11 April (Part 3) - Planny Danny
meetings aren’t my thing unless a really big scheme is on the Agenda and a new
Sikh Temple in Belvedere this evening didn’t really cut it.
The big issue at tonight’s meeting was would Councillor Danny Hackett retain his position on the Planning Committee after
resigning from the Labour Party. The Agenda said he would but I
needed to see him make a contribution before I’d really believe it, so here he is courtesy of Bexley Council’s webcast.
Those who understand the tribal allocation of Committee jobs will appreciate
that for a single Independent out of 45 Councillors to be allocated a planning
job is a considerable achievement for Danny.
Obviously congratulations are due to him but it probably reflects favourably
on the Council Leader’s new found flexible management style too.
Either that or a desire to dig the Labour Party in the eye.