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News and Comment February 2025

Index: 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025

17 February - This Website

This will mean nothing to readers but today represents a big milestone for me and BiB. Rather more than six years ago I messed up this website big time. I accidentally applied an edit intended for a single page to the whole site. The number 1901 got changed to 2001 and I didn’t notice. Then I repeated the mistake by changing 1501 to 1502. The effect on the site was calamitous with images galore disappearing and umpteen internal links being broken. I have forgotten why the backup didn’t save me; left it too long probably.

I thought of a rescue operation but it merely made things worse so I took the decision to take everything before 2020 off line and laboriously go back to 2009 checking each blog individually, improving the image quality, making sure pages were mobile compatible and fixing links.

It has taken ages, especially the hunting down of original images for reprocessing, although as I progressed through the years it became easier as the pages were more modern anyway - but broken links were never ending.

Today I updated the very last page from 2019 so they are all done.

The opportunity was taken to reduce the abrasive tone of some of the earliest blogs (Fat Controller and Purple Pygmy have all gone) although I still cannot believe how dishonest Bexley Council has been. Many things I had entirely forgotten.

A few blogs were omitted for a variety of reasons and where appropriate replaced by an explanatory note. Leaving blanks risks more broken links. The original entry is carefully archived ‘just in case’.

There are still things that I am not happy with but they are all of a technical nature which should not affect the reader experience too much.

There are 40,250 files on Bonkers, 123,801 hyperlinks of which 33,668 are internal to the website. That was one helluver lot of checking.


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