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News and Comment June 2019

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30 June (Part 2) - The East London meat processing factory

I had hoped not to have to write about Newham University hospital again so quickly but they are being as useless as ever.

To recap my 99 year old aunt was taken to A&E last Thursday evening with severe back pain. It was decided that she should be admitted. Late on Friday she was transferred to the adjacent sister ward of the one that failed her so terribly last May.

A&E found a urine infection first treated two weeks ago had not gone away and I think antibiotics are being administered but there are now complaints of a tummy pain too.

The new ward staff, Thistle, have said that she won’t be seen by a doctor until Monday. The A&E nurse told me that physiotherapy was very necessary. There has been none this weekend and only two sessions since she broke her leg on April 13th.

I decided not to visit over the weekend but friends volunteered to fill in. Their reports were not good. She wants to go home which is entirely normal but she was also complaining of being very hungry.

The ward staff had merely left her food slightly out of reach (I was sent a picture); it’s the weekend so elderly people can be left to die, it’s what they do in Newham.

Her carer is exceptional and she has readily agreed to go in and feed the invalid. She probably won’t even accept payment but I will insist. Newham hospital staff should be rounded up and dismissed. One day they will likely be done for manslaughter.

And they still haven’t answered my complaint about the last stay there in April.

I suspect my visit tomorrow will not be the most friendly ever.


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