘Do it for Bexley’ really means ‘Do it for yourself’
and 24% of residents had no idea what the Council’s slogan meant. She is probably
right but if the budgetary black hole is to be filled without impoverishing
residents in her ward what else can be done?
Councillor Sawyer said that the 24% of ignorance represented an opportunity “and
it was a great basis to build upon”. He said that Councillor Ogundayo’s
suggestion that the Council should be doing everything “was an absolute
nonsense, if volunteers want to do things, let them do it. Empower them”.
Cabinet Member Peter Craske said “he really didn’t get why people expect the
state to do everything” - on a day his government floated the idea of dictating
the amount of sleep we should all take.
Councillor June Slaughter (Conservative, Sidcup) who is heavily involved in the
Community Garden said that volunteering brings new friendships.
The Cabinet formally voted in public to adopt a plan that it had privately approved before the meeting started.
12 July - Temporarily and permanently, buses are forbidden to use direct routes
Councillor Hinkley (Labour, Belvedere) suggested I should ride on the top deck of a 229 bus
while Abbey Road is closed and it
was still being diverted up New Road and down Heron Hill. She said the views were spectacular.
Earlier this week I was near a Harrow Manorway bus stop when a 229 came along
with no one in the front seats so I hopped on. I won’t mention precisely when
because I don’t want to get the driver into trouble but while ascending New Road
(Photo 1) it encountered the sort of inconsiderate driver all too common around
here and the bus was forced to briefly mount the kerb at low speed. There was an
expensive sounding crunch and I went back later to that spot and saw the scrape in the concrete.
Almost inevitable because for most of New Road the bus must be on the wrong side of the road so it is fortunate that the diversion is scheduled to end today
before there is a more serious accident.
hang on a minute. From tomorrow a new double deck route 301 will be ascending New Road every
12 minutes with every likelihood it will meet another coming down.
Probably there will be a few more kerb scrapes or maybe worse.
The possibility could so easily have been avoided if Bexley Council was not so
pig-headed about Knee Hill.
The kink at the top
which prevents the 301 from running that more direct route could so easily have been removed to the benefit of every driver.
But no, Council heads are stuck firmly up their backsides determined to preserve
just a few square feet of the woods because they say it is ancient.
The 301 is intended to provide Bexleyheath residents with a quick route to the
Crossrail station and every time they miss their train by a couple of minutes they
should curse the intransigent jobsworth who decided that their bus must take the longer route.
As it is, it is scheduled to do Bexleyheath to Abbey Wood in between 13 and 16 minutes depending on the time of day.
Murky Depths has the full timetable.
Belvedere’s new industrial area from the top of a diverted 229.
11 July (Part 2) - The non-stop gravy train
Remember how I said that highly paid public servants are mainly interested in
job jumping their way to the top
collecting Golden Goodbyes as they go but I had lost some of the documents that helped prove it?
Bexley’s former Chief Executive Gill Steward was handed £94,000 for a two year
stint in the borough whilst achieving nothing very obvious and now she has been
replaced by Jackie Belton who has come to us via Newham and Lambeth.
A trawl through Newham’s web archive reveals that Ms. Belton was gifted £170,000 when she left as a Director on 30th April 2015 and was paid
£13,334 for that one month’s work, if that is the appropriate description for what a Council Chief Executive does.
Four years later she left Lambeth. On past form she seems to be good for at
least forty grand a year just for leaving for a better job let alone the £150,000 a year salary.
This clique of people jumping on the pay Merry Go Round which is the public purse are disgusting aren’t they?
Sir Eric Pickles was right when he said that none of them were worth more than
£100k. a year and shouldn’t be employed at all if the borough has, as in Bexley, a full time Council Leader.
What’s wrong with the perpetual temporary stand in Paul Moore or even Jane
Richardson? Both know Bexley inside out while recent Chief Execs have only known the inside of a bullion vault.
Note 1 merely gives the date of departure.
11 July (Part 1) - “Devious Bastards”
At some time in the first half of the 1970s, Hart District Council summoned me
to Aldershot Magistrates’ Court for not paying my Rates. I most definitely had
so I thought it might be fun to let them do it and show up with my bank statement.
However a few days before the hearing I decided to double check my payment
with the bank; in the 1970s you could walk in to a bank unannounced and talk to
someone. All was well, the money had really gone from my account with correct sort code etc.
