30 September (Part 2) - Must do better
was nothing new reported on
Rhys Lawrie
this month. New material came to light but Rhys’s grandfather Trevor judged that it should not be made
public yet. For its part Bexley council is still struggling to introduce
measures to prevent it doing nothing to help vulnerable children ever again. It makes frequent references to
spending more money
but finding social workers willing to come to Bexley isn’t easy. Meanwhile the borough does not perform as it should.
It has introduced a new case management system this month (Liquidlogic) but
changing managers might have been a better idea, their recent performance is still lacking.
I don’t pretend to know what all this jargon means but for the percentage of
child assessments carried out within 35 working days Bexley was ranked last of the London
boroughs that provided data. Percentage of referrals going to initial assessment was second
to last and for percentage of social care clients receiving self directed support only six boroughs scored worse.
30 September (Part 1) - Passing the time
is no shortage of blog material right now but stuff put on line on the last day of the
month is destined to be tomorrow’s electronic chip paper, so it is best to sit on it
today and scratch around for fillers.
Bexley’s magazine is out even if it has not hit your door mat yet. Don’t you
think it is a bit thoughtless to put an image of a South London Health Care security
pass on the front cover? Just as well that
SLHC hits the buffers at midnight tonight.
The Bexley magazine occasionally shows signs of becoming a propaganda rag with news given
a political slant but it could be worse. It’s not yet evolved into Greenwich Time.
Teresa O’Neill adorns Page 3 lauding the downgrading of Queen Mary’s Hospital to its
’health campus’ status and “thanks everyone who supported our plan to save Queen
Mary’s”. There are two whole pages devoted to it further on. I have the
impression that in some respects the reorganised hospital is set up to do what I used to
expect a GP to do but now that it is next to impossible to get an appointment within
a reasonable timescale the health service is providing one big and well equipped
doctor’s surgery in the middle of town - except that Sidcup is as close to the edge of
town as it is possible to get. My experience of GP services may not be unique, a number
of councillors were saying similar things at last week’s Health Committee meeting.
Page 4 of the Bexley magazine pictures the Magic Roundabout under the heading “A huge
improvement” and the comment “A number of people have declared themselves impressed by
the changes”. It does of course look better but it may not be as cyclist and pedestrian
friendly as people hoped. Page 14 sings the praises of
the changes made in
Welling which “is being transformed”. Not into a death trap one must hope.
Finally and inevitably the council leader uses the magazine to claim credit for
Little Waitrose coming to Sidcup
which also got a mention in last week’s News Shopper - for poor parking arrangements.
Nicholas Dowling has shown that all that is needed to get your name into a
newspaper is a dud sound recorder and assistance from a headless chicken, for
Nick has been featured in the Bexley Times for six of the last eight issues. In
the current issue his image is alongside a letter from Bexley resident Richard Shone who says…
believe the council has made the decision to record and webcast the meetings
professionally for two reasons: to maintain editing rights on the material so that
anything they don’t want council taxpayers to know can be quietly removed; and by
making the proposed recording methods so expensive that objections to the cost
will be raised and they won’t have to allow the recordings at all.
Pedantry compels me to note that Bexley council has not yet made that decision and the
precise recommendations to council will not be revealed until November. Some sort of
double-cross is not impossible and maybe, just this once,
there will not be unanimity in the Conservative ranks. I can only agree with Richard
when he says “the council are very good at wasting taxpayers’ money” and
“members of the public recording the proceedings the cost would be zero”.
Whoever does it, you can be sure the viewing numbers will be very close to zero.
29 September (Part 3) - Bexleyheath Broadway. It’s gone to the dogs
was it that Teresa O’Neill said about the new look Bexleyheath Broadway? Oh yes, I remember…
The scheme which was funded by Transport for London was planned to revitalise Bexleyheath Town Centre.
The key features of this scheme focused on creating a
much better physical environment & has already transformed the character of the
town centre making it a much more attractive place for business and recreation.
We’re convinced this will also lead to further economic regeneration of the
Borough’s strategic town centre as early indications are already showing.
That was written only a week after the first stage of
the new Broadway opened last June;
maybe the council leader should have waited a little longer to see how things panned out. Yesterday
the pet shop which has been on Broadway for 25 years closed its doors for the
last time, blaming Bexley council. Click the image above for a readable copy of their reasons.
It is signed by Dennis Ball. I vaguely remember someone telling me ages ago that
the pet shop was owned by councillor Chris Ball’s dad. I wonder if that is true.
Last month
Red Cross charity shop upped sticks and left the Broadway too giving the all too familiar
reason. Once again click image to read the note.
29 September (Part 2) - You should read Bexley is Bonkers
From Welling I took the bus to Bexleyheath and got off near
the Magic Roundabout to see if there was anything new to see. Opposite ASDA I stumbled upon
some UKIP people handing out leaflets. This wasn’t entirely coincidental because UKIP
gives notice of its activities on Twitter. The other two parties only ever use
Twitter to say where they were the day before so I’m not able to treat them
equally. I expect they are keen to keep out of camera view.
I have noticed that the Labour people invariably Twitter that people are sick of Bexley
council and the Tories Tweet that householders appreciate the frozen council tax. Maybe
they should both get out of their own strongholds for a more representative view.
The man shown wearing the rosette is David Coburn who is Chairman of UKIP London. Our
paths have crossed two or three times before which may have something to do with him
living in the borough - or about to move in, I’m not sure which.
I had a brief conversation with another of their supporters who lived in Kensington.
He told me a little of what his council got up to and I returned the favour. He
finished by recommending that I read Bexley is Bonkers. I should have asked him if it is any good.
29 September (Part 1) - They have spent your money but what has been achieved?
asking for a friend, you understand, but I cannot see any benefit from the recently completed Welling Corner road works
and readers have been asking. Maybe another reader knows the answer.
The old photo taken from Google Street View shows pedestrians protected by
railings when attempting to cross Bellegrove road. Those taken yesterday show a free for
all and a young lad streaking straight across. It is too tempting to do so and
those concentrating on looking to their left can all too easily trip down an unexpected kerb.
It would appear to be the new norm, a hundred yards or so further east the same
arrangements have been in place for a couple of years. Council leader
O’Neill is keen on reducing street clutter but she should perhaps remember
that not all of us would survive a collision with a bus.
I found one of Teresa O’Neill’s statements about the new approach to road safety
to be rather worrying. She said “the road surface has been
re-laid to remove the distinction between the roadway
and the footway and kerbs have been lowered to encourage people to wander across
the street”. Whatever happened to the “Look right, look left and right again”
that was drummed into me at school?
28 September - You wait ages for a joke on Bonkers and three come along together
There is probably not enough humour on Bonkers, joke councillors in abundance but little to tickle the ribs. Until now perhaps.
council is sponsoring
The Bexley Business Awards
and just look who has the gall to be offering their advice. None other than three failed Bexley business people.
On the left you see Ian Payne, manager of Bexley’s Business Improvement District (BID) and the man who masterminded
a 7% drop in trade
in the town centre. By his side are cabinet members Linda ‘Biffa’
Bailey and the ubiquitous Teresa O’Neill chasing another photo opportunity.
The BID is still showing up on the Companies House website as
not having filed its accounts.
Bailey and O’Neill are Directors of the wholly Bexley council owned Thames Innovation
Centre - a centre of mismanagement that would have gone bust years ago if not
supported by the council tax payer. Despite being given more advantageous business
terms in the form of contracts, interest free loans and goods delivered through the
back door, it has lost money every year since it opened. More last year than the year
before. Yes, this threesome are the perfect people to recognise successful local businessmen.
Alternatively there is a summary extract below.
Ian Payne doubles up as Deputy Mayor of Bromley. He is a salaried employee of Bexley council.
27 September (Part 3) - General pointlessness committee
Another council meeting last night, the General Purposes Committee and they too were
considering the latest accounts.
The Agenda was a mere 323 pages instead of 346 at the Audit Committee.
John Watson and Nicholas Dowling beat me into Room 105 at the Civic Centre which
had been laid out with desks in a doughnut pattern so that the public could not
have a clear view of proceedings. The main council chamber affords a clear view
only from the centre of the public gallery and no one is allowed close enough to
read name displays which is a nuisance when trying to identify guests and
officers. Occasionally the U shaped chamber is turned into ‘a doughnut’ too just to
prove they are in charge and assisting public scrutiny counts for nothing.
brought the visibility problem to the attention of the chairman, councillor
Lucia-Hennis. He asked if two councillors could move to the side
tables so that he could see them and they did not obstruct the view of others.
The chairman said “No”, adding that “councillors could sit where they liked”. The
customary lack of consideration for the public proved to be a mistake.
Later and just a couple of minutes before the meeting was due to start Mick Barnbrook
showed up and asked much the same question referring to his hearing loss and the
lack of microphones in Room 105. The chairman said Mick was late and she had
already gone over that ground with the obvious implication he should shut up and
suffer his disability in silence.
I have no way of telling just how poor Mick’s hearing is but a friend of 30
years is deaf and if I talk straight at her, communication problems are
generally avoided, but if I should be by her side and begin talking she is not
even aware I have opened my mouth. Mick seems to be heading in the same
direction. He kicked up a bit of a fuss at not being able to half listen, half lip read.
Councillor Aileen Beckwith did the decent thing and removed herself to
a more visible position but the boorish individual otherwise known as councillor Colin
Campbell immediately took her place to ensure the view remained blocked. Mick
retaliated by taking a seat within a couple of feet of the councillors’ tables and Lucia-Hennis, perhaps realising where this was leading, let him stay
there. A reasonable chairman would have asked councillors to shuffle around a
bit to provide a better view at the outset, but however wrong they are, Bexley councillors will
never give an inch. Power corrupts, absolute power has corrupted them absolutely.
In the event no councillor said more than a dozen words and two said nothing at all.
The meeting was another occasion for running an eye over the audited accounts but
this committee (chairman and five councillors) gave them even less consideration than Audit. The Accounts were nodded
through after nine minutes and the meeting ended before eight o’clock despite the delayed 19:30 start.
During the meeting councillor Campbell said he considered the accounts had
become far too long for anyone to read, councillor Munir Malik countered that by
saying they have become far easier to read and digest.
Grant Thornton,
he believed, had brought the accounts up to a new level. Labour supporting private enterprise
over public bodies? Whatever next? Probably both men have a point.
323 pages are far too many to summarise here but a small number of items came to my
attention almost at random. The Broadway Shopping Centre provided a rental
income of £1·5 million in 2012/13 and the council’s reserves are earmarked for the
Bexley First project. That’s the refurbishment of the old Woolwich Building Society H.Q.
The council’s income from sales and services (such as taking away old sofas and
hunting rats) reduced by about 23% in 2012/13 (by £5,934,000.) It’s what happens when
you keep jacking up the prices.
A statement of known expenditure for 2013/14 showed another £25 million earmarked for the
new Civic Offices. It seems a lot to pay to get rid of doughnut shaped meeting rooms.
Getting rid of Lucia-Hennis and those of her ilk requires
only a pencil and ballot paper.
27 September (Part 2) - Don’t hold your breath
Eric Pickles
has spoken again and today’s headline writers are occupied with his latest wheeze.
He wants to put an end to gestapo wagons and CCTV surveillance of parking spaces.
In the past the Minister for Local Government has pontificated on all manner of
subjects from weekly dustbin collections to filming council meetings; and what
has he actually achieved? The bloggers’ desk. Councils must now provide a place
at council meetings for a man to rest his notebook.
In every other area of activity dishonest councils - is there any other sort? - are
free to stand behind the Secretary of State grinning while thumbing their noses.
If guidance worked we wouldn’t have gestapo wagons now because they are only
supposed to be used where it would be unsafe for the job to be done on foot.
Pass some legislation Eric, you know it makes sense.
