6 January - Where the bins are
“and the new litter bins which have been placed apparently
randomly around the borough.” (Yesterday’s blog.)
Not quite random according to @tonyofsidcup who has sent me an
address list for the new bins. (Excel Spreadsheet.
Check your Downloads folder.)
Presumably they are the consequence of
Labour’s Motion on litter just over a year ago.
The Council’ְs criteria were
• Public transport nodes (e.g. bus stops and railway stations)
• Neighbourhood shops
• Outside schools
• In Council car parks
• Near park entrances
• Outside entertainment venues (e.g. cinemas and theatres)
Seems fair enough to me but why @tony had to make two FOI requests to get the information remains a
mystery. Why did he want to know anyway? Because his location suggestion (Knoll Road) was rejected.
Note: Reports of new bins not on the list have been received.