Unfortunately I had overlooked or hadn’t noticed that I banked at the same
branch as the District Council and the manager tipped off the Council that they
were about to make fools of themselves. I remember feeling deprived of an
opportunity to make monkeys out of Council bureaucrats. I imagine one Bonkers
reader is feeling much the same.
At the end of last month I briefly mentioned
Bexley Council taking an elderly gentleman to Court alleging he had not paid
one of the three Council Tax installments due so far when he had ample evidence
that they were wrong. He too opted to see them in Court. You may as well read his report verbatim
I decided against taking my bank statements to the council offices in favour of
having my day in court so that their incompetence could be made public. Well it
didn’t turn out that way; they have another trick up their sleeve to cover their arses.
Upon arriving at Bexley Magistrates’ Court I was directed by
reception to an area at the end of a corridor. Already there was a bloke and two
women engaged in conversation and then later another woman arrived and
explained to the others that she was late due to traffic.
Then one of the women went and sat at one of two tables placed at the end of the corridor and called me over. After looking at my bank statements she phoned her
office then wrote on my summons “Withdrawn”. She then informed me I didn’t have
to attend court as though she had done me a favour.
So anyone wrongly accused of non-payment of council tax by Bexley Council will find it impossible to get
justice at the Magistrates Court to which they have been summoned. Devious Bastards.
The woman then asked me if I would be at home all afternoon to which
I replied yes so she said she would phone me. Did she? NO.
10 July (Part 3) - ThamesLink fined
It’s transport time again. Those who use the most northerly of the
three cross borough railway lines will remember the havoc caused by ThamesLink when they supposedly started
a Rainham to Luton Service 14 months ago. Their
incompetence caused the loss of the ten minute interval service on the Greenwich
line. Locally Abbey Wood and Slade Green were the most affected.
A ten minute interval service means there is no need to consult a timetable, you
just turn up and a train quickly does the same. Thameslink took over two of
those six trains an hour from Southeastern and then cancelled almost all of them.
Even when they began to get on top of the problem they only attempted to run one
of the two scheduled services and just to make things more exciting they didn’t
bother with the xx:58 (to London from Abbey Wood) in the morning but it was the xx:28 that
didn’t run in the afternoon. Or maybe it was the other way around. Whatever it
was it was hard to remember.
I was frequently inconvenienced when the DLR brought me back to Woolwich Arsenal and I’d
find myself with a 20 minute wait. So would many other people.
Things have been pretty much normal for the past couple of months but that
wasn’t good enough for the Department of Transport. As Bexley’s Labour Group are
telling people in their Slade Green heartland, Govia Thameslink has received a
£15 million penalty for inflicting so much inconvenience on passengers.
As they explain in
a Press Release,
Slade Green station is going to get a £30,000 share of the pot.
What do you want to spend it on?
10 July (Part 2) - Transport for London. Talking fresh Lunacies
inaccurate bus stop sign outside Abbey Wood station was first
mentioned here on 9th March and
pictured six days later
the reason being that it is very obviously the wrong sign in the wrong place.
It is marked Lensbury Way which is a quarter of a mile to the north and because
of that the B11 is not listed as stopping there because that route does not serve Lensbury Way.
A Bonkers’ reader whose faith in getting TfL to do something about it is perhaps
touching has batted emails to and fro with Transport for London to no avail.
Here is the latest bit of nonsense that has come out of their Customer Service Department.
According to
Naomi Tuckett who can have no knowledge of the area but knows better than her
correspondent who lives only a few hundred yards from the flyover the B11 stops only at bus stop D.
That is indeed correct but only for those wishing to travel in the opposite direction.
I wonder if there is some kind soul on Bexley’s Transport Sub-Committee who could phone 0343 222 1234 and put
Naomi out of her misery with Stop A?
Maybe she will do better with the question about there being insufficient
shelter at both stops. An arrivals board would be nice to. Most station bus
stops have one, why not the most prestigious locally?
10 July (Part 1) - Public CabiNOT
I have missed three Council meetings in a row. Two because of events in
Newham and one because it coincided yet again with the local Traders’ meeting
which was held in the newly refurbished Abbey Arms.
Yesterday Newham Hospital decided to discharge my 99 year old aunt who has been
treated for a urinary infection. They kept her in for longer than
when she broke her leg in April and except that like all hospitals they just
dump patientsְ’ food in front of them and walk away with no regard for their
inability to eat, all was well. It obviously pays to become known as a
vociferous complainer if you don’t want to be neglected and ill-treated. My aunt
still has the bed sores they sent her home with in April which require District
Nurse attention twice a week.
