4 February - Playing FOI catch up
that @tonyofsidcup is a valuable member of society
backed by the Courts, Bexley
Council has quite a lot of FOI catching up to do.
One of @tony’s hobby horses is road safety outside schools, hence his so far
unsuccessful campaign on pedestrian crossings.
He reminded me that the Transport Committee was advised that
no school
had ever requested provision of a School Street, examples of which have
proliferated across London and @tony took issue with that.
His own survey of head teachers revealed a different answer so
on 22nd November in wielded his weapon of choice, a
Freedom of Information request which Bexley Council didn’t
bother to answer. But now with the vexatious label banished, they have to.
It confirms that Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School did indeed express
interest in a ‘School Street’ but the Council decided to ignore them. “No decision was ever made.”
Thanks @tony, two birds with one stone. Confirmation that Bexley Council lies
and confirmation it is not really interested in School Streets.
Hypocrite alert; I am pleased to see Bexley at the bottom of the London list.