30 September - Google is our friend
It took four days for Google and Yahoo to find this new site and two more
days before the first disgruntled Bexley resident made contact. Its another
case of ask an awkward question and suffer in stony silence. Repeat ad
infinitum. I think I shall have to recommend this one is referred to the
L.G.O. The repeatedly unanswered question if
acted on might save a lot of money and by implication council jobs. The problem
with all forms of government and quangos is that they have a vested interest in
making work for idle hands to do to protect their salaries and final salary
pension schemes which few, if any, others have any more.
Today ten working days have elapsed since my enquiry to Andrew Bashford about
the accident two weeks ago. I said if he
didnt reply I was going back to the L.G.O. with another complaint about him. I
got a quick reply.
Getting back to Google for a moment, I find it a little amusing that a search
for Bexley Politics currently takes you straight to my
criticism of the local
Labour party. I bet they wish they hadnt asked me to keep their last
communication now. It takes a little more perseverance to locate the
equivalent Conservative page, but give it time.
29 September - Another cover up by Bexley council?
a little more light-hearted for today.
I asked these men if I could photograph them and what they were doing. It seems that the long delayed asphalting of the
pavement had covered up an inspection chamber cover! It had to be uncovered and
raised. So the new path didnt last long before being dug up.
27 September - Caught short! Caught out!
close to Lesnes Abbey my walking companion felt the need for the park toilet facility. So we
trudged up the hill only to find it was shut. Its only open on request to staff apparently.
So on a sunny Sunday afternoon or weekday evening its almost certainly unavailable.
The sign by the roadside would have you think otherwise.
26 September - Putting our lives on the line
While crossing Abbey Road via a pedestrian refuge today, I and a friend had
to wait just a foot or so from the passing traffic only to find a car travelling
at high speed pass behind us in the same direction to overtake the line of slower traffic.
One must wonder why one unelected man, somewhat deficient of brain cells, is able to
impact the lives of so many people at the behest of a lobbying organisation and
I feel that there will soon be injuries because of what Bexley council has
inflicted on its residents. It would be ironic if their first victim was me!
25 September - Email from Andrew Bashford, Team Leader (Traffic Projects) regarding Abbey Road
Apparently most of what I have said about
Abbey Road is wrong.
Mr. Bashford did not, he says, deliberately withhold
the consultation
from the people most affected” and the scheme is not to “solely provide a small
benefit to cyclists”. He doesnt like my reference to accident statistics and says that the road redesign is not politically correct
in the way it favours cyclists.
Perhaps he should read his own files again. Street notices to keep pedestrians
informed were rejected because As there are no such changes (of law)
required as part of the Abbey Road scheme, no street notices were
Mr. Bashfords final submission to The Cabinet Member for Transport says that the scheme is part of
a cycle route condition study which identified safety issues and the scheme
reduces speeds by decreasing road widths. This is achieved by widening footpaths
on both sides and relocating the existing cycle lanes to the widened footway.
Apart from a reference to the London Cycle Plus Network thats it. Abbey Road
was virtually destroyed by seven lines of typescript. If the scheme is not solely
to benefit cyclists it was certainly the driving force and the possible
by-product of speed reduction is not supported by the experts at The Transport
Research Laboratory (T.R.L.) or the Vice-Chairman of Bexleys Traffic Scrutiny
On the subject of speed Mr. Bashford said this road was not identified as one
of the priority roads, based upon its collision history assessment.
Is that not an indication that accident levels have been low? Now that
we have accidents occurring he seems to want to
rewrite history to make the contrast as favourable as possible.
Andrew Bashford makes many references to his contact with the London Cycle
Network Plus Team (LCN+) and how they have approved the changes in Abbey Road.
LCN+ is The
London Cycling Campaign, a Registered Charity. Its a pressure group. Their
stated mission is to influence decision making. Mr. Bashford may not
like me calling his motives politically correct but rewarding pressure groups
with £400,000 of taxpayers money is certainly a political issue. But let’s look
on the bright side. My criticism of his “naive mathematics” about the car door
risks goes unchallenged. The same for my claim that he did not follow the T.R.L.
and Department for Transport guidelines and that based on their advice the failure
to do so could lead to head-on collisions. Neither was there any rebuff for my suggestion
that the restriction at Florence Road was malicious and that the
failure to paint the cycle track there for eight years was a mistake.