I had to be in East Ham by 13:00 to await the homecoming and she turned up at
18:40. There never was a realistic chance that I’d be back home in time to get
to Public Cabinet and since the old lady refused to go to bed “until my wife gets
in” (fat chance!) I sat and watched the webcast instead. It was quite short,
about an hour and twenty minutes if I remember correctly, and unremarkable. I
don’t think I will be doing a formal report.
I think I heard Councillor Alex Sawyer say “our residents love Bexley” or
something similar - I’ll check when the recording goes on line - which I suspect
is a case of supreme optimism.
The meeting ended with the Leader thanking Children’s Director Jacky Tiotto
for her transformation of Children’s Services in the borough. It was her last
meeting before taking up a new appointment. Unfortunately someone pressed the
Stop audio button on the webcast system so I never got to hear how Councillors reacted.
9 July (Part 2) - Crossing boundaries
Sunday’s blog proved to be a bit of a
scoop. It seems that no one else had bothered to find out why Bexley Council was
closing off so many parking bays in Wilton Road and on closer examination over
the boundary into Greenwich too. News quickly spread across Twitter, the
local Facebook group and to other blogs.
was confirmed that a film company making a promotional video for bookmaker
Paddy Power had been authorised to disrupt Wilton Road and its environs by
Bexley Council. You can only guess how that happened. Who is the
Head of Public
Relations for the Association of British Bookmakers and also
in charge of licensing
filming in the borough? One Councillor Peter Craske. The one time Bexley blogger.
Thanks to him taking over Greenwich too we had for one day only a better quality
bus shelter in Abbey Wood Road than Bexley Council could arrange for the nearby Crossrail station.
It’s odds on that someone somewhere appears to have overstepped the mark. Who accepted the fat fee?
Abbey Wood Councillor Denise Hyland is asking questions. If she doesn’t
get an answer then a Freedom of Information request should do the trick.
9 July (Part 1) - No major project runs on time in Bexley
The bins are late
and the road works around Abbey Wood station seem to have been going on for
ever. Network Rail moved in in August 2013 and built their station more or less on schedule.
It opened on the originally forecast date with just a few oddments
to be finished off; the lifts being the most obvious.
only Bexley Council could aspire to something close to that achievement but
there’s probably no chance with everyone’s favourite roundabout designer Andrew Bashford in charge of Highways.
This was Gayton Road right next to the station at 08:30 this morning. It is
still all barriers and holes in the ground.
Look below for what Bexley Council said would happen last October. All done by February!
Even that notice went up way behind schedule. Further down this page you may see what they originally claimed. All done by June last year.
The rebuilding of both Gayton and Felixstowe Roads is currently 13 months behind schedule. How’s Felixstowe Road getting along?
Not even half done I would say.
How’s Harrow Manorway down to Eastern Way
doing? About three quarters done at a guess.
Work started in May 2017 and should have finished well over six months ago.
Bexley Council will offer uncooperative utility companies as their excuse.
8 July - Councillor Alan Downing fights your corner on health issues
I probably should have gone to last Tuesday’s Communities Scrutiny meeting if
only to see new Chairman Councillor Alan Downing in action but you cannot be in
two places at once. The fact that it dragged on for three hours made me a little
bit glad I was unable to be present. Thank goodness for webcasting.
Probably the most newsworthy subject was health, a subject on which Councillor
Downing has done his fair share of plain speaking in the past. Would he curb his
usual inclinations when in the Chair?
Changes are due for Erith Hospital and Richard Diment, another Councillor who
knows his way around health issues, said he was “somewhat baffled” by them. He
had been told nine months earlier following a discussion with a previous CCG
Managing Director that there was “an urgent crisis to be addressed and here we
are eight or nine months on and I haven’t heard what is to be done to improve the patient experience”.
“There are anecdotal stories of patients attending mid-morning and finding the
doors closed.” Bexley Health Watch has reported similarly. “What has been done
since those discussions nearly a year ago to improve those conditions?”
The answer was “reviews and consultations” and the space available will be
better utilised in future and refurbished. It was acknowledged that there have been temporary closures.
Chairman Alan Downing said that “things seem to drag on and on and are not fit
for purpose and it has not been fit for purpose for many many years. At the last
meeting in November we were told exactly the same things. If I was living in the
North of the borough I would be wondering what is going on. We will have 4,000
new residents there within the next couple of years and we can’t offer them any
Health Centre at all. It really is very very bad”.
