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News and Comment October 2019

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22 October (Part 1) - BexleyCo strikes again

BexleyCoBexleyCo is moving in on Lesnes Park Road in Erith. It held a consultation meeting last July on a Thursday at 4 p.m. which attracted 69 local residents and of the 31 who expressed a firm opinion 15 were against the plan for 17 new houses and eight apartments and 16 weren’t.

The plans dated 16th October 2019 are now with the Planning Department. The plans are not always as clear as they might be but it looks to me that more than 50 mature trees will be removed. Only yesterday I watched a Bexley Councillor arguing with Extinction Rebellion Bexley that it never removed trees.

Something I should have noticed long ago is the name of BexleyCo’s Director - or maybe I haven’t been asleep. A Council source suggested the date shown here may not be correct.

Anyway; who is Michael Ellsmore?

He used to be Bexley Council’s Director of Finance until he retired at the end of September 2014. Unusually for senior officers of that era he never merited a critical word on Bonkers.


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