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News and Comment November 2019

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24 November (Part 6) - Lie of the week

This doesn’t really require any comment, as election whoppers go it will be hard to beat.

Q. “There are reports that Labour is planning a windfall tax on oil companies. Is this true and IF SO could you set out how your proposals will work?”
A: “No” [to are the reports true?] “and No” [to how the proposals will work]. “I have leaked the manifesto already.”

The published Labour manifesto says there will be a windfall tax on oil and gas companies. The remainder of the clip shows John McDonnell lying that he did not say what he has just been shown saying. Two lies for the price of one.
McDonnell was sacked by Ken Livingstone at the GLC for being too far Left - and some people still trust him enough to vote Labour.

Full disclosure. I own Shell Oil shares and Labour will not be getting my vote.


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