27 September (Part 1) - Audit plaudits
Bexley’s Audit Committee met on Wednesday evening and as befits the sober
subject matter the meeting was a sober affair bereft of the fireworks seen the previous
evening at the Health Committee meeting.
Chaired as usual by councillor Steven Hall, he probably disappoints the Bexley
Action Group members present because of the total absence of petty dictatorship. His
committee of four councillors (one was absent) is assisted by Committee Officer
Mike Summerskill who efficiently looks after everyone including members of the
public. The accounts were signed off within the first 15 minutes and the 346 page Agenda
presented to the committee was devoured within the hour. To be honest the
latter is a guess as I could only stay for 35 minutes but the committee was well
on its way to wrapping up by then. Why the accounts are signed off before the auditors
report is heard is a mystery to me.
John Peters, the Deputy Director of Finance, said the council’s reserves had
risen above £8 million which councillor Howard Marriner reminded us is only a
week’s expenditure. Mr. Peters said there were budget pressures on children’s
services. Councillor Malik expressed some disquiet about the PFI contracts and
spoke of renegotiation. Mr. Peters didn’t seem to think that was very likely and
believed the costs were indexed at 3%.
This year the audit was done by Grant Thornton, the Audit Commission having been
killed off by the present government. Those 346 pages show that audit costs
fell to £213,000 for 2012/13 from £279,000 the year before. My accountancy
knowledge is zero but I was surprised to hear they only sample the accounts with
the aid of their home-brew software. Maybe that is
how their costs can be reduced.
Sue Exton gave a clear and concise explanation of the auditor’s role and findings
and she had me fooled for a moment because the performance of Bexley’s management
females is usually dire but I was being silly, Ms. Exton is a Grant Thornton
employee. She said that her company found no more to complain about in Bexley than
they had in other London boroughs. There was some concern that Bexley’s ‘journal
authorisation controls’ are lax and my enquiries reveal that is something to do
with not having invoices and expense claims checked by senior officers. Well that would explain
Ian Clement getting away with everything wouldn’t it? You’d think they would have
fixed that by now.
Only two other members of the public were present and as usual I knew the name
and address of both of them.
Note: The Health Committee meeting is not yet reported here.
26 September (Part 2) - Jobsworth misses a trick
We left John Adams
telling meeting chairman Cheryl Bacon that I was agitating for a better seat and
challenging her on the audio recording issue; all complete rubbish and possibly the
result of a muddle by Adams, but Lynn Tyler wasn’t to know that and used it to justify
my own illegal exclusion from the reconvened Public Realm meeting.
Adams then relates how he approached Nicholas Dowling (I assume it is Nicholas despite
the initials NK) and Michael Barnbrook who, it is suggested, is waving the Department
for Communities and Local Government guidance at him. I was sitting forward of them
all but naturally looked around to watch an important development. I don’t know where
Michael was supposed to have obtained the DCLG documentation because like the rest of us
he had no idea of Nicholas’s plans for the evening until a minute or two before entering the
building, so he would not have come prepared for it. i.e. carrying the guidance.
A small point but Adams is wrong again.
I checked this out with Mick last night and he confirms he waved nothing and
Bacon and Adams did not address him at all - which is my recollection too.
Much of the remainder of John Adams’ report concerns his activities outside the
council chamber and cannot be challenged but what he says of the events inside continue
to be wrong.
“Everyone accept (sic) the public gallery” did not leave the Council Chamber as
Adams states. One councillor remained and engaged Elwyn Bryant and me in friendly
conversation throughout the 30 minute adjournment. Another of Adam’s numerous
errors, however perhaps his biggest error is one of omission.
Mrs. Tyler (Legal Team Manager) has been given the unenviable task of defending the
indefensible and has resorted to untruths which should bring shame on her profession. If
she had analysed the responses she received surely a half competent legal brain would
have picked up the inconsistencies? But apparently not. The only
way that councillor Cheryl Bacon can be excused her possibly unintentional law breaking is if every
member of the public present on the evening of the 19th June was being
disruptive and this is what Lynn Tyler has had to claim.
You might have expected John Adams to lick his masters’ boots by making it clear
that Cheryl Bacon had words with everyone but his highly detailed report
fails to refer to any warnings to anyone but Nicholas, which is of course
exactly right. More reports will be presented soon. Meanwhile
John Adams’ report in full.
26 September (Part 1) - Stainless steel clutter
The refurbished Bexleyheath Broadway undoubtedly looks smarter than it used
to be, I don’t think any of its many critics dispute that but safety concerns
have demanded several changes since it was partially opened in June.
This is what council leader Teresa O’Neill had to say about it a few days after it opened.
was carefully designed and implemented after a series of consultations with and support from
the Borough’s residents and businesses. The consultation included the Bexley Access
Group which represents the more vulnerable members of our community.
This scheme has been designed using an innovative concept of ‘shared space’ which
aims to create a better balance of priorities between drivers and pedestrians.
The most recognisable characteristic of shared space is the absence of street
clutter, such as conventional traffic signals, barriers, signs and road markings.
We’re convinced this will also lead to further economic regeneration of the
Borough’s strategic town centre as early indications are already showing. We
need to inspire our children and young people to welcome the new environment.
has to ask, if it was so carefully designed, why so many changes have been made since.
There were three attempts to get the road signs at the magic roundabout right. Are they
right now? The pedestrian crossings have proved troublesome and more signs appeared this
week. See photos taken yesterday evening.
How does that fit in with Teresa’s “absence of street clutter”?
Having gone that far why not put in a longer pole, paint it black and white and
plonk a yellow globe on it? A flashing light inside it would be a nice touch.
25 September (Part 2) - A jobsworth speaks
As well as interviewing councillor Borella about councillor
Cheryl Bacon’s mishandled meeting,
Legal Team Manager Lynn Tyler also obtained a report from council officer John
Adams. His report is neither signed nor identified in any way but it is clear
from the content that the source must be him.
In my opinion John Adams, who I have come across before, is a jobsworth in the mould of
Kevin Fox with a gift for getting people’s backs up which is uncalled for. There are
Bexley officers who know how to be pleasant and helpful and the name Dave Easton springs
to mind, but any of the doormen deserve a mention too. John Adams is an altogether
different kettle of fish.
Mr. Adams shows his devotion to petty officialdom by providing a time for every
aspect of the evening in question and states that at 19:10 he entered the
Council Chamber and found Nicholas Dowling checking the seating arrangements. It
is only a small point but that cannot be true. I catch the same bus to every
council meeting and it arrives outside the Civic Centre just after 19:15. I look
through the door and if no one I recognise is inside I usually walk on to see if
Nicholas and his Bexley Action Group (BAG) colleagues are on their way. The 19th
June was no exception and I met all of them on the Highland Road/Broadway corner.
They were a little more animated than usual and as we entered the Civic Centre I
learned of Nicholas’s plan to audio record the meeting. I confess to being more
than a little surprised, shocked even.
We lingered at the doorman’s desk while Mick Barnbrook, who had learned of the plan only a
couple of minutes before me, and I think, Nick explained what was in store and
that no one would do anything to embarrass the doorman. Quite likely MIck
Barnbrook gave him the benefit of his police experience, he often does but
definitely the emphasis was on protecting the doorman from criticism and assuring
him there was going to be no law breaking. There is no way any of us
entered the Council Chamber much before 19:20, certainly not 19:10 as stated by John
Adams. A small point but indicative perhaps of a willingness to make things up.
John Adams says that Nicholas Dowling greeted Elwyn Bryant, Michael Barnbrook
and myself as we entered the chamber. No John, that is another small fib. Nicholas
met Mick and Elwyn when they parked their cars a quarter of a mile away and me
in the street outside. As I said, Adams or Tyler seems to make things up as he goes along.
On the previous evening the doorman had apologised to me for not providing the
blogger’s desk and I told him it didn’t matter because I was not keen on being
conspicuous. However as Adams was being awkward I decided that two could play that game.
The ‘buggers’ comment was
fully reported in June, unlike Bexley council I have no wish to be selective with the truth.
On a point of detail I did not ask for a desk for Elwyn Bryant, he is not entitled to one, and Elwyn sat
elsewhere. We are barely into John Adams report and we have three bits of misinformation already.
Mal is Mal Chivers, the Hallkeeper (doorman to you and me) who we spoke to on
the way in. I apologised to him for reneging on the agreement (no desk) of the
previous evening and explained why. He was his usual cheerful self and it was clear
that he fully understood.
John Adams, or maybe it is
Tyler, continues lying in similar vein, minor stuff but it helps throw
further doubt on the overall veracity of his report. He says that Nicholas, Elwyn,
Michael and I all complain about the lack of access to the best seats. Those three
did but I certainly did not. By then, on Adams’ own admission, I had been provided
with a desk and chair in a prime position already. In any case I couldn’t care less
about sitting close to the councillors as unlike Mick and Elwyn, my hearing is still
reasonably OK. Additionally they have a tendency to whisper among themselves which is
distracting when trying to take notes. There have been recent meetings when
the Bexley Action Group members have sat in the best seats while I have chosen a
solitary existence in the more remote public gallery. I am afraid Adams was
definitely mistaken again.
I cannot comment on much of what John Adams says next because I had my own desk
and was doing my best to withdraw from the events soon to come. One thing I do
recall is that someone, I forget who, asked for Adam’s name. I remember that the
BAG people were in front of me nearer to Adams and I said somewhat flippantly that
he was the President of the United States, at which Adams smiled. The problems with
the Agenda, if there were any, were not apparent to me as I was sitting elsewhere.
(John Adams, 2nd president of USA. 1797-1801.)
PG is Peter Gussman (another member of the Bexley Action Group) and the member
of the public who arrives later can only be Danny Hackett, the Labour party
member. The BAG foursome, Danny and I were the only non-council people there.
Something that puzzles me about John Adam’s statement is that he says he put out
three copies of the presentation (on Sidcup) but all of them want a copy of the
presentation. How can that be true? Three of them already had a copy in their
hands. Another little John Adams lie presumably. However that is not the end of it…
Why would I (MK) be asking to sit in the reserved area when I am quietly sitting
within a handful of feet of councillors at my specially provided desk?
John Adams obviously lies to the extent he doesn’t any
longer know who is who. Presumably his final reference to MK should be ND. Maybe
that explains why I was illegally excluded from the reconvened meeting. Maybe
John Adams not only plays silly buggars (sic) but he is
a silly bugger. And incapable of telling the truth. Or maybe Tyer makes it up to suit the council’s case.
I shall return to John Adam’s tomorrow, covering his report on how the meeting
progressed after 19:30, and include a copy of his complete report.
25 September (Part 1) - Meeting priorities
Bexley council’s protracted summer holiday is over and the season of meetings
is upon us. It began in earnest last night. Top priority and first off the block
was fixing senior officers’ pay. The Top Management Review Panel is advertised
as a public meeting but in pursuance of the council’s policy of secrecy it had
been recommended by a “Proper Officer” that a vote be taken to exclude members
of the public from Agenda Item 6. I thought I’d look in anyway and upon arrival
found that two members of the Bexley Action Group had had the same idea. They
were lurking in the foyer and said they had been told they would not be admitted.
The doorman told me he wasn’t sure where the meeting was being held.
Total exclusion was unexpected because the Agenda was emblazoned with the usual
guff about audio/visual recording not being permitted without the prior approval
of the chairman. Actually that is double guff as this is a meeting which elects its
chairman as Agenda Item 1 so prior approval is impossible. But that is, with luck, a past battle
duly won by Nicholas Dowling
and one more lie doesn’t much matter.
