21 March (Part 3) - The Public meeting that isn’t really
I usually check the calendar of Council meetings a month in advance so that I
can see which days are clear to make personal arrangements. On that basis and
about a month ago I arranged a trip to North London for
today but last week it had to be cancelled. On rechecking the Council calendar I
was surprised to see a Joint Scrutiny meeting listed for this evening which I
felt sure must be a recent addition. Today I checked the Agenda to see if it might be worth attending.
Lucky I did. Only when I opened the PDF document did I see that the meeting is
to be held in Bromley and without the benefit of a webcast. Councillors
from a variety of local Councils will be there and only two from Bexley. I
suppose such things cannot be avoided but it makes a bit of a mockery of Public
meetings. I suppose I should be grateful it isn’t being held in Lambeth Town Hall.