Why a scheme the councillor did not believe in was allowed to go ahead remains a mystery. Maybe we
should vote for someone with teeth next time.
24 September - The Energy Saving Trust
I had a letter from Kevin Murphy, Head of Public Protection at Bexley council today.
They have apparently seen fit to join up with a quango, The Energy Saving Trust, (EST).
Kevin says I could save £300 a year on my fuel bill. I doubt it as that would
mean a more than 30% reduction. I could either
go on line
to get a report or fill in a form. If you fill in any government form your details
are likely to go on their database and eventually result in an increase in your council
tax. But curiosity drove me to go for an on-line check to see just how intrusive
the EST would be. I put in a postcode Ive not lived at since early 1987 and it
came up with the right address but that is at far as it got. Internet Explorer
reported an Error on page and refused to take me any further.
The form Bexley council sent me contains 36 questions, ten or eleven of them I
suspect they could answer themselves if they really wanted to. Im not going to
fill it in. My boiler is 23 years old, I only have 4" of loft insulation as
the roof space is fully tongue and groove floored for storage, and if some government
nosey parker went up there he might see my stock of 150 traditional style light bulbs.
My experience is that the new ones give only half the light claimed and dont last
anything like as long as they should. The Head of Public Protection, what a
grandiose title for a non-job that is, might be better employed protecting us
from quangos and escalating council taxes. It is absolutely crazy for any
homeowner to invite any government official, local, national or quasi, into his home.
They are already spying on us from the air to find excuses to tax us more. Dont
make it any easier for them.
Energy saving at Bexley council
23 September - The accident last Wednesday
After the accident last week I emailed the chap at the Transport Research
Laboratory who predicted traffic accidents on Abbey Road to say that events had
proved him right. But they are cautious people at TRL and he reminded me that it
could be caused by a heart attack at the wheel or similar. However now that I
have listened to eye-witness reports I know that was not the case. I emailed
back to tell him.
In reply he said Dont let them (the
council) fob you off with blaming it on mobile phone use. Accidents are
very seldom the result of a single cause and usually occur when a few factors
combine and usually its the case that remove any one of the factors and it
doesn’t happen. On that basis even if distraction as a result of mobile phone
use is one contributory factor the changed road design could be another and
and it may well be that if all else stayed the same and the road design was
changed back the accident would not have happened.
This is all a bit academic of course because our useless councillor and Mr. Bashford
who admitted that accident statistics didnt figure in his plans have both
failed to acknowledge my request for information when it becomes available.
19 September - Wilton Road parking penalties
I was speaking to my friend Terry this morning who rents property on Wilton
Road. Wilton Road forms the boundary with Greenwich. You may notice that the
waste bins on each side of the road are different and one side of the road is
often filthy while the other side has been cleaned.
Terry was telling me that the Bexley parking attendant had warned him that as of
today the parking regulations are being interpreted differently. They have for a
long time been of the ‘Maximum 60 minutes, no return within the hour’ variety.
However the definition of return has been changed. You cannot return anywhere
within the locality, even if you return to the other borough. That sounds a
little far fetched but with Bexley you never know
No official warning to motorists who will have grown accustomed to what they have been
able to do and not do and who won’t be aware of the changes until too late. That
might reduce the revenue streams. I saw the penalty notices being attached to
windscreens and as many as four photographs taken of each alleged offence. I cannot imagine that any reasonable
person would anticipate that driving off from a legal parking space and returning later to
another recognised space in a different London borough would result in a hefty fine.
What can you say about Bexley councils behaviour? They must really hate every one of us.
18 September - Parking disgrace
I noticed yesterday afternoon that a yellow parking restriction notice had
gone up at the extremities of the parking space commuters use on their journey
to Abbey Wood station. There were none of the cones or road markings that Bexleys
parking gestapo have previously put out on the same section of road while Bexley
were vandalising it. I anticipated the likely outcome and noted that by 7 a.m. a
line of cars had been left there, their drivers having been misled by the
inadequate notices. I returned just after 11am and sure enough some mindless
numbskull had been around punishing council tax payers ensnared in Bexleys trap.