So there we were standing in the foyer refused access to a public meeting again and
contemplating more complaints about illegal exclusion when Mr. Hollier, the Head
of Human Resources, sauntered by. Mick Barnbrook spoke to him and explained the
situation. Mr. Hollier said he would make enquiries and report back as soon as
he could. He was as good as his word. At 19:34 we were led into the Board Room and
given a nice comfy chair of a type you don’t see in the Council Chamber. Councillors
Colin Campbell, Peter Craske, Teresa O’Neil, Alex Sawyer and opposition leader Chris
Ball were there along with Chief Executive Will Tuckley smiling broadly. The Agenda
indicated councillor Kerry Allon would be there too but I confess to not noticing him; maybe he had
popped out for a fag again.
The election of the chairman took the inevitable course and Teresa took up the
role. She almost immediately asked for a vote on exclusion of the public but if there was one
I must have blinked. There was a sort of low level grunting sound after which we
were shown the door. We had enjoyed the comforts of the Board Room for exactly two minutes.
This was no more than a very small victory for democracy. A matter of principle.
Bexley council, or maybe it was just a wicked witch, had assumed that the vote
would go the way it did and the public might as well be totally excluded. Another
demonstration of disdain for democracy that the voting procedure had to be forced on
her. It looks like Mr. Hollier’s wiser counsel has prevented another round of
complaints. Perhaps he deserves a pay rise.
24 September (Part 3) - The Labour line on councillor Cheryl Bacon’s ‘Closed Session’ meeting
The following report - and some yet to come - is based on Bexley council’s response
to Michael Barnbrook’s Freedom of Information request which he submitted following
Lynn Tyler’s letter of 23rd August. The one where she claimed that councillor
Cheryl Bacon did nothing wrong when she
members of the public from the Public Realm meeting on 19th June 2013.
Mrs. Tyler’s
latest covering letter reveals that the one Labour councillor she interviewed
was Stefano Borella. I have not yet seen any evidence that she interviewed a Conservative
councillor in addition to the predicted Cheryl Bacon as claimed in her first letter. It
also repeats the lie that councillor Bacon spoke to “a group of persons” who were sitting
“near to one another”. She admits that Bacon did not speak to “one other member of the public
who was sitting apart from this group of people”. It is possible that that one other person
was me at ‘the bloggers’ table’ but it could be Mr. Danny Hackett who if I remember
correctly was sitting several seats to the right of that group, behind me and possibly in
the row behind ‘the group’.
Mrs. Tyler confirms that no member of the public gained entry to the
reconvened meeting in Room 105 which is not surprising given the admission that
councillor Cheryl Bacon announced it was a “Closed Session” and told Mr. Barnbrook
specifically that he was not allowed in. No one else asked after that.
So how did councillor Borella describe the meeting?
Stefano says he arrived early at the meeting and noted that Mr. Dowling and
Mr. Knight (me) were present. He reports that “Danny Hackett, a Labour party
member was also present separate from the other group” thereby implying I was
with the group which wasn’t true. I shall assume he did not intend to do that
but Mrs. Tyler may have drawn a different conclusion.
Councillor Borella then accurately reported how Nicholas Dowling sought
permission to record the meeting relating how Nicholas was “not aggressive”.
This is in stark contrast to
councillor Colin Campbell’s lies on TV
when he referred to it being “quite obvious from the beginning they were there to
disrupt the meeting. They have a history of disruption and they stuck an iphone
about six inches from the face of the chairman”. But a Bexley cabinet member
lying non-stop is not exactly news is it?
Borella believed Nicholas was recording the meeting which is fair enough, it
wasn’t until the end of the meeting that I discovered otherwise when I asked
Nicholas for a play back. However he is alleged to have said of “the group sitting
together“ that “one or two of them kept up a running commentary”. Not all of them
you will note and if it were true it should be remembered that the meeting was
for the most part in adjournment. However there was no constant commentary from any of them. I looked on in amazement at Mick Barnbrook who
said not a word because he is no shrinking violet and has been known to address
the chair directly. However this time he did not. The only comments I was aware
of is that Elwyn Bryant twice walked over to speak to me directly which I found
a little embarrassing. As I have said before, councillor June Slaughter was no
more than a few feet from me and I could feel her eyes on me for much of the
time. She said nothing but her look said it all.
Borella then says that Cheryl Bacon “announced that she was going into a closed session
meeting” and that “council staff looked for Danny Hackett to inform him that he could
attend the reconvened meeting”. This will be useful information when I take my exclusion
to the Local Government Ombudsman. I have a statement to the effect I was not part
of ‘the group’ and an admission that Cheryl Bacon did not feel it was necessary
to speak to me, yet I was not invited to the reconvened meeting.
fact is that the statement is a lie although I concede that Lynn Tyler claims only
that Stefano Borella said it was his understanding. While waiting for
the police to arrive I spent much of the time speaking to Danny, mainly about
his forthcoming candidate selection meeting.
He considered himself illegally excluded from the public meeting the same as I was and was present
when the photographs to show that all the members of the public had been left
unsupervised in the chamber were taken, The alleged disrupters evidently trusted not
to wreck the place.
It is notable that Mrs. Tyler has twice assured Mr. Barnbrook that no member of
the public was unlawfully excluded from the reconvened meeting and arrangements
were in place to ensure that those other than ‘the group’ could attend but no
one actually did so, not even Danny Hackett, the Labour party member. Did Danny
refuse to attend out of solidarity with fellow members of the public or is Lynn Tyler
engaged in frantic efforts to shut the legal stable
door long after the horse has bolted?
Mrs. Tyler conducted her interviews six weeks after the ‘Closed Session’ meeting
and notably none of them are signed by the alleged interviewee..
More to come on this…
Lynn Tyler’s
summary of her interview with Labour councillor Stefano Borella. It
is important to recognise that this is not a signed statement by Stefano Borella.
When lying it makes sense to leave as many escape routes as possible.
24 September (Part 2) - The Bexley Lie Machine has gone into overdrive
To cover up for councillor
Bacon’s mistake on 19th June Bexley council is having to invent
ever more
fanciful lies and inevitably get themselves into a steadily deepening mire of
contradictory information as liars always do. I now have nine more pages of A4
typescript to wade through and I really don’t know where to begin. Almost
nothing Bexley council has written is truthful.
While I prepare the first installment for publication I will refer you to
the last set of lies and
the complaint to Will Tuckley
it provoked. Somehow or other I’ll get some sort of preliminary report on the most recent set of
lies distributed by the unfortunate Mrs. Lynn Tyler for later today.
24 September (Part 1) - The Craske affair
The IPCC may have
declared that the police didn’t take my complaint about their investigation into
Bexley council’s obscene blog seriously but the other parts of the
establishment continue to do their best to sweep the corruption and political interference under the carpet.
Elwyn Bryant spent more than six months trying to get the Crown Prosecution
Service to fulfill their promise to supply him with information before giving up
and making a complaint to the Information Commissioner.
They told the CPS to provide Elwyn with a proper response within ten days and that deadline is now a week overdue.
My Subject Access Request
to the police is now nearly two months overdue. I suppose that ought to go to the Information Commissioner too.
They are all as bent as each other.
23 September (Part 3) - Parking enforcement. The tricks of the trade
On BBC 1 (London and South East) this evening at 19:30 is yet another
exposé of the evil tricks that NSL and similar companies employ to ensure
maximum revenues for councils more than happy to act outside of the law. Not specifically Bexley related but
the Notomob crew have once again been instrumental in bringing it to your screen.
BBC web page.
23 September (Part 2) - Closure of Bridleway 250. Secrecy and lies
is not legally possible to take Bexley’s
unlawful closure of Bridleway 250 to the
Magistrate’s Court for another week and a bit and I am not yet sure whether this
will be done by local people or an interested charity on their behalf but
meanwhile Bexley council has been answering questions - or perhaps that should
read, not answering questions.
In response to a Freedom of Information request they refused to say which
officers had reached the decision to allow a single individual to continue to
block the highway. However they were prepared to say the police representative
at their meetings was the Sergeant on the St. Mary’s Safer Neighbourhood Team
(SNT) who is not difficult to identify.
Conveniently the council took no minutes of their meetings but the conclusions
reached were disclosed. The female SNT Sergeant is said to have referred to a
“History of Crime” at Mount Mascal Stables but it is impossible to judge whether
she was mistaken or Bexley council has lied. An FOI to the police does not
reveal a “history of crime”;
just a single burglary.
Something that is a Bexley council lie is their assertion that “the gate had
been erected many years ago”. This is presumably offered as an excuse for
allowing the blockage to continue. Other council correspondence refers to
installation in the early 1990s when CCTV of the type in use, not to mention the electronic
entry system would not be available. Numerous local residents will tell you that
the gate appeared during the lead up to the 2012 Olympics and given the state of
the gate pillars; still looking like new, that would appear to be a more
believable story than Bexley council’s. Masonry standing under trees for 20 years
would surely be weathered with both algae and moss in evidence. The
photographs show none.
Bexley council was also asked to justify its use of Section 17
of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to override the provisions of the Highways
Act when the former expressly forbids such use. As you would expect, Bexley
council has not troubled to answer that question.
23 September (Part 1) - First customer hits Abbey Road
bad start to the day. I woke up, glanced at the clock which said 6:01; so got up
and went about the usual things at a leisurely pace intending to have a blog ready for 9 a.m.
When I was ready for the trip to the paper shop it was 8:50! Must remember to put my glasses on
when reading the bedside clock in future, it must have been 8:01; but I inadvertently did someone a favour.
As I went along Abbey Road right next to the
new Pay & Display machine a man was
calling out to a householder across the road standing in his doorway. “Can I
park here all day?” was the gist of the question and the reply approximated to “Dunno”.
So I explained that he had to pay £3.80 for two hours and pointed at the sign.
The driver didn’t understand it so I went into the subject in a bit more detail and he
then raked through his small change for £3.80. He never said a word about the exorbitant
price but with wife, two children and luggage in tow perhaps it was worth paying for the convenience of the nearby station.
I returned to the scene at 1 p.m. expecting him to have got a PCN by then
because his ticket receipt was not ideally placed, but despite being the only sucker
in the entire road willing to pay £3.80, all was well.
A little further along the road someone was less lucky. He'd parked where there are no yellow lines but there is a
‘Residents Only’ sign 50 yards away which he had no reason to be looking out for, there being no yellow lines. The stupid thing
is that if he had parked on the opposite side of the road which is identically marked he’d have been OK. Councils do like to
confuse people in order to line their pockets.
22 September (Part 2) - Cops at the shops
police have been heavily promoting their open day outside the Broadway Shopping
Centre held today and I suppose I should have looked in but it hasn’t got much to do
with Bexley council, the weather is foul for the time of year and what would I
do there anyway? I doubt they would want to discuss political interference in
the Craske case. However Bonkers’ readers may be made of sterner stuff and I believe the
subject may well have been raised.
If these photographs are a guide, the event may not have been as well supported
as it should have been. I assume the first photograph is of the officer who left
an eight month gap between getting a street address from a certain IP address
and knocking on the appropriate door. The other picture is of four Safer
Transport Team officers.
As readers will have noticed, there has been something of a famine for the past
week so far as significant Bexley council malpractice is concerned but I am
pleased to be able to report, all of that is about to change. Councillor Cheryl
Bacon has kindly ridden to the rescue with a number of statements. I
think I may have to serialize them over several days.
22 September (Part 1) - Blogging competition
may have competition from an unlikely source. The fine words you see here come
from none other than Bexley council anxious to get in on the blogging scene.
You may
read all about it here;
after presiding over a catalogue of failure in both the adult and
child care spheres
someone seems to be keen to spend £5 million on hiring new staff. Unfortunately most
of the senior management is just the same as it always was and
the BELL case
illustrates perfectly what happens to staff who spot potential problems.