“There has been ample time for the Trust to get organised
and sort something out and you talk about making more space but we are talking
about one room and Oxleas haven’t even put in a tender for the decorating. We can’t have this.”
“Discussions about the new stroke unit went on for four years! I want action
taken very very soon and quicker than you are offering. No one seems to know
what is going on. The staff are not consulted, the morale is actually dreadful, and everything is one big mish mash.”
“All we are getting is a nice new waiting room. We have to do better than this.”
Councillor Caroline Newton agreed “and was a little disappointed”.
Councillor Dave Putson, who lives in the North of the borough, was unable to get
an appointment with his own GP because of “staffing issues” and they referred
him to the Erith Urgent Care Centre. “It was embarrassing. It was overcrowded
and I could hear what was going on in the consulting room. It was not fit for purpose.
Councillor Putson was told that “it would require a full rebuild to meet that [problem]”.
He went on to say “we used to have a 24/7 A&E Department and now we have Erith eight until eight
and the long term plan is 31,000 new residents. We need a hospital.”
Councillor Alex Sawyer took a similar view and criticised the lack of
communication. “We are hearing about changes that might be coming but it does diddly squat for now.
Residents are being short changed.”
The discussion went on in similar vein for another hour. Councillor Downing said
that “I will leave here tonight not happy and not convinced. I would hope that
the Health Sub-Group will really really make it very unpleasant for the Trust to
get something done. It is really annoying that we represent residents and we
can’t offer them anything. Nobody knows”.
7 July - Still Bonkers after all these years
Many of us who live in the neglected North West of the borough are only too
well aware that far more people than one might imagine don’t know where the borough boundary lies, and not just the newcomers. I have occasionally seen
Greenwich’s rare traffic wardens stray beyond the border. Over the weekend the
police have issued two separate Section 60 notices in and around Thamesmead both
of them displaying woeful ignorance of where the ward boundaries are, I never
expect anything other than incompetence from the police but you would expect Bexley Council to know better.
To speed the demise of the Wilton Road traders Bexley Council is taking away
more parking bays tomorrow in order to promote the betting shop on the Greenwich side of Wilton Road.
Wilton Road traders have said that Paddy Power will be filming an advert. (Subsequently confirmed by the film crew.)
Photo 1 shows the parking restrictions on the Bexley side of Wilton Road and an
identical warning (Photo 2) has been posted on the other side. Everyone with local
knowledge will recognise where it is; bang outside Paddy Power.
Did Bexley Council make another of their trademark little mistakes? Well yes probably but it is made far
worse by two more signs around the corner in Abbey Wood Road. Abbey Wood Road is
well and truly part of Greenwich, every yard of it lies inside the Greenwich
boundary. The No Parking signs (Photos 3 & 4) are around 80 yards beyond Bexley’s jurisdiction and include the Bexley logo, not the Royal Borough’s.
Just what to they think they are doing threatening drivers who park on the Royal Borough’s terrain? Where is their Traffic Order and Public Notice?
Greenwich Councillors have been asked for comment but they know nothing about it.
Is Bexley Council crimlnally exceeding their authority again?
Is Bexley Council fraudulently extracting filming fees to which they have no right?
No one who follows Bexley Council closely would be surprised by anything at all.
Two of the roads roads listed in the letter above are in Bexley and one is shared. The Green Space?
Not sure. Do they mean Manorside Close?
The Association of British Bookmakers’ Head of Press Relations is Bexley Cabinet Member Peter Craske. Hmmm. I wonder.
A probably mischievous Labour activist sent in these photos a couple of months ago for use during the next quiet patch; it’s
not so much quiet at the moment as simply not enough spare time in the day. I’m at least two Council meeting reports behind and there
are some meeting minutes to be written. Don’t even mention Newham!
The black and white photos are 30 years old, the date of the others is uncertain, obviously newer.
What they show is that once elected in Bexley it is pretty much impossible to get rid of the blighters. Apart from the two that went off to be MPs they are all still here!
2 July - For some it will be no new bins until Christmas
It’s all change for dust bins in Bexley this year but not as soon as the Council said it would be.
The Places Overview and Scrutiny Committee
met last week to discuss various issues and the following is a summary of what was said.
Mr. Bryce-Smith
the man in charge kicked off by saying his written report “was significantly out of date” and that “the service roll out
due to take place during July is now expected to start from the beginning of September for a period of 14 weeks”.
