16 November - More powerful eyes spying on you
Manorway and the adjacent Abbey Wood railway station must be one of the most spied upon places
in Bexley. The number of cameras in the vicinity is in the low teens with up to
four mounted on poles only a couple of feet apart. I find it really unnerving (and
Im not alone according to site feed-back) to have unknown eyes following my every move.
Its not as though the operators can be trusted as the several News Shopper reports of
them peering through bedroom windows will confirm. But all that is now a thing of the past,
the old cameras have been replaced by dome
mounted devices which can look in any direction but its near impossible to tell which.
I have some experience with these dome cameras, I have one mounted over my
front door. The steering and zooming capability is disabled as it is pointless
unless I am prepared to monitor it constantly, but while setting it up I did play
around with it for a while. It can pick out a single brick on a house 150 metres
from me or focus on a single car well over a quarter of a mile away. There is no
escape from this intrusive spying eye and who would trust Bexley council to do
anything with totally honest intentions? What do the Harrow Manorway cameras
monitor? The bus lane of course, and was that bus lane installed to speed the
passage of buses. No it wasnt. Bexley council
admitted in writing to me that it was installed solely to persecute car
drivers dropping off passengers for the station.
One must wonder about the sort of people that Bexley council, probably most
councils, employs. My guess is that the Hitlerite tendencies go hand-in-hand
with low intelligence. If one wishes to be some sort of boss, the honourable
route is to study, work hard and be successful in ones chosen career. But if one
is is some sort of power crazed dunderhead
the obvious job is in local government where one is immediately able to indulge
almost any wicked fantasy with impunity. Such as sticking up
inadequate parking notices and collecting fines
or wrecking peoples lives.