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News and Comment March 2025

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1 March - State secrets

Rather a long time ago while working for BT I had a strange feeling that something odd was going on. Over several months speaking to many people and listening to ten or a dozen fairly innocuous stories I began to link them all together and paint a much more interesting picture. To cut a long story short, a £12 million (BT’s estimate, not mine) fraud was lurking just below the surface.

Not on the same scale but I felt similarly uncomfortable after speaking to Council employees, parents of SEND children who have had meetings with social workers and going through a whole load of @tonyofsidcup’s FOIs; not all of them are featured here but I read them all. I gained the impression that Bexley Council is expending a great deal of effort into hiding as much from prying eyes as is possible.

It was always thus but the techniques may have changed. I tried my luck at a probing FOI.

• For how long does the Council retain email messages of people who leave Council employment for any reason? Answer 93 days. @tony had been told 30 days and refused FOI responses for that very reason.
• For how long does the Council retain the email messages of Councillors who resign or lose office? They are encouraged to save anything particularly important to SharePoint but after that their accounts are deleted after 93 days. (SharePoint is a Microsoft storage facility.)
• At what stage if any is written correspondence shredded? It depends on what the [unspecified] legislation demands.
• When are the telephone calls recorded for training or any other purpose erased? Answer, after 40 days.
• Webcasts are lost to public view after three months. Are they archived for later retrieval if needed? Answer, only for a further three months.
• For how long are Zoom/Team recordings of meetings retained? Answer, they prefer not to record them at all but if they do, except in very special circumstances, the retention time is 24 hours. Council Officers had said 48 hours and an SEND parent said he had experienced Friday meetings being unavailable for viewing on the following Monday.
• Agendas and Minutes are available on the Council’s website for many years. Have any ever been removed for any reason whatsoever because of a request by an individual? Answer, there has been only one such request and the Agenda was removed on the grounds that it was more than six years old and contained personal information. (Surely many must do?)

A serious omission was not asking how long emails generally are kept when no resignations etc. are involved. My Council informers say they are wiped after a year. There would be no excuse for it if true.

Data storage is dirt cheap. I can remember when a nine gigabyte disc cost £1,800, I have a thousand gigbyte disc being delivered on Monday. I think it was about fifty quid. I have all my emails going back into the previous millennium. why can’t Bexley Council afford to do that?

My guess is that throwing data away prematurely is part of the secrecy regime and minimises the risk of having to release anything important via FOI.

Note: A 300 megabyte disc cost around £350 in 1987. BT paid for mine! A thousand gigabytes (a terrabyte) is 3,333 times bigger than 300 megabytes. Scaled up the price would be well over £1 million had the capacity been available in 1987.


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