21 September - Not a big spender
Bexley council is proud of spending
less on
domiciliary care workers than any nearby borough and it never seemed likely that
it would be the biggest spender nationally on child care. The last thing Bexley
council does is care so it is not very surprising that
the recent Daily Telegraph report
was wrong. Councils are expert at wasting money but £3 million pounds a year on each child had to be
a mistake - and it was. The real figure is now
said to be £192,400 per year.
The council’s rebuttal of the Telegraph’s figure taken from Department of Education
data naturally includes the proud boast that they are spending less than most
councils. I hope that isn’t a recipe for more
Rhys Lawries and Barbara Bakers
Nice to know that Bexley council has never felt it necessary to correct anything reported here.
20 September - An unexpected present for my birthday
told all my friends and relations not to buy me anything for my
birthday and most of them have followed instructions but I have received one
from an unexpected source. At the end of last year I complained to the
Independent Police Complaints Commission that the Metropolitan Police had failed
to properly investigate (i.e. whitewashed) Bexley police’s failure (i.e. not
doing much at all and screwing up, perhaps deliberately, what they did do) to
properly investigate Bexley council’s obscene blog. And the IPCC has agreed with me.
It was not a proper investigation.
That original complaint was against Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer, his
sidekick Tony Gowen and various underlings and originally went to
Bernard Hogan-Howe on 7th June 2012. Everyone was said to be beyond reproach
apart from the most junior member of the team who was “offered guidance”.
Now it all starts again. We are back to June 2012. There is to be a repeat of,
let’s be absolutely clear about this, the enquiry into why Dave Stringer and Co. achieved
nothing. Not a reinvestigation of the original crime. It would appear that the
IPCC may not be too happy with Bexley police’s admission of “political interference”.
How Bexley’s police must rue the day they agreed to help Bexley council cover up a crime.
The complaint to the IPCC is not currently available on-line.
Obscene blog Timeline.
(Requires an update.)
19 September - Walk for an extra two or three minutes or pay £3.80. What would you do?
half expected Abbey Wood parking chaos following
the Felixstowe
Road closure didn’t materialise, at least not on the
south side of the railway, confirmed by people living between five minutes
and 15 seconds walk of the station. The fact that the station car park is
still open will be a factor but my guess is that the users of Felixstowe
Road car park come from Thamesmead and they are just as loath to cross the
Harrow Manorway viaduct as southern dwellers are.
The lack of parking problems has not stopped Bexley council pursuing its
money making schemes and it is now apparent how many of the Abbey Road
residents’ parking bays will become pay and display. All of them (†). The published
traffic order didn’t say. It will be interesting to see how much money is
collected in parking fees. Not as much as in fine revenue I suspect.
Mike Frizoni’s (Deputy Director of Public Realm Management, £108,622 per annum)
malign influence on the borough is spreading like a cancer. Every week he
announces several more roads which are to have parking restrictions imposed and
this week the centre of Sidcup gets the Frizoni treatment. Following
removal of all yellow lines in the centre of Bexleyheath - replaced by a
single sign on each of the entry points - the same arrangements are to be applied to Sidcup.
† Some extra while lines subsequently appeared, restricting the paid parking
spaces to a short section adjacent to each of the four ticket machines. Rather
badly painted it should be said, not solid white but in one instance at least,
more of a chalky dusting.
18 September - Readers’ recent comment
No time to prepare a blog yesterday so how about some comments from readers? All of
these received within the past 36 hours.
A comment on Lyn Tyler’s letters…
The extent to which Bexley Council will lie is ridiculous. It knows no
bounds. Why would you put blatant lies in writing full stop? Let alone to
someone who runs a website that will only publicize your lies to the voting
masses. What morons.
About Broadway’s roundabout, T junction, free for all, or whatever it is…
aware of the TFL traffic survey currently being done at the magic roundabout in Bexleyheath?
I was speaking to the chap from TfL, very friendly, and he told me he was
counting bikes all day. What a lovely job, but hopefully something good will
come of it. I have heard that Bexley is shortlisted for
funding from TfL for cycles.
When I spoke to him (around 10:30) he said that “only eight bikes have passed towards Welling and only
four towards the Broadway”. He said in other areas such as Elephant and Castle it would be in the 100s.
Interestingly enough he was under the impression that the junction is a roundabout and the crossings
were zebra crossings. If TfL do not know, how is the public meant to?
About the bosses lining their own pockets…
How can these people be worth so much of our money?! I thought I might get
some enlightenment from the papers for the "Top Management Review Panel" next
week, but of course everything worth looking at is kept secret. What is the
point of this charade if all the important information is withheld? Why not just
do the whole thing in private, instead of pretending that some sort of public
scrutiny has taken place?
was left puzzling over one of the few statements the public are allowed to
see, which told me that “ESM had been progressed” during the year.
What is "ESM"?! The European Stability Mechanism? The Electron Scanning
Microscope? The European Society of Mycobacteriology?
Nothing in these papers tells me, and a search of the council website also
reveals nothing. What an insult! They keep most of the papers secret, and one of
the few things allowed to appear in public is rendered worthless by the use of meaningless acronyms!
Roll on 2014. Let's see if anyone standing for election is prepared to boot
these charlatans off their gravy train once and for all!
It’s true! Bexley council’s web search facility has no idea what ESM is.
17 September (Part 2) - Only obeying orders maybe; but inventing, truth bending and sinking in the council’s own mire
Mr. Barnbrook
is fond of using the word ‘prevarication’ which is really just
a posh word for lying, a little less harsh perhaps but much the same sort of
thing. He accused councillor Colin Campbell of prevarication following his
shameful appearance on the Sunday Politics Show. The one where
he claimed
that Bexley council allows filming, “you only have to ask”. A lie if ever there
was one as a subsequent Freedom of Information request proved. (See image below.)
Residents have asked for permission to film on ten occasions within the past two
years and everyone got the standard brush off.
Mick Barnbrook’s complaint that Campbell had lied, sorry, prevaricated, on
national TV because no one has ever been given permission to film a council,
cabinet or committee meeting was met with another quotation from the rule book…
So Lynn Tyler, Legal Services’ Team Manager comes out with the same old garbage
about the rules allow filming but it's up to the chairman - all of whom are
under instructions from she who must be obeyed. Then Tyler gets really desperate…
Totally irrelevant nonsense from someone who should know better and who now
looks like an idiot. What is an awards ceremony to do with council meetings?
As part of Mr. Barnbrook’s case he referred to his own recent request to film a
meeting which was turned down by Mr. Hollier, Head of Human Resources…
Ms. Tyler is really clutching at straws now. Just because the council leader
refused a filming request doesn’t mean it’s the norm she says. In the real world,
the leader allows no dissension, everyone knows that. However
thanks to Tyler’s weasel words, Councillor Campbell did not stray
from the truth - to quote the dictionary - when saying that anyone could film,
just ask. But it certainly wasn’t the whole truth.
By the end of her letter Ms. Tyler appears to totally lose the plot. She knows
that she must maintain the pretence that everyone at the meeting was being
disruptive because if that was not the case she must acknowledge that councillor
Cheryl Bacon was advised to act outside the law; so Tyler
repeats her previous lie about group disruption…
have to wonder how Ms. Tyler knows that, she wasn’t there and neither was any
councillor or council officer. By the time the police arrived the only people
present in the council chamber were four members of the Bexley Action Group;
Mick Barnbrook, Elwyn Bryant, Nicholas Dowling and Peter Gussman. Also present,
having been refused access to Cheryl Bacon’s illegal ‘Closed Session’
meeting, was Danny Hackett, the Labour party candidate for Lesnes Ward at the
next council elections, and me.
I can tell you exactly what happened when the police arrived. Mick Barnbrook
stood to appraise them of the situation and was stopped in his tracks by a
smiling Bobby who said they knew everything about Bexley council because “I read Bexley is Bonkers”.
thus broken the ice we had a friendly chat about the undemocratic ways of
Bexley council and then they asked us what we planned to do next. I said we were
going to go home, so we then stood and made our way to the exit. The police did
not eject us, as their own press release said; “No offences had been committed”
and we were sitting quietly in a public building. The police were not at liberty to
sling us out and no council official was around to ask them to do so.
Mrs. Lynn Tyler is prevaricating on an industrial scale. Whether she is
inventing these things on her own initiative or under instructions I have no
idea but I see no alternative but to make a formal complaint about her to the
Chief Executive. No one but Nicholas Dowling put a foot wrong at that meeting
and some councillors have been kind enough to acknowledge that fact. It’s about
time our lying council learned when it is wise to stop digging.
At least there is some satisfaction in knowing that the two policeman who
attended the Civic Centre and read this blog will now have absolute proof that
Bexley council lies constantly.
Complete Lynn Tyler letter.
17 September (Part 1) - Confusing or what?
So you drive up to one of your favourite parking spots two minutes walk from the shops, pay - or not if it is after 17:30 - and when you come back you have a parking ticket. It’s Bexley so you shouldn’t be surprised.
The reason
is that Bexley council has introduced a new bus stand while the bus terminus by the Clocktower
is disrupted by the Broadway regeneration.
Any decent council would place a shroud over the parking signs so that no one
was likely to be encouraged to park where they shouldn’t. As it is, at a
quick glance it looks like just another shared use parking bay.
The location is North Road, part of the one way system from Woolwich Road to
Arnsberg Way. The larger images prove more conclusively than the thumbnails that
the pictures are all from the same location.
letter to residents didn’t come from Frizoni’s department. Makes you wonder
if Bexley council even bothered to get a legal traffic order.
16 September (Part 3) - Felixstowe Road car park closed. All’s well at 7 a.m.
Early birds were OK for parking in Abbey Wood this morning. The station car park was still open but perhaps the ticket machine was turned off, but there were certainly no barriers, unlike Felixstowe Road, closed for Crossrail works. Free parking was pretty much all taken by 7 a.m. So far so good.
16 September (Part 2) - Pleading poverty but doing OK thank you very much
has been a pay freeze at Bexley council for four years, there has been in many
places, but Bexley’s top brass appears to be getting restless. (See document extract.)
My heart bleeds, it must be hard to get by on something between ten and twenty
thousand a month and I am glad to note that “there is no evidence at this stage that recruitment and retention has been
significantly affected amongst Hay graded employees as a result of nil pay
awards”. Hence the recommendation by Bexley council’s senior staff to
continue to cap the salaries of Bexley council’s senior staff in 2013/14. “In view of the
Council’s on-going financial position and the requirement to continue to deliver
very challenging expenditure reductions as detailed under the Council’s Strategy
2014 Programme, a nil salary award is recommended by the Management Board for
Hay graded employees for 2012/13.”
All fine and dandy and publicly available information. What has actually been happening?
For that we must fast forward to the yet to be published 2012/13 accounts.
The pension contribution paid as a percentage of salary has gone up quite nicely
for all four Directors. A couple of thousand extra in your pension pot is not to
be sneezed at. Lots of people would be glad of a contribution like that as their
annual salary. I wonder what the new salaries are.
Well the Chief Executive’s didn’t move at all between 2011/12 and 2013/13. Neither did Peter Ellershaw’s
(Environment and Wellbeing). Same for Paul Moore (Customer and Corporate Services).
Mark Charters (Education and Social Care) got a £3,169 leg up and and Mike Ellsmore
(Finance and Resources) did even better with an extra £5,175 (†). Not bad going for
people on a pay freeze and preparing the ground for that to change.
Strange that a flat rate percentage pension contribution has resulted in all round Director
level increases without all of them seeing pay increases. But thank goodness they all
got an extra something, otherwise Bexley might not be able to “retain excellent
staff who we need to deliver the significant challenges ahead”. It’d be a shame
if Bexley was no longer able to hit the headlines for
most expensive child care,
poor child care
or leaving
old ladies to die; all because it stopped paying very nearly the highest public authority salaries in the country.
Note: Excluded from the salaries listed is ‘Benefits in Kind’
ranging from an extra £1,262 to £10,621 each. Also Mr. Ellsmore’s ‘Emergency payment’
of (†) £8,823, paid in 2011/12 but not in 2012/13.
