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News and Comment November 2019

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7 November (Part 2) - The rabble is roused

I'm not sure for how much longer I can continue to attend Bexley Council meetings. It is well known that Anti-Social Behaviour makes Bexleyheath is a no-go area after 3 p.m. Monday to Friday but it seems to be getting the same in the evening.

For the second time recently it was difficult to find somewhere to park the car. My long term favourite spot has eight bays in a road with no houses and it was almost unknown not to find one or two of them free.

Last night the wall piddlers were back in force standing under a non-functioning street light with all eight parking bays empty. Presumably I am not the only one to be frightened away. The evening economy must suffer.

It would be a shame to miss Full Council meetings, the atmosphere is totally lost on the webcast and they give good value for money. Last night’s will provide blogging material for a week. The only slight downside is that Mayor Geraldene Lucia-Hennis is far too good a Chairman to let the meeting descend into chaos. Bring back Councillor Val Clark I say!

Most Council meetings are enlivened or spoiled depending on one’s point of view by a politically motivated irrelevant diatribe by Cabinet Member for Resources David Leaf. However yesterday being the first day of electioneering his rant might be more appropriate than usual. It was also quite restrained by his standards. After doing his best to humiliate Labour Leader Daniel Francis after a Conservative Member planted a mischievous question, Councillor Leaf got into his rabble rousing stride…

I’m not sure a Full Council meeting is the appropriate venue for tub thumping but he’s actually quite good at it isn’t he?


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