The photos indicate what has happened. The parking space is divided into two, a
short bit near the bus stop is within a controlled parking zone (but is
nevertheless marked Free. The rest of it is also marked Free. This morning,
by the bus stop, was a blue arrow of the sort that one sees before road works
and immediately afterwards there were cones in the road. The first driver must
have seen the obstruction ahead with the yellow restriction notice adjacent to
it (if he saw the notice at all of course) and sensibly parked in the Free
section outside the controlled zone, against which there was no notice and no
cones. Others naturally pulled up behind him.
By just after 11am eleven or twelve cars had been ticketed. No one seems to have
noticed that all the road markings were removed in April as part of the
destruction of Abbey Road and only the
notice on a pole saying Free remains. But motorists still got tickets.
The council has form for stepping outside the law if
it leads to additional persecution of residents. I immediately emailed John Davey the
ward councillor about this latest piece of Bexley idiocy but heard nothing.
At 12.30 one of my network of informants phoned to say the yellow notices had been removed.
Now whether this is because the councillor took action or because the road work
wasnt being done and the signs might as well go I do not know, but I
photographed the new situation and stuck an explanatory note on the windscreens of ten cars. One
or two cars may have disappeared before I managed to get there.
I have been driving for 47 years and never picked up a parking ticket but with
devious tactics like this even I wouldnt stand a chance. We have to strike back
against the bastards (sorry there really is no other word apart from four letter ones)
who have no other motive than to trick and penalise motorists. The
parking adjudicators contact details are given below. I know someone who
is on good terms with the boss of the national adjudication office, below is for London only.
Im told they like nothing better than putting council jobsworths in their place.
If you wish to comment on this, please use the Contact page. Incidentally, the
ward councillor never did respond. You would think he would if it was him who
had tried to put the situation right, instead I am left to conclude that the
notices were removed around mid-day because they were no longer needed and to
hell with the expense and confusion caused to ten or more motorists. I am also slowly coming
to the conclusion that the councillor for Lesnes Abbey ward is well into
chocolate fireguard territory.
P.S. During the early evening of 18th September I discovered that the inadequate
warning signs were removed by a council official from their roads department. He
seemed entirely unconcerned about the confusion he had caused and apparently
cared less about the unfair fines that had resulted. And yes I do know his name.
There was no contact from the councillor. Clearly his loyalties lay with the
bureaucrats and not the people who elected him.
Official Parking appeals service
A more useful appeals service (but not free.)
16 September - Accident on newly modified road; quick cover-up by council
I usually walk along Abbey Road two or three times each day
and on my second such stroll today I noticed that the heavy duty fencing by the
bus stop opposite Fossington Road had been demolished. A nearby resident told me
that he saw only the wreckage after a Mini coming from the Abbey Wood direction
went out of control, he didnt know why, but the end result was a smashed fence
(which was made of scaffold poles!). I hope no one was hurt.
Now this is interesting because for the past four months I have been trying to
get details from Bexley council of what they have been playing at in Abbey Road
for the past year. It was like getting blood out of a stone and I had to get the
Local Government Ombudsman on side before I made any progress at all. Even then
it took constant pressure. This sorry tale of incompetence, arrogance, profligacy,
half-truths and mismanagement will be reported in all its gory
detail just as soon as I can find the time. Meanwhile the salient point is that
Bexley council said there have been no accidents on this stretch of road and
that it was being narrowed solely to benefit cyclists. Not, it would appear, giving any
thought whatsoever for the safety of pedestrians, passengers alighting from buses,
passing motorists or of the wing mirrors of parked vehicles.
I passed this information to the world renowned experts in these matters, The
Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire. They read my reports and looked at
my photographs and said that what Bexley had done was a recipe for head-on
collisions. The scheme isnt even finished yet and it looks like we have
something like the first one. I have asked the council for more details as it is
always possible that someone collapsed at the wheel, but I havent
received so much as an acknowledgement. I only wish I knew the motorist
concerned as Bexley have ignored nearly all of the TRL recommendations on road design
and were warned of the consequences. Someone should sue the backside off them to
maybe teach them a lesson.
