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News and Comment October 2019

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13 October (Part 2) - Left wing loons

ID Card MayorWhat is it with all these Labourites complaining about the proposal for compulsory identification when voting?

What do they fear? It’s not as if it is going to cost anything if by chance one of their supporters has no bank account, no driving licence and pays no utility bills. I think we know what they fear don’t we?

I’ve still got my childhood Identity Card, and my mother’s and my father’s. Mine records four addresses through 1945 to 1949. London E10, then E11, then E10 again and finally Farnborough in Hampshire.

It records that it is a reissued card, the original having been incinerated by a German Doodlebug.

And what about David Blunkett (Labour Home Secretary) and his plan that we should all carry ID at all times like they do across Europe.

I think I detect the usual biased lunacy going on.


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