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News and Comment March 2025

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4 March (Part 3) - Cyclists are disposable in Bexley

The last time I had a message from a Greg was in January 2018 when one wrote to say that he was battling the same named crooked copper as I was at the time. Probably this is a different Greg, a parent of a child attending Gravel Hill School perhaps.

Greg version two drew my attention to a News Shopper report on bad parking outside that school. In the cycle track no less! Never having had a parking ticket in more than 62 years of motoring I think I can just about get away with a sanctimonious response. These drivers are beyond contempt.

And so perhaps is Bexley Council’s response. (See below.)

Head of Highways Andrew Bashford accepts that parking in the cycle lane is wrong but as the Council has no money there is little he can do about it. The lack of money is true and parking enforcement is currently a loss maker but to dismiss the safety issues because cyclists are only put in danger twice a day seems to me to be somewhat iresponsible.

Maybe I am biased. Long term readers will know my history with Mr. Bashford. In stuck record mode, he quoted my son’s Transport Research Laboratory report back to me and came unstuck.

Today Mr. Bashford is making unfortunate comments to a News Shopper reporter and - stand by for unforgiveable boasting - my son is in China at this very moment advising the Chinese Government and their truck industry on safety issues.
Gravel Hill cycle lane Bexley Council response

Note: I find many cyclists to be absolute bloody nuisances who offer no consideration to other road users but so are many motorists. Why are so many in such a damned hurry?


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