The figures shown are not yet publicly available. Hence no links. The last time
Bexley council updated its website to reflect current senior staff payments was
January 2012. Maybe they aren’t happy to trumpet the truth too loudly.
Example shown. Click for original page.
16 September (Part 1) - Sign of things to come?
Felixstowe Road car park is shut and so is the station car park and car using commuters
to Abbey Wood station will be inconvenienced.
Bexley council has not yet opened up the extra parking bays it has stolen from
residents who have already paid for them and won’t do until next Monday.
Meanwhile local residents could be seeing more and more of this sort of thing.
15 September (Part 2) - Minor site change
By request the facility to declutter the banner image has been extended to
Mobile viewing mode. Either on a per page basis from the Info button at the
bottom left of the site banner or via either of the Configure pages. See menu above.
As the loss of the ‘Bexley Council is Bonkers’ logo leaves the site in a
somewhat anonymous state the logo is transferred in faded form to the page
background. Decluttering from the Info panel now forces the Info panel to close.
15 September (Part 1) - I nominate Nicholas Dowling for forcing a Bexley council climbdown
my birthday on the twentieth and I arranged a little party for next Friday. Looks like I got the day wrong.
Maybe it’s not me but just another Bexley council peacock up?
Click image for Bexley council’s web page today. Tomorrow they will see this and fix it.
Title note:
Forcing a Bexley council climbdown.
Bexley’s webpage was short lived and the link is no longer available.
14 September (Part 2) - Home alone?
The only explanation I can think of for the reported
three million pounds a year
for each Bexley child placed into care is that either a decimal point has
slipped or that Bexley’s care home is fully staffed but has only one resident.
Why is it that Bexley is so often in the news for being bad or unusual in some
way? Perhaps the way it is run truly is bonkers. It seems a bit odd that Bexley is one
of only 14 UK boroughs which has no ‘in borough’ care facilities and I wondered why.
around I found that it wasn’t always so. There used to be a care home in Carlton
Road, Sidcup called Hoblands. By all accounts it mysteriously disappeared some
thirty years ago. Children, staff; they all disappeared from view. Maybe the web
extract shown throws some light on the reasons why.
Have you read it? Nasty eh?
But it could be far worse than that. If you go to
the National Archives website to see what they have on Bexley council’s Hoblands
children’s home you might be in for a shock.
What Bexley council covered up must have been really horrible; the files are
locked away until 2047. That’s 75 years from the date of the dark events which
must have been around 1972.
That date ties up very nicely with the associated web extract. Read the whole
thing and you can date it to 1971. However an elderly resident has told me that
Hoblands didn’t close until the mid nineteen eighties. If that is true it suggests
that yet again Bexley council always covers up or turns a blind eye and carries on.
Employing paedophiles (TIC), failing old ladies in care homes (BELL), ignoring the plight of
little Rhys Lawrie.
All have a common theme. Thoroughly poor management paid grossly inflated salaries and Deborah Absalom,
Mark Charters and Sheila Murphy are merely the most recent incarnations.
You can begin to understand why Bexley council’s mantra is ‘say absolutely
nothing about everything’. It’s the only safe way when there is just so much to hide.
Note: The web extract shown is a composite of two sections.
(Unfortunately no longer available on the web but the archive
files were made available on 21st August 2015.)
14 September (Part 1) - Fantasyland
Dear Mr. Barnbrook,
I have considered your complaint that you were excluded from the Public Realm,
Community Safety, Economic Development and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee
meeting on 19th June 2013
and having spoken to the Chairman I can confirm that she did indeed refer to the reconvened meeting
as being in Closed Session. This was a mistake for which the Chairman and I would like to apologise.
Mr. Moore, Director of Corporate Services,
immediately issued
instructions to all councillors within two days of the mistake being made and I
can assure you that there will be no repeat of this procedural error.
Yours sincerely,
Lynn Tyler
Legal Services Team Manager
And Michael Barnbrook replied…
Dear Mrs. Tyler,
Thank you for your letter advising me of the steps taken to prevent a recurrence of
what was an illegal act and I am happy to accept your assurance that nothing like it
will happen again.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Barnbrook
How nice that would be if any of that was true. Unfortunately Bexley council will never
admit it can be wrong. I have so far seen 16 pages of reply to various complainants
and apart from the extract shown below, every one of them is crammed with wall to wall lying. With each letter
Bexley council digs itself further into the mire.
The latest missive from Mrs. Tyler is a corker (details next week) and she summons up
even more statements without a shred of substance behind them. Many man hours must
have been expended by Bexley council trying to lie themselves out of a hole and
to my knowledge there are two letters still to be answered.
Inevitably the case will go to the Local Government Ombudsman sooner or later.
How very different things would be if Bexley council was honest. If they had put
their hands up and admitted their mistake the whole subject would be over and
done with and half forgotten. Lots of money saved and It’s not as though anyone
would be able to do anything about Bexley’s law breaking. For a start they have
their tame police force to protect them.
Click extract above to read one of Mrs. Tyler’s letters.
13 September (Part 3) - Bexley well behind the times
The lady whose wheel
clipped the kerb and burst a tyre
while trying to negotiate the road works in Welling put in a claim because the newly laid kerbstone had
a razor sharp edge. It still has, I went to look only a week ago and I suggest the doubters follow suit.
Unfortunately the lady decided against pursuing the claim because of the intrusive nature of the questions
on the claim form. In particular she didn’t like the fact it was asking for the name of
her employer where her duties include driving. I decided I should get hold of a copy of
the form to see for myself and not finding one on the web took myself along to
Bexley council’s Contact Centre. They explained it was not on the web nor did
they hold a copy locally because it is issued by the council’s insurer. I begin
to see the lady’s point. Tell an insurance company that you have clipped a kerb and
they will likely increase your premium.
While at the Contact Centre I thought I would look around and I was reminded of my trip to an
Industrial Tribunal a couple of years ago. I was there because
Bexley council
sacked the receptionist at the Thames Innovation Centre after she reported post
and money being misappropriated, not to mention that the manager was a
paedophile (later convicted). Bexley council tried to make out that the receptionist was sacked
for not keeping the brochures in the foyer up to date. It wasn’t even her
responsibility but they were desperate for a good story.
The Tribunal’s summing up made it absolutely clear that they considered the receptionist was unfairly dismissed
but they could not find in her favour because she had not worked at the TIC long enough to be protected by the
law. The council must have put out a press release that the receptionist had not been unfairly dismissed and
Bexley’s failure to tell the whole truth was picked up by the local papers and unwittingly reported in an
extremely biased way. They knew no better because they had not sent a reporter to hear the verdict.
So what has that got to do with the Contact Centre? It’s the brochures stupid!
for my delectation were brochures advertising art at Hall Place until 18th
August, Bexley Environmental Challenge, closing date 30th April, Bexley in
Bloom, applications closed 7th June, a course at Charlton football ground in May
2013, Parkwood Aquathlon at Sidcup Leisure Centre which took place on 21st July,
the Creepy House summer reading challenge ending on 7th September and a Swimathon
running from 26th to 28th April 2013! What a mess. They have staff sitting
around all day to answer questions, there was nothing for them to do when I was
mooching around, but they are content to let the place go to pot!
13 September (Part 2) - Still waiting, still hiding
council has lots of things it would like to keep secret and will bend the law if
necessary to keep it that way, but sometimes the law doesn’t play ball.
Companies House is quite happy to disclose that Bexley’s Business Partnership is now
more than two months overdue with its accounts. It’s probably another TIC style money pit.
TIC: Thames Innovation Centre
BID: Business Development District. The manager is a full time employee of Bexley council
13 September (Part 1) - Bountiful Bexley
According to the Daily Telegraph today, the average council spends £4,000 a week
looking after vulnerable children in care. Having read
the Rhys Lawrie papers I
would have guessed that Bexley council was spending very little on child care,
but no, apparently it spends more than £3 million per child per year.
That is literally an incredibly high figure, it’s more than ten times what Will
Tuckley, Chief Executive, spends on himself.
Something doesn’t sound right.
Click image for full report.
Another Telegraph report
says that only 14 councils are so uncaring of their
vulnerable children that they place all of them in far flung care homes outside
their own boroughs. Bexley is one of them, now that I can believe.
Parking problems
week two of the three car parks adjacent to Abbey Wood station will be closed
as Crossrail prepares to demolish the 28 year old station and build a temporary
replacement. Where commuters cars will be displaced to only time will tell, but
Bexley council is intent on more misery for local residents.
The houses near the station are nearly all pre-war and many are
entirely without off street parking facilities and compelled to pay the illegally imposed
£100 Controlled Parking Zone charges.
Bexley council announced
it would rob them of more spaces a couple of months ago and yesterday it began the installation
of Parking Ticket Machines in Abbey Road.
Residents and commuters will be left to fight over spaces while Bexley council
cashes in, either through extra fines or the £3.80 flat rate charge for use of
the space. Gradual reduction in the number of residents bays is not confined to
the area around Abbey Wood Station, exactly the same has happened around the
centre of Bexleyheath where residents who are forced to pay £120 a year for a
permit find themselves unable to park because people are shopping seven days a week.
Police FOI response
A Freedom of Information request seeking the time the police received a request
from Bexley council to attend the Civic Centre on the evening councillor Cheryl
Bacon decided to hold a public meeting in - her words - “Closed Session” was initially
rejected because it might reveal personal information.
An appeal resulted in a long email - four pages of A4 when printed - saying the same
thing. It stated that there is a danger that saying anything at all might reveal who made the
call so they confirm their original decision to say nothing.
What a load of nonsense. Everyone involved knows who asked for the police to be called and I could tell
you the name of the man who made the call - the doorman. The names of all the councillors present is
a matter of public record and all the names of every member of the public
present can be found in previous blogs. The police, for some reason best known
to themselves, are determined not to upset Bexley council by co-operating
with a simple request by a critic of Bexley council.
Mick Barnbrook has sent all the correspondence to the Information Commissioner.
It is by no means certain they will rule in his favour. When I asked for the
date the police made enquiries about Bexley council’s obscene blog, the ICO
ruled it wasn’t in the public interest to tell me. Some might agree that was in
fact true because it later transpired that the police had lied; they had not made the enquiry at all.
Even if the ICO overrules Bexley police’s FOI officer and asks her to provide an
answer, it is not difficult to imagine there will be a quick call to Bexley
council to ask them what answer they would like the police to give.
Police SAR request
I didn’t mention it before, but I made a Subject Access Request to the police
three months ago. The law says they must respond within 40 working days. I am
still waiting. But that is nothing, it is nine months since my complaint about
Chief Superintendent Stringer’s failure to investigate Bexley council’s obscene
blog was acknowledged by the IPCC. Result? Total silence.
11 September - Two rotten boroughs, but which is worst?
On Sunday this website will be four years old. It didn’t start with any long
term plan, it just sort of evolved. At the outset the blog was an occasional
add-on to the main pages but there can be little doubt
that the tail soon began to wag the dog. The site is now clearly divided into two bits
accessed directly by the .com and .info variants of the domain name. Essentially
the blog and the supporting pages.
For good or bad I don’t think there is any other borough based blog that has taken the same
path as Bonkers and I feel that must be due to Bexley council being different to any other
in London.
Most days I look at
a Greenwich blog and two in Barnet, one seems to
in parking issues and constantly trips up NSL and Barnet council at PATAS - the Adjudication service.
The nearest blog in style is probably
The BarnetEye but Roger Tichborne its
author seems to think Barnet and Bexley councils are alike. I respectfully disagree with Roger.
