29 October - Another example of council uselessness
reported previously, a B.M.W. was abandoned
more than a month ago in one of the few parking spaces outside Abbey Wood railway station.
Bexley council is very efficient at applying penalty notices to windscreens but
when it comes to applying commonsense they can be useless. Surely a car
left where stopping is restricted to one hour should be removed if it is there
for a month? Well the vandals obviously thought so as overnight they burned it
out. Totally. Nothing left but a blackened shell. By the time I got back home to
get the camera it had gone, leaving only the damaged road seen here. Quick action far too late.
So thanks to the month long inaction of Bexley council and councillor John Davey who is
frequently seen in the vicinity we have the waste of a serviceable vehicle and
damage to a road resurfaced less than a year ago. Never mind, its only
taxpayers money and there for the wasting.