The bin procurement exercise had been a cock up, “several relatively minor ones”,
he said, leaving the Council open “to potential future challenge”. The
procurement exercise has been started all over again - so not minor consequences.
Mr. Bryce Smith’s side-kick Steven Didsbury said that
24,000 residents had asked for non-standard issue bin sizes
and that the delay had the advantage of fewer people being on holiday
during the bin issuing and old box collecting exercise; I think it is known as clutching at straws.
The plan was to issue new bins on a normal refuse collection day and for them to
be used on the following collection day. About ten residents have refused the
bins “for aesthetic reasons” but most people at the road shows had shown enthusiasm for them.
Cabinet Member Craske said that a total of “160,000 bins had been ordered”. (I
thought they said that they had only just gone out for tender again, not ordered.)
Councillor Gareth Bacon became a little agitated - but rightly so - about
the meeting Agenda, a Public Document, being anti-Brexit
in tone. “The language is lacking in a number of areas.” He said the out-of-datedness could not be explained by the ten day Agenda printing
timetable. The Agenda has “been put together sloppily.”
The anti-Brexit stance including reference to an
undefined hard Brexit “has no place in this report at all”. “Officers should not
use politically loaded terminology.”
The Deputy Director duly grovelled on both issues.
Councillor Bacon also complained about bins being left all over the street
instead of being put back where they were found and expected to see improvements.
Councillor Val Clark was concerned about the high levels of food waste put out
with the unrecyclable rubbish, “it really surprised us”. She went on to say that
many people including her friends do not have or use the kitchen waste bin. She
thought there should be “re-education”. A better fox-proof bin is available on request.
The official figures show that about 8,000 tonnes of food go into the brown waste
bin each year but around 11,000 tonnes into general waste.
Councillor Cheryl Bacon said the delay was “very disappointing” and that
announcing “late summer was pushing it a bit”. Has the delay cost anything, she
asked. “A slight impact” was what she was told “but there are off-setting ones”
because the recycling level will remain higher for longer. What is that all
about? Is the new system going to reduce the recycling rate?
Councillor Stefano Borella asked if the borough could go even greener by buying
some electrically powered refuse vehicles. He was told that the problem right
now is that only small all electric vehicles are available - which is true - but
some with electrically powered hoists may be purchased soon. What is the point
of that if the battery is charged by the diesel engine? Quieter when operating
perhaps but the exhaust fumes still end up in Bexley’s atmosphere.
All the vehicles will have to be electric by 2025 because of government
regulations combined with their ten year life cycle.
Councillor Borella thought that more details of where Bexley’s waste ends up
should be available but it had fallen victim to the Council’s policy of pruning its website to a bare minimum.
Councillor June Slaughter thought “a clamp down” for persistent
failure to recycle properly should be considered but Mr. Bryce-Smith said
the law makes fixed penalties virtually impossible to implement and “persuasion and education” was preferred.
Finally it was revealed that around 2,000 properties are unsuitable for wheelie
bins and will keep their boxes and the total expenditure on new bins will be in
the region of two and a half to three million pounds not including new vehicles.
1 July (Part 3) - Desk hopping their ways to a personal fortune
The plan for today was to write about how some senior Council staff play the
transfer game shuffling from one well paid job to another while being paid
handsome Golden Goodbyes. Generally such people are well known failures and are
part of the same self-promoting clique.
Unfortunately a serious problem has arisen, some documents sent anonymously
detailing the history of Bexley’s new Chief Executive Jackie Belton have simply
disappeared. No idea why, I don’t delete emails and I have many folders of them
going back to the last century. I have searched high and low and can only think
I may have misfiled something which would certainly make it very difficult to find.
If the anonymous sender could possibly send the email again it would be much
appreciated. Meanwhile let’s make the best of a less than ideal situation.
Bexley’s last Chief Executive, Gill Steward, achieved nothing very obvious and left a trail
of unflattering public comment in West Sussex but more particularly in Cornwall before her arrival in Bexley
but despite her chequered history and recent ejection she immediately stepped into a job in
Kingston-upon-Thames. My counterpart there said she was on a daily rate of
£1,000 and according to his report her predecessor in Kingston went out the door
with a nice £340,000 in the back pocket.
How much did Gill Steward get for her Bexley failure? Tom Bull, the News Shopper, reporter
put in an FOI but I told him he had no chance of getting an honest answer out of
Bexley Council, and I was right. However he persevered and
last week obtained his scoop. Ms. Steward went off with £94,000 of
taxpayers’ hard earned cash in her handbag.