If a Barnet blogger sends an email to all 63 councillors they may not all reply but
some at least will do so. Roger sent such an email only a few days ago and got only
eight replies, but that is hugely better than what always happens in Bexley. Send a
message to all 63 here - there is a facility to automate it on Bexley’s website - and
the response is always the same. Teresa O’Neill will reply saying she has instructed
all her disciples not to respond. They are not allowed independent thought.
This is confirmed by the fact that no councillor ever votes against the leader’s line
in Bexley; votes are always unanimous. If a Tory councillor should linger and engage in
polite conversation when out paths cross in the council chamber they scuttle away if
Teresa O’Neill should come into view. One once muttered something about being burned
alive by Teresa if we were spotted passing the time of day.
There have been meetings where it has been made absolutely clear that decisions
taken at Scrutiny Committee meetings must be approved by the leader beforehand.
Teresa O’Neill’s evil influence is everywhere.
Another difference between the two boroughs is that in Barnet the police are
independent. When councillor Brian Coleman (Barnet) assaulted a woman who had
criticised him he was convicted for it. Criticising councillors has seen me
threatened with arrest at the request of Teresa O’Neill
Bexley when homophobic obscenities were directed at me and traced to a councillor’s IP address,
the police informed me at a meeting that their investigation had failed due to
“political interference”. You can guess who arranged that.
In Barnet the bloggers are upset because their council has handed over all its
services to Capita in one go. In Bexley that has been slipped in over several
years, albeit to a variety of contractors, but the end result is the same. There
is nothing much left for the Chief Executive to do and we see appalling things happen of which the most recent is
the fate of domiciliary care workers being
paid illegally low wages.
Recording has long been a feature of Barnet’s meetings but secrecy and a lack of
democratic input is a major feature of Bexley. Questions to council are restricted
to an hour a year for the near 300,000 population. In Barnet they hold meetings
devoted to questions. Six every quarter.
In the final six months of 2013 Barnet council scheduled 124 meetings, Bexley managed 73.
They never meet on Friday either, in Barnet they are not so
Barnet has two Health committees compared to Bexley’s one which inflates the
meeting numbers a bit and so do meetings for engaging with the public but the
main committees all meet more often than in Bexley. That’s fewer opportunities for
public scrutiny in Bexley and it’ll be easier for Teresa to be pulling the strings.
To quote Boris Johnson, if you hold views different from Teresa you can “get stuffed”.
10 September (Part 2) - Early intervention
must be the in phrase. Director of Social Care, Mark Charters, used it three times in the first four paragraphs of
his reported interview
with CommunityCare at the beginning of the month, and now it is the main theme of
Bexley council’s latest Press Release. “Early Intervention’.
It is a nice ‘sounds good’ phrase but I imagine it might generate a certain amount of rage when
Trevor Lawrie
reads it. Early Intervention by Bexley’s failing care services might well have saved his grandson from a
life of pain and an early death.
It’s always possible Bexley council has learned something from their mistakes I suppose. The previous director
Absalom left soon after Rhys died. It might not be coincidence, but in
political circles the same old attitudes prevail.
Cabinet member Chris Taylor is not afraid to boast at council meetings - twice
in my presence - that Bexley council has been paying its care workers less than
any other nearby borough. Illegally below the minimum wage in some cases.
Freezing council tax is all very nice and looks good on an election leaflet, but it comes at a price. People die.
No one answers
emergency calls, no one can afford to put
a warden in
sheltered housing - but we can afford £100 million for a
Boris bike track.
10 September (Part 1) - Quiet around here
There is nothing going on that I know of worth reporting. Apart from the exceptional meeting of the Constitutional Review Panel (and ignoring the regular planning meetings which have to carry on) there has not been a ‘proper’ council or committee meeting since 17th July. While Parliament has returned to their green benches and school children to theirs, Bexley council won’t end its holiday until the end of the month.
scraping the barrel for news I know, but Bexley council has been Twittering, on promoting
a Box Shop being expanded in Sidcup today. I had to look up what that is all
about but it is apparently like a very up market bazaar. The sort of thing
that used to be held in the church hall when I was a kid and to which mothers
would flock, most of them with a tea towel tied around the head which was some
sort of early 1950s fashion statement.
I’m not qualified to comment on shopping, to me it’s something to be done
reluctantly only when there is no alternative - so there is no way I would go to
Sidcup for any shop and wouldn’t pop in the Box Shop even if I was passing by. But it looked
quite attractive when I did and Bexley got a ‘Highly Commended’ in the category
Campaign to Support Local Trade’. Not an independent assessment
unfortunately, it is judged by other councils.
can be an angry lot, and one at least was not at all happy with Bexley’s
mini-Holland cycling initiative.
While ridiculing the proposal for lifts on hills he correctly points out that
there is a hidden foot path up the notorious Knee Hill and it wouldn’t take much to
make it cycle friendly. However the council is content to let cyclists - and the
occasional pedestrian - mingle with the traffic on a road with no footpath. In
fact they make it compulsory by restricting access to the path with ridiculous gates that make
passage by wheelchair impossible too.
Then the cyclist’s wrath moved on to Welling. "If they were serious about cycling they would
have replaced the old bus lane with a cycle track”. It is, says my cycling friend of the
mini-Holland plan, just a publicity seeking farce before the
election season funded by Boris’s £100 million of tax payer funded generosity. And I
thought I was cynical! But so very true nevertheless.
9 September (Part 3) - Cheryl Bacon’s illegal meeting. It’s not over yet
When councillor Cheryl Bacon was panicked into
putting her meeting into Closed Session
- presumably on bad advice - nearly three months ago she committed an illegal act and certain people
are keen to see that Bexley Council shouldn’t get away with it. Mick Barnbrook wasn’t
slow to put in a complaint and naturally Bexley council had to find a way of
getting itself off the hook - an art in which they are well versed. This time
they came close to making up more lies than I have ever
seen in one letter before. Apparently everyone at the meeting including me was guilty of continuous disruption.
Mick wasn’t the only complainant, I’ve recently been informed there were two
more, both of which were ignored. Following a complaint one has received a belated reply, the other is still waiting.
At Cheryl Bacon’s fiasco of a meeting I took up my ‘Bloggers Seat’ which the
council is now compelled to provide me. I did so because I go there as a
reporter and wished to dissociate myself with anything that might be deemed
contentious. I do not intend to be part of the news, I only report it. That
special seat is nearer to the closest councillor than it is to the general public and I know
that councillors know that I sat there doing nothing. Yet Cheryl barred me from
her meeting for no reason other than her being in headless chicken mode. The
response to Mick Barnbrook’s complaint says everyone was disruptive. Absolute
rubbish and I object to being used as an excuse for Bexley council’s law breaking.
So I did something I have not done for three years. I made
a formal complaint to
Bexley council. As always, the most interesting thing might be seeing what
contortions they tie themselves in rather than putting their hands up. I have
some evidence that Bexley council is lying but I doubt it will stop them lying again.
9 September (Part 2) - Little Waitrose, Sidcup
Waitrose eventually came to Sidcup last Wednesday following a campaign taken over by Bexley council. Clearly
a good thing in principal to inject some life into a town spoiled in the past by a succession of poor
council decisions but not so good perhaps for those who live nearby who now find themselves
saddled with a £120 per annum Residents’ Parking Permit.
Nice photo opportunity though! Let’s hope it is a success.
9 September (Part 1) - The Black Horse, Sidcup
hardly seems possible but Sidcup’s historic coaching inn hasn’t had a mention on
Bonkers since last year.
Other groups know its history better than I do but in
summary Bexley council said the facade should be preserved but the developers
tore it down claiming safety issues. The real reason depends on which theory you
subscribe to but a concrete smasher placed next to it couldn’t have helped, nor
would hanging scaffolding from it.
Bexley council has quite properly served enforcement orders and after a long
delay things are showing signs of movement. I got the impression from reading the
Sidcup Community Group newsletter that there was now something to see but as
the photograph shows, it was barely worth the visit. The horrible badly built
plastic imitation facade has gained some scaffolding poles and a bit of net.
Maybe in another year it will be worth another visit. By then there could well be a
mobile phone mast on its roof for such a plan is now lined up for council approval.
8 September (Part 2) - Flash, Bang, Wallop, what a picture!
From a
reader passing by Christ Church…
Those concrete 'globes' outside Christ Church in Bexleyheath Broadway always were an
accident waiting to happen. I was there yesterday afternoon at
about 3:15 watching the bride and groom leaving the church and go into the front
church gardens where they were having some photos taken.
The photographer set about his business and needed to get a little further back
so he did so and went headlong and backwards over one of the globe-stones and cut his face.
It was a nasty fall and maybe an expensive one with a fancy camera in hand.
The globe-stones have always been dangerous, especially for the partially sighted, because
they are so low down and out of eye-level vision. We are used to kerbs and other common
ground objects but stone globes are few and far between.
Note: Flash, Bang, Wallop, what a picture! Song from the 1967 Musical Film, Half a Sixpence.
8 September (Part 1) - More site news
You can’t please some people. Following the
introduction of the Information box
providing details of each banner photograph I was told that the photo would look
better if not cluttered up with slogans and carousels.
Well it took a lot of site restructuring but such a facility is now available
within the Information box. Open it and click the obvious place and the clutter will
disappear. It is deliberately made ‘fragile’. Except on ‘Configure pages’ the clutter return
after almost any page action.
When in use the page will temporarily adopt its default appearance
which means that permanently saved Mobile and other non-standard
modes will be lost, but only until the next page is loaded or the current one is refreshed,
once again the Configure pages are exceptions!
If the uncluttered appearance is chosen via the Info box from one of the Configure
pages, the uncluttered style is saved. This will override any permanently
saved Mobile or other non-default mode. To restore
the banner to normal, revisit a Configure page and choose another of the
available options.
The number of different banners available at any one time has been increased
from ten to 21.
7 September (Part 2) - Bourne Road in trouble again
can’t remember a time when Bexley and Bexleyheath have not been subject to constant
traffic disruption, it must be around three years since it was relatively clear. Before
the so called Broadway regeneration started, the western end of it was disrupted by
gas main replacement that went on, because of
various unexpected problems, for more than a year, and there have been water main problems too, and
Bellegrove Road
was in a big mess for ages. It’s never ending.
Perhaps that is why several readers have been complaining about the Bourne Road
bridge over the A2. There have been massive jams for about three weeks and there
are no advance warning signs to encourage alternative routes. However
it’s not something that should be blamed on Bexley council, this time it is Transport for London.
This is what it looked like in the heavy rain (below) at 1:30 today. Delays are far worse during the
evening rush, but even so the queue on the A2 slip road extended back out of sight.
7 September (Part 1) - Site news
Bexley council announced at the
Constitutional Review meeting
last Tuesday that it is now getting 1·5 million visits annually to its website which is
nearly five times as many as Bonkers and quite a lot of the latter would appear to live
outside the borough or maybe not know it very well. A few ask what or where the
banner images at the top of each page are. I thought I should find a simple way of answering the question.
At any one time ten different banner images may be in use across the site from a
choice of over 30, although some are so outdated that they are not likely to be seen again.
the past week a red Info icon has been overlaid on the banner image. It automatically
detects which banner image is being displayed and clicking on it - or somewhere nearby
- will create a pop up information window.
It requires an updated style sheet which each page should load rather than use
the old one but it may be cached which will cause a problem, but as the new system has
been in place for three days now and no one has complained, I assume it is
working OK. Several people have confirmed it is.
6 September (Part 2) - On yer bike Teresa
Bexley council issued a press release last Tuesday about their being shortlisted for a slice of Boris Johnson’s ‘Cycling Vision’. It, along with Ealing, Enfield, Kingston, Merton and Newham will be seeking a share of Boris’s £100 million. Possibly Richmond and Waltham Forest will get a look in too.
is no denying that Bexley council’s provision of cycle friendly routes
goes no further than a contract with a purveyor of green paint.
