16 January - No trains today, not many buses either!
A Councillor at last night’s Transport meeting congratulated me on my
summary of the usual turn of events. Police, utterly useless, TfL as reliable as an
SL3 bus and Southeastern and Network Rail put them to shame every single time.
Yesterday neither the Police nor TfL bothered to put in an appearance although
even without them the meeting managed to continue for more than two hours. Every
time I thought I could safely pack away my notebook, Councillors Davey and Hinkley would pop up with another question.
For time reasons this report is from scribbled notes and analysis of the audio
recording will have to wait for another day.
The Chairman was clearly displeased with the Police and wondered how they might
take their responsibilities to Bexley Council more seriously and put in an
appearance once in a while. I would suggest that the Councillor who I overheard whispering
unkind words about a resident into the ear of a colleague stands up and says it
loudly for the benefit of my recorder; then we could guarantee four or five
rozzers at the door within minutes.
No one was very happy with the TfL representative going AWOL again which allowed
a few choice comments which I will carefully fail to attribute. “When they say
things have improved they can never provide any evidence.” “They always blame
road works for habitual late running.” “The B14 has been consistently poor for a
very long time.” “I am baffled by their excuses” and finally, straight out of
the Sadiq Khan excuse book, “It is always someone else’s fault.”
John Davey was puzzled by the Hail & Ride Service which operates between Knee
Hill and King Harold’s Way approximately. The road is mainly too narrow for a
bus to stop. I agree it is a bit silly. I followed a 301 to the meeting and it
stopped three times between West Heath Road and St. Andrew’s Church which might be 300 yards apart.
Councillor Davey was still going on about rationalising the SL3 stops in
Bexleyheath and was critical of services in both directions both stopping at the
same Library stop causing confusion to anyone who cannot read. He didn’t specifically
mention getting rid of the Lion Road stop again but I took the opportunity to
remind him that it is by far the best way of getting from his ward to the
nearest Wetherspoons and the Salvation Army Church.
John also complained that the only reason that TfL can claim that the SL3 runs
on time is that buses are turned around short of their destinations. As an
addict of one of the phone Bus Apps I can confirm that you can watch an SL3
heading your way and it suddenly disappears to be replaced by another in 25 minutes time.
Clutching at straws the Chairman had earlier asked the Southeastern rail man if he could lean on TfL to get the SL3 to
stop near their Bexley station but the reply was along the lines that they take
no more notice of us than they do of you.
It was both John and Sally Hinkley who raised the issue of CPZs and in particular when
are residents going to be told anything. The report to the Cabinet Member which
was said to be due last November, then this week is now a vague “some time in the
coming weeks”. It was nothing more than a guess but the Highways Manager thought
yellow lines etc. might go in during the Summer but there is an awful lot of red tape to be
attended to first. There was no news on whether we will get a useless two hour middle of
the day restriction or something that might actually deter commuters like 8 till 4.
I had someone actually park on my drive last week. I had wondered why tyre
tracks kept appearing on the lawn.
The long rumoured Yarnton Way pedestrian crossing will probably never happen.
Thames Water is unlikely to be able to stop water seeping into the site from
Southmere Lake. I’m not surprised, I used to watch the water level go up and down
in the holes Network Rail dug for Crossrail.
There is some sort of accident analysis going on at various sites. One was the
the roundabout outside the old Belvedere Police Station. I also heard it said
that North Cray Road is scheduled to begin resurfacing at the end of March, 24th from memory.
I think that is about it for now, the Railway stuff will be a little bit more
formal and if the audio recording reveals anything missed here I will tack it on
to the end of the the train report.