The new Monitoring Officer disappeared at much the same time and £54,000 better off. She had been
described as “reprehensible” at an Employment Tribunal. One of the
judges said her actions were racially motivated. One must wonder who is responsible for Bexley’s recruitment.
Can I top Tom’s scoop? I will try.
Steward was so divisive that there was a danger that other senior managers might
resign rather than work with her. I have it on good authority that one did.
Someone well known who has been with Bexley Council for a very long time and a
fine upstanding citizen in his own right. If he couldn’t work with Steward then
you can be sure that her management style was poor to put it in the mildest
of terms. He was in very many ways an indispensible asset to Bexley Council and
sure enough, once Steward had left they twisted his arm to come back - which he did.
we have Jackie Belton who has been at both Lambeth and Newham Councils in recent
years gradually climbing up the greasy pole.
As I said earlier the documents relating to her various Golden Goodbyes have
been lost - for now anyway but this is what she was paid in Newham.
Bexley Council has not yet updated its website with details of their new Chief
Executive but if she gets the same pay as her predecessor (£192,000) it is not
enormously more than what Newham paid her for a Directorship some years ago.
Perhaps Bexley doesn’t pay as well as Newham or perhaps they will accept second
raters, they certainly did back in 2016.
What the itinerant Senior Council Management is good at is doing not a lot and drawing up watertight contracts
for the day they are dismissed.
None of them we have seen so far in Bexley have been worth anything like the
amount of pay doled out so generously on our behalf.
1 July (Part 2) - On this day in 1969
I’m told that
on this day 50 years ago Prince Charles became Prince of Wales
at Carnarvon Castle which makes me feel very old again.
I was on holiday in a village somewhere in Pembrokeshire the name of which I
have long forgotten. The locals were getting very excited about the Investiture and a party had been
arranged in the village hall. Men were at the top of the church tower rigging an
aerial for the new fangled UHF TV transmissions which had only found their way
westwards as far as Cardiff. I assume the ceremony must have been shown on BBC2 only.
Why would the BBC punish the Welsh like that?
The excitement was contagious and for some reason I decided to drive northwards
in my Standard Vanguard to take a look. Checking the map today shows it to be the
sort of journey that only the young and foolish would undertake on a whim. I
remember two things about it; being held up by sheep and for the only time in my
life being pulled over by a policeman several miles short of our destination.
He explained that the elderly couple in the house over there had missed the only
bus of the day into town and would I give them a lift so that they didn’t miss
the momentous event. Not something that would ever happen in today’s distrusting environment.
Anyway I stood by the road and took this snap of Charles as he was whisked away.
By chance I saw him again a couple of days later as he made some sort of tour of
the Principality. Not seen him since although I did once bump into his Mum at
Waterloo station. The Royal Train was sitting in my platform and I was late home.
I was not impressed.
1 July (Part 1) - Proud to be Catholic
Lesnes Abbey hosts several events in the summer months, next weekend there is some sort of Music Festival,
I hope that the organisers remember that with impeccable timing, Bexley Council has closed Abbey Road today and it will remain closed for two weeks.
Yesterday a religious ceremony brought forth umpteen Catholics. As is the case
every year, they are God awful inconsiderate parkers. This year maybe worse than ever.
Had I needed to get to East Ham in a hurry it would have been difficult. I let a
neighbour who drives a tiny car park on my drive because there was no room for her
elsewhere. My own car is a bit broad in the beam and would be a struggle to get out.
I notified Bexley’s parking enforcement office to tell them there was a fortune
to be made if they came quickly. The lady on the end of the phone dealt with my call swiftly and politely.
Walking around I found four local residents inconvenienced to some extent and
two of them said they had notified the Council.
Two CEOs showed up, it seemed like we waited ages but the camera suggests it was no more than 20
minutes and most of the cars pictured below were ticketed. If they
had showed up 15 minutes before the Exodus started they would have caught more.
One of my immigrant neighbours shouted some sort of abuse at me in an unfamiliar
tongue. I didn’t understand a word of it. Maybe his own car had been illegally
parked because access to the residents’ parking area had been completely blocked.
Let us pray that the Catholics have learned their lesson and won’t block everyone in next year.
Will the concert goers be any better next week?
The cavalry showed up just in time. The Tesco delivery driver couldn’t get anywhere near to his customers.