Their cycle lanes
variously head for nowhere, stop and start without obvious reason, direct
cyclists through 90º bends from pavement to road,
include halt signs randomly,
go down the
middle of the road or circumvent bus stops and litter bins; now they are
aiming to be more ambitious.
If Boris Johnson on LBC radio this week was not hallucinating, Bexley council
has been somewhat carried away with its blue sky thinking. Their plan involves
“power assisted bike lifts” up hills. According to Boris, there could be more
than one winner. At a cost of £100 million there will certainly be a lot of losers!
I wonder which hills are to be so blessed. Knee Hill sounds appropriate for a
leg powered vehicle. Gravel Hill sounds rather inhospitable for bikes. Maybe
giving all cyclists a little engine to strap on the front wheel would be cheaper
than bike lifts. Then they could add an extra couple of wheels to minimise
falling off. Something more comfortable than a hard saddle wouldn’t be a bad
idea. Maybe call it a Bexley carriage, Hackney has got one, why not us?
Bexley council -
Greater London Authority -
Evening Standard -
This is London -
LBC Radio
6 September (Part 1) - Filming and photography. What next?
not yet in the bag, before the go ahead is given Paul Moore’s people are going to have to draw up some
sort of protocol on recording meetings to take account of a number of points
raised by the Constitutional Review Panel. Councillor Reader who made it clear
he was against any form of public involvement in recording, wanted some
protection for speakers at his planning meetings. No one said anything about
speakers at full council meetings but I suppose the same will apply to that. Council
leader Teresa O’Neill said that any children present must be protected and
councillor Ball said that junior council officers must be protected from cameras too.
Then the protocol will have to go before the full council in November and based on
Tuesday’s comments, a lot of councillors are not going to like it. On the other hand,
Nicholas Dowling’s little protest
got Bexley council into all sorts of trouble. National news coverage and a letter from Eric Pickles.
Had the decision gone the other way last Tuesday several people from out of town were prepared
to repeat Nicholas’s stunt and when the meeting was adjourned and reconvened another rebel
would identify himself and bring those proceedings to a halt too. Fortunately
Teresa O’Neill has realised the game is up and as she rules the council and
Conservative councillors are not allowed independent thought, it’s a pretty safe
bet that recording will be approved.
And what happens after that?
Well nothing, I would guess. Except at planning and full council meetings it is
rare to see anyone there apart from the usual suspects whose names regularly appear here.
There is no obvious reason why that should change. Webcasting may even cause a decline.
I don’t think Nicholas even owns a camera and he is one of the elite, like me,
who manages to get through life without owning a mobile phone. His Dictaphone is
broken and he has little enough time for council meetings, let alone listening to
one all over again. You can rule Nick out.
Mick Barnbrook has a mobile phone and if someone tells him which button to press he can
take a photo with it; but he has yet to discover how to get the photo out of the device.
We can probably rule Mick out too.
Elwyn Bryant owns an elderly Canon DSLR but is not particularly interested in taking
photos of council meetings. What would he do with them? Teresa O’Neill framed
on the mantelpiece is surely a perverse minority interest and certainly not Elwyn’s.
So in practice scrutiny meetings are unlikely to be recorded in any shape or form.
Occasionally there is a good turn out for planning meetings and full council but
planning meeting’s are generally unexciting and sometimes well over three hours long
- you’d have to be mad to film them!
Full council meetings may be different, there is a bit of spectacle. The man
with the mace, the mayor and her robes; if you are lucky, Will Tuckley in his wig and
possibly Teresa in her tracksuit. My own plans are unchanged. When I was last
refused permission to take one photograph I had promised to be totally unobtrusive.
I cannot see that changing. It will be tempting to get a picture of Peter Reader for
wanting to ban photography totally but most likely you will see little more than
a new panorama of the assembled council as a banner at the top of this page.
The people I am in touch with are all determined to make Bexley council look as
silly as possible by largely ignoring the new rules. Bexley council has been dragged into
the news headlines and before the television cameras and proved themselves liars
and fools. No one with any sense is going to dilute that reputation by providing
Bexley’s disreputable council with any excuse for claiming they were in the
right all along.
This council has been soundly defeated by the Information Commissioner who forced a
climb down on the publishing of residents’ addresses
on the web and now they have been totally humiliated by Nicholas Dowling and Eric Pickles
over the question of recording. It should be left at that and not provided with
any excuse, such as over intrusive photography, behind which Bexley council can shelter.
Sorry if that disappoints you, I know that an adverse reaction to recording will be one less thing to castigate the crooked
council for, but it must remain the case that the unreasonable, the disruptive
and the criminally inclined sit on the council benches, not in the public gallery.
are definitely changing. If things carry on as they have this week, Bonkers will whither and die. I can’t really see the
council leader and her gang trooping into the police station again to lie about me threatening violence and arson. She’d
have to be even more stupid than I think she is to tread that path again. Neither do I expect to see a Bexley councillor
lying in a witness box again, that trick gave them unwanted national publicity too.
Fortunately for those who have grown attached to Bonkers, the
stream of lies to cover up incompetence and probable
corruption continues unabated. Retirement is probably further away than my
conversation with Tim MacFarlane (News Shopper) implies.
5 September (Part 2) - Bridleway 250. Still blocked
Bexley council is continuing to support
the illegal blocking of
Bridleway 250 with the connivance of Bexley police - but it wasn’t always so.
A letter sent by Bexley council to the culprit only a year ago and obtained under the
Freedom of Information Act makes it very clear that erecting a gate across the bridleway
is a criminal offence and it seeks a meeting to resolve the matter.
Click extract for complete (redacted) letter.
The letter, whilst the names are redacted, is quite obviously addressed to the owner of Mount Mascal Stables.
The council, in its usual incompetent way, has got in a total muddle over dates.
The gate erected in 1988 was removed but replaced by a bigger and better one
about three years ago. This fact seems to have passed Bexley council by, as have several others.
Whatever could have happened in the past year to persuade Bexley council officers that a criminal act is OK by them?
5 September (Part 1) - Tavy Bridge demolition in its final stages
December last year Bexley council approved the demolition of the ugly tower blocks in the Tavy Bridge area of Thamesmead
and replace them with, err, prettier tower blocks housing even more people in the same space.
Several councillors were not at all keen on the idea, Michael Slaughter, Val Clark and Sandra Bauer among them.
I took some photos before work began and now it is all rubble.
4 September (Part 2) - Photography is banned in Bexley
Not only
photography but parking is currently banned in Bexley’s Thanet Road car park. I
went there this evening before a meeting with the Bexley Action Group and
found that a gang of Irish travellers had taken over. They had set up three
caravans, it may have been four, I wasn’t allowed to stay and look.
They were not only forbidding parking but they didn’t want anyone invading their
new abode on foot either. Anyone carrying a camera was a paedophile and from six
inches away their leader bellowed that if I lingered a moment longer both my
camera and my face would be smashed. I took a couple of photos while beating a
hasty retreat, they are not too sharp as a result.
I think Bexley’s Enviro Crime Unit has a problem, but maybe they will happily condone
the invasion of a public space
like they did with Bridleway 250.
4 September (Part 1) - The Constitution reviewed
Well I suppose I got that wrong. A week ago Elwyn Bryant opined to me he
thought that the proposal to allow filming at Bexley council meetings would go
through, and I reminded him that it was Bexley council we were dealing with and
in the past it hasn’t mattered how tight a corner they are driven into they will
concoct some implausible story to excuse their secretive and occasionally
criminal ways and more often than not will simply lie.
There was an average turn out for the meeting, just me, three members of the
public and Tim MacFarlan from the News Shopper. You might be forgiven for
thinking the only people who cared about the issues to be discussed were
councillors, for never have I seen so many crowd the public benches.
Those I noted were Linda Bailey, Sybil Camsey, Alan Deadman, Geraldene
Lucia-Hennis, Howard Marriner, Don Massey, Sharon
Massey, Seán Newman, Philip Read, Melvin Seymour, Chris Taylor, John Wilkinson
and Simon Windle. Several had brought along their spouses or partners. On the
Panel were councillors Chris Ball, Colin Campbell, Peter Craske, Ross Downing,
Teresa O’Neill and Peter Reader. Three senior council officers were in attendance.
meeting was clearly rehearsed beforehand, at least in part, and the proof came early on.
Council leader Teresa O’Neill sat at the head of the meeting room table and
launched straight into Item 1 of the Agenda. Appointment of a Chairman. The
assembled sycophants obediently elected O’Neill as Chairman and in under a
minute she had rattled through the formalities until she got to Agenda Item 6,
the main business of the evening, ‘Photography, Recording and Filming of
Council, Executive and Committee Meetings’. The Chairman then read from a long
written speech which was basically an extended version of what she had put on
the Conservatives website earlier that day. Lucky it was Teresa who was elected or
we may have had an off the cuff rambling speech from someone less well versed in the black arts.
The leader’s speech covered the obvious points that more and more people were
using the website and expected to find everything council related there. She was
however concerned about webcasting in that it required investment and whether
people should be expected to pay for it when the facility might not be much used. All very reasonable.
After that Paul Moore the Director of Customer and Corporate Services had his
say. He said he had “wanted to progress recording for over a year as it goes
right to the core of democracy” which sounds more than a little hollow in the
light of events during that year. Referring to the new Civic Centre he suggested
that “the time might be right to test out different approaches”. His overall
tone seemed to be heavily in favour of both webcasting and what was being called
3rd party recording. Presumably he realises more than most just how damaging something like
the Cheryl
Bacon fiasco is to the council‘s reputation.
The Chairman made a brief comment about how meeting chairman would always be able to
“terminate it if it impedes a meeting” and then handed over to councillor
Colin Campbell. There was not much doubt on what he thought of the proposal, he was
wholly behind it. Campbell didn’t want to spend the money “£20,000 a year soon begins
to add up” he said but thought it should probably be done none the less.
Intriguingly he indicated that he new Council Chamber might not be big enough
and CCTV to an overflow room might be necessary, but if webcasting proved to be a
total waste of money it could be reviewed after six months. Sounds like sense.
Councillor Peter Reader said he could see some advantages for webcasting
planning meetings which he chairs but he saw no need at all for any form of 3rd
party recording. Councillor Ross Downing said he was right, there was no need
for 3rd party recording at any meeting.
Councillor Craske said no one he had ever met had asked for webcasting and joked
that “politics is show business for ugly people. It might be cheaper to courier
out DVDs to the few people who would be interested”, however webcasting had his
full support. “Personally I don’t have an issue with filming, that’s fine. Let’s
crack on and get on with it”.
Councillor Chris Ball said his experiences still showed that “no one knows what
we do; whatever we can do to show the complexity is money well spent. Most
people haven’t got a clue. Definitely do webcasting.” He thought protocols
should be drawn up about “cutting and pasting”.
Another of councillor Ball’s concerns was the need to protect junior officers
but “members are fair game, a video will make no difference to me. We absolutely
should agree photography etc. It is incumbent on us to make it successful.”
Councillor Campbell thought it might be best if webcasting was live only as that
avoided any issue of manipulative editing. Ross Downing said that third parties
must not edit but Peter Craske said all that need be done was to park a master
copy on the council’s website. Peter Reader came back to say he really would
prefer not to have third party filming. Then the councillors in the public
gallery were invited to have their say, not members of the public of course.
Both Don Massey and Sharon Massey made it clear they were against 3rd party
filming, Don in particular appearing to be somewhat paranoid about mischievous
editing but went along with the idea of a trial period. Sharon was keen to
preserve “a master copy, we need a record of what went on”. Funny she was never
bothered about that before. Are we about to see an end to
post-meeting lying?
