used to look forward to Bexley’s magazine because of the opportunities it
presented for dissecting the deceptions and half truths contained therein but those days seem to have gone.
Gone because of scrutiny on Social Media and maybe blogs presumably.
I pounced on a footnote on Page 5 of the new issue thinking it might be a fib but the official
government inflation rate calculators suggested that if anything the £165 was on the
conservative side. Depends on the Council Tax Band obviously.
One might wonder why 2018 was chosen for comparison but the answer to that is
with Council Tax going up at more than 5% a year (including Khan’s iniquitous
imposition) and inflation at 2% the £165 can go only one way and that is rapidly down.
At about £50 a year!
So by 2021 Council Tax will be higher in real terms when Labour left office
locally in 2006 and the services are arguably worse.
Speaking of Council Tax, three London boroughs have still
not published their 2019/20 rates on line.
The numbers are available on some Estate Agent websites but the experience in earlier years has shown them to
not always be reliable and best avoided.