A strange thing that a neighbour remarked on is that within hours of the
accident Bexley council had removed every last shred of loose evidence. All that
could be seen were the relatively light scuff marks on the grass and the broken
fence posts. On the other side of the road they had left debris and trip hazards
for two whole months. The neighbour, who seems to have a more suspicious
mind than me, thinks the council is trying to hide the consequences of its bad
design as quickly as possible. I think he may be right. Two days later the fence
had been repaired. Quite different to the neglect displayed on the opposite side of the road.
Since posting the above I have spoken to an eye-witness who I met by chance in
the street. A Bexley council road inspector (whose name I know but will not
divulge) was within 30 feet of the incident. He said that the Mini was
negotiating the kink in the road which is part of the new scheme and clipped the kerb. One person, he said, but not him, thought the driver was on the phone at
the time. The road is too narrow to give room for recovery and the car went out of
control across the path of on-coming traffic, over the
pavement, through the fence and finished up in the bushes. Luckily no one
was injured. This is exactly what the expert at TRL had predicted and advice the
council ignored. Sooner or later they will have blood on their hands.
6 September - Bikes on the pavement
A few neighbours thought that after paying half a million pounds for Bexleys
latest initiative, cycle lanes on the pavement, we ought to show our gratitude
on a nice sunny day and use it. So off to Erith we pedalled.
Bexley council in the shape of Andrew Bashford their Team Leader (Traffic
Projects) says that lots of councils are mixing bikes with pedestrians. I dont
know anything about that except that friends in Farnborough (Hampshire)
and Worthing suffer them and report at least one consequent death. Mr. Bashford
doesnt want to talk about that of course. In fact he doesnt really want to
talk about anything. Whether this is because he is not on top of his brief and
too easily out-manoeuvred, or because he isnt proud of what he has inflicted,
or simply because he is too arrogant, is open to debate.
So what did we find on our travels? One thing that caught our attention was the
Soviet style barracks that have been put up near St. Augustines church. The
pavement was completely blocked there and nearby residents massively
inconvenienced with their driveways blocked. We noted that the pavement was not
only being widened but had been excavated deeply, quite unlike the work
conducted elsewhere. The deep hole was being filled with concrete and we did
wonder if it was the reason for no one being spare for deployment to other sections
for the past six weeks leaving umpteen trip hazards. One of our number
speculated that some deal had been done between the developer and the road
contractor to hasten the work outside the barracks. I suppose he should know
about these things, hes the one who works in civil engineering, not me.
The cycle path itself was relaxing where it existed, but there were far too many
breaks in it and it was too easy to be just a little too relaxed when forced
back on the road. The frequent bus shelters were worrying. We were expected to
go between them and the kerb and hoped that a bus didnt pull up at that very
moment and disgorge its passengers directly into our paths when they were
least expecting it. On a cycle lane the cyclists presumably have right of way.
Some bus stops appeared to be protected, in theory at least, from cyclists but
each bus stop adopted a slightly different arrangement. Some photographs
may illustrate the various hazards we encountered.
The first photograph shows a complex right turn for cyclists which sticks out
into the road tempting motorists to run down any cyclist foolish enough to wait
there. Fortunately there will be few cyclists as daft as Bexley council. If they are
intending to turn into the road on the other side they will either
be using the track on that side or will have ridden off the kerb earlier and taken a short cut.
Where cyclists need to cross side roads, slipways are provided at some junctions
but not all. It is too easy to go down one of those slopes from the relaxing
cycle track on to a busy road without glancing over your shoulder. The third style of
slipway is just too complicated. The solid white line appears to be telling
cyclists to get back on the road. Do you think they will take any notice with
that wide expanse of empty pavement ahead of them? Probably the idea is to
get cyclists back on the road before the bus stop at the bend ahead. But if so
why is such a weird construction not in use at all bus stops? Please dont
expect a sensible answer; this is Bexleys road planning department we are dealing with.
We were surprised to find that the ride from Lesnes Abbey to Erith town centre
took almost 25 minutes. It wasnt the photography that made things slow, we
walked out more than a week later for that. Perhaps it was because we slowed down and sometimes
stopped when we encountered pedestrians, unlike one cyclist a few days ago who
brushed my sleeve with his handlebars as he raced by.