Of the members of the panel, the chairman offered no opinion, but two out of
five were against 3rd party filming. Of the other councillors who spoke, 100%
were less than enthusiastic about it. It fell to councillors Campbell and Craske
to propose and second the proposal that webcasting and 3rd party filming should
be permitted and put before the full council for approval and that is what will
happen. No one is likely to upset Teresa’s plans but there are indications that
not everyone will be happy.
3 September (Part 2) - Victory for Nicholas
If it wasn’t for Nicholas Dowling and his old Dictaphone, Bexley council wouldn’t have been so forcibly pushed to the position it reached tonight - with all due credit to the assistance provided by Cheryl Bacon’s supreme idiocy of course. However tonight the stage was set for a move towards a reversal of the current position - you can film a meeting subject to the chairman’s permission while the chairman is under instruction never to allow it - to something close to the reverse. You can film a meeting unless the chairman finds a reason for disallowing it. In essence that is to be the new arrangement. The recommendation has to go before the full council on 6th November but in all probability that will be the position from there on. With a few caveats, it is true, and they will be reported in more detail tomorrow.
meeting was sensible and civilised and although more than a few councillors were
not at all keen on members of the public being let loose with cameras, credit
where it is due. Councillor Peter Craske was the clear leader in talking good
sense closely followed by councillor Colin Campbell who both backed the proposal
to the hilt, with councillor Chris Ball not far behind. Director Paul Moore made
a convincing case for webcasting and 3rd party filming.
Leader Teresa O’Neill may have looked as though she had swallowed a wasp but
didn’t actually say anything that could be seriously criticised. The same cannot
be said of every councillor present. Details later.
Peter Craske not only advocated photography, he posed for this picture when our
paths crossed in the street not long ago. I suspect it was more an act of insolence
and defiance than a friendly gesture but it was nevertheless an act which tended to
enhance my opinion of the old blogger. Though that may not be saying a lot!
Note: The term filming includes all forms of audio and visual recording, plus photography.
3 September (Part 1) - Will sense prevail or are they just casting around for a face saver?
As you may have guessed, I had to be away for much of today, not that there
is much to report with the council barely functioning. Maybe there will be
something interesting to say after this evening’s meeting.
Meanwhile you may wish to see what Bexley Conservatives are saying about possible changes to their current thoroughly dishonest policy on recording meetings
- you only have to ask, but you will definitely be refused.
Click here. That web page includes the paragraph “In addition [to webcasting], anyone wishing to film a
council meeting will be able to do so, as long as they do not disrupt the
meeting or attempt to film members of the public or children without their permission”. Sounds reasonable, but this is Bexley council, things may not be that simple.
Perhaps someone will Tweet the proposal that will go before the full council in two months time during the meeting, if not the decision will be reported here later this evening.
News Shopper report.
Bexley Times report.
2 September (Part 4) - Defy, fudge or obey. That is the question
Tomorrow evening sees the long awaited meeting of Bexley council’s Constitutional Review Panel, the panel which
at its last meeting in April 2011
decided it would be a good idea to break the Data Protection Act. This time its members are even
more disreputable than the last lot. The central question of the evening will be whether
they comply with government policy, come up with a useless fudge, or continue to
defy Eric Pickles, the Communities and Local Government Secretary, outright.
One of the things that no one in Bexley has asked for is webcasting but it is
seen as a way at paying lip service to democracy while actually doing nothing to
encourage ‘citizen journalism’ as Pickles sometimes calls activity via social media.
Experience elsewhere is that no more than two or three people per borough bother
to tune in to webcasts, meetings are nearly always a bore and even more so if the public
gallery is empty. And then there is the matter of cost, something up to £20,000
for maybe 80 hours. (Bexley council figures.) Around £500 per meeting for no good reason
other than a possible temporary face measure for those determined to hold on to as much control as possible.
As can be seen, the control freakery is top priority, as it always is for Bexley council.
While no one has expressed an interest in webcasting, a very few, well one resident anyway, appear to
advocate do-it-yourself filming. Personally I cannot see the attraction and as the
people who regularly attend committee meetings generally consist of me and members of the Bexley Action
Group I think it is reasonable to assume nothing will change whatever the council decides. There is an
interest in doing what is not allowed but there is no fun in doing what is permitted.
Nick Dowling took his audio recorder to
the shambles which was Cheryl Bacon’s meeting
simply to make a point. If he had seriously wanted a make a recording he would have ensured he borrowed a recorder that actually worked.
If the first decision is that webcasting makes unnecessary “recording from outside of the council” all these options become academic.
Next is the only item of interest to me, the taking of the occasional photograph. I
regard even that as a likely five minute wonder. Take a few pictures at half a
dozen meetings, realise they are all much the same. Don’t bother again. Taking
along my longest telephoto lens for a tight close up of the biggest villains
might sound attractive but I bet that common sense would soon prevail. Here’s Bexley’s alternative proposals…
One thing is for sure. If Bexley council fails once again to take heed of
government advice and fall in line with the norm for local authorities it will
be, to quote a comment overheard in the chamber, “another PR disaster” and
Bexley council will continue to hog the headlines, not to mention being held up
as a bad example by government ministers, for all the wrong reasons.
Surely a sensible council doesn’t spend £20,000 on something unlikely to prove
popular and instead lets residents do it for free - if they can be bothered. At
least until the next elections when the incoming council can take stock and
review the situation at another Constitutional Review Panel meeting.
The only problem I can think of with that is that I will be short of blog material. Oh
wait! Mrs. Lynn Tyler wouldn’t be able to write
a load of codswallop about what
happened at Cheryl Bacon’s Public Realm meeting if someone had a decent recording of it. Bexley council deprived of the
opportunity to lie? Hmmm. They aren’t going to like that are they?
2 September (Part 3) - Caring Charters
The reports of how Bexley council takes pride in
paying its care workers less than surrounding boroughs provoked quite a lot
of correspondence and maybe that is not surprising given that Bexley has one of
highest proportion of unpaid carers in London. Paying care workers less than
the minimum wage, taking the lack of paid travelling time or payment for expenses
into account, is unethical, illegal and calculated to drive down standards - but
it’s what Bexley does through its approved contractors. I recently learned that
charities providing the same service as a relief to the unpaid carers pay their
staff nearly twice as much as Bexley does.
Director of Social Care in Bexley is Mark Charters and he has
written an article about the work he does in the borough. Maybe those with
an interest in the subject would like to read it. Ignore the opening comment “We
must be more open with local residents”, it’s not all bad however the emphasis
remains on “cutting costs”.
Note: Unfortunately the article is no longer available.
2 September (Part 2) - An apology
The monthly blog changeover requires eight code alterations and for the
second consecutive month I overlooked the one on the main index page, or Site
intro as it is called on the Menu. That change used to be automated so that it
flipped over without intervention from me but the automation was too often
defeated by browser history caching; now that it requires monthly attention it
fails due to a surfeit of senior moments! Thanks for the reminders.
I’m not sure why people persist in entering the site that way,
www.bexley-is-bonkers.com should
be so much simpler but, oh dear, that can get snarled up in the history cache
problem too. Maybe there are just too many options. At least navigation via the menu should always work.
2 September (Part 1) - Neighbour from hell
There can be few things worse, within a domestic setting at least,
than constant noise from a neighbour. Long ago I lived in a flat from which I
could hear every intimate noise from the couple above and when I graduated to a
semi found myself at the opposite end of the argument. For me, Sunday was a day
for DIY and my neighbour believed it was an excuse to stay in bed until the
afternoon. Since then the likelihood of noise problems has been a significant
factor for me when choosing a place to live. The end of my cul-de-sac could hardly be
more peaceful without returning to my country roots. Others are not so lucky.
A couple of months ago an occasional correspondent said…
I’ve just had a very interesting conversation with the emergency duty officer
at the council. I’m currently suffering from a very serious noise disturbance. I
rang the council who put me in touch with 101 [police] who could not care less. I was
passed back to the emergency duty officer, having been told it is one hundred
per cent the council’s responsibility to deal with noise complaints. The poor
officer informed me that he was inundated with noise complaints at the weekend.
“There is a huge number of them, well, noise complaints naturally occur at the
weekends, don’t they?” the officer presumed.
“However, the council saw fit to cut environmental health cover at the weekends”, he said.
I gather nobody has listened to him on this, he was keen that I raise it with the powers that be.
must be hell for those affected, some people have no consideration and feel that
non-stop riotous parties are their right. Another
occasional correspondent who lives in Sunland Avenue, a little south of Broadway
and Crook Log, has the same problem and been in frequent contact with the
Environmental Health people since the end of last year at least. He was asked to
log the noise nuisance but Environmental Health then appeared to lose interest.
(A possible reason will become apparent later.)
As the weather heated up so did the noise nuisance and the police became involved
but this neighbour from hell was no respecter of other people’s rights, he
retaliated by building a wall to block out the affected neighbour as far as possible.
Unfortunately that neighbour was not at all pleased to see the wall was built right up
against his detached house - on his land! This was a step too far for
my correspondent and on 18th April he hand delivered a letter of complaint. It was
ignored, so my correspondent sought the assistance of a solicitor.
The solicitor wrote on 31st May and his letter was ignored too. He wrote again on
2nd July with the same result and with patience fast running out wrote another
letter on 9th August, recorded delivery of course, and that too fell on stony ground.
The next stage is the engagement of a builder to remove the offending wall. A
fourth solicitor’s letter has been sent to confirm exactly what is proposed…
…and as you can see it is a model of reasonableness and politeness. However it firmly reiterates
the fact that the trespass must be reversed.
Some neighbours evidently think they can do whatever they like, just like some Bexley councillors
do. But that is no coincidence. This neighbour is a Bexley councillor! Not one you know much
about, he has been barely mentioned on Bonkers but is one of the eleven who believes he is
under threat from Bexley residents. He hides his address under the
provisions of Section 32 of the Localism Act.
I’m tempted to use Olly Cromwell’s epithet from when he pictured an unidentified
councillor’s house and ask “What sort of…”. Oh, perhaps not. Incidentally, Olly moved
back to the borough over the weekend after a two year absence. Maybe we will see
him in the council chamber again.
1 September - Felixstowe Road. Crossrail taking over
had expected to see rather more heavy machinery parked in the Felixstowe Road
car park by now but there are still two weeks to go before work is due to commence
on the temporary station leading to the demolition of the 28 year old one.
It’s going to be a very big job, sooner or later the existing tracks will
have to be realigned to allow for two island platforms and you can’t put a kink
in a railway track so there will presumably have to be a very gradual migration
of the tracks towards the south extending half way to Belvedere and the
same towards Plumstead.
How that can be done without extended suspension of the service I have no idea,
but then I am not a railway engineer. But my grandfather was - for the Southern Mahratta,
Bengal Nagpur and Rajputana-Malwa railway companies circa 1890.
The Lesnes Abbey Labour Party has been sending out a questionnaire to nearby residents. It asks…
• Are you in favour of Crossrail coming to Abbey Wood? (Yes)
• Has Bexley asked you about their proposed car parking changes? (No)
• Do you support the extension of the current CPZ? (Not sure. Let’s wait to
see what happens. Then if necessary residents must be very clearly told about the
charges which Bexley council currently levies at an illegally high rate.)
answers in parenthesis. Yours may be sent to yourviews at lesnesabbey.org.uk
if you feel strongly about the issue. Remove spaces and insert @ obviously.
A pity that “The listening council” has done nothing but
slap a £3.80 a day charge
on what used to be residents’ parking bays.
If you have read this far you may have an interest in this forgotten outpost of
the borough of Bexley, in which case the imminent loss of the Post Office
building might concern you. Greenwich council is due to
consider plans for flats on the site and comments must be in by next Tuesday. They will only be interested in the
flats, not the closure of the Post Office.
The Public Toilets are going too. Where will the graffiti artists go now?
Bexley council is still happily accepting a ‘bomb site’ on the opposite corner having rejected plans
for flats there. They prefer the rats.