14 October - Parking suspended, Abbey Road resurfacing today
7.30 a.m.
It seems a shame to knock the useless councillor Davey off the blogs top
spot but things move on. Yesterday I took one of my infrequent car journeys along
Abbey Road. At 1.30 p.m. everything was normal but when I returned just after 1 a.m.
this morning the No Parking warning signs were out in force. I noted that
even at that time there were three cars parked opposite each other. Two in the
residents bays and one in the Free space opposite. The accompanying
photographs were taken a few minutes after 7 a.m.
Every available pole was adorned with a warning notice and the road had been painted with temporary warnings throughout its
length. But there is no rule about parking in the Free section while you go on
a weeks holiday so it will be interesting to see what happens to the unfortunate
owner of the silver Toyota Celica come 11 a.m. when the parking gestapo is
due on the scene.
I anticipate that marking the parking spaces on the residents’ side will have
the effect of narrowing the road even more. Will the
Transport Research Laboratorys prediction (confirmed by Bexley council) of
increased damage to parked cars come true or will the residents avoid
parking there as seems to have happened so far.
11 a.m. As expected a ticket has been placed on the Celica. The contractor told me
that normally a council finding a car long term parked will have it moved to a
nearby safe place but Bexley werent prepared to do anything other than ticket
it which is no good to anyone. I cant get on with my job. He
went on to say that other councils cover up the original signs when posting
temporary ones to avoid ambiguity. Not so in Bexley where idiocy, money
wasting and